On March 11, 2011, an earthquake of magnitude 9.0 to 9.1 occurred in the Pacific ocean off the East coast of Japan. This earthquake was the strongest in the history of the country and caused a huge tsunami. As a result, more than 20 thousand people were killed and missing. At present, almost the entire Pacific ocean is more or less contaminated with radioactive mud.

The investigation of the causes of the disaster in Japan involved 6 different commissions: TEPCO (Tokyo electric power company), the Commission of the Cabinet of Ministers, the Commission of Parliament (NAIIC), the Japanese research and investment Fund (RTIF), the Nuclear society of Japan (AESJ), the Commission of independent experts Professor Omae. Their conclusions are incomplete and often contradict each other. The main cause of the disaster is considered an earthquake and tsunami. In 2011, the IAEA hosted a Fact Finding Expert Mission. The findings of the mission were also very General.

According to the official version, the tsunami caused by the tremors disabled the diesel generators of the Fukushima-1 nuclear power plant, located almost on the ocean shore. This led to the shutdown of reactor cooling systems and the subsequent melting of nuclear fuel in the active zones of three of the six reactors with significant radiation leakage. This fact has long been hidden. Only a year later, the President of the Tokyo electric power company (TERCO) admitted to withholding information that as a result of the tsunami that flooded the Fukushima-1 nuclear power plant in March 2011, the active zone of nuclear reactors melted.

Initially, the accident was assigned the 5th level on the international scale of nuclear events INES (“accident with risk to the environment”), but on April 12, 2011 it was upgraded to the highest – 7th (“major accident”, previously assigned only to the 1986 Chernobyl disaster).

According to some estimates, TEPCO, the total emissions of radioactive substances in March 2011 amounted to 900 thousand terabecquerels (1/6 of the Chernobyl figure), most of them had a half-life. Emissions of cesium-137 (half-life about 30 years) made up 40 thousand terabecquerels (1/5 Chernobyl figure).

At present, works on liquidation of consequences of the accident continue on the territory of the station. Japanese nuclear engineers estimate that bringing the facility to a stable, safe condition may take up to 40 years. The nuclear power plant periodically leaks radioactive liquid that flows into the ocean. This is very dangerous for the environment, and the power plant workers are fighting it with the help of 1.5 meter ice wall, which is designed to freeze the earth around all reactor buildings.

Radioactive substances were found in seawater near the power plant. For the first time water samples were taken in the afternoon of March 21 at a distance of 100 meters from the emergency nuclear power plant.

In the sea water were heavy isotopes of cesium and iodine with a small half-life

If the reactors did not explode, but simply depressurized with the release of steam, then the light isotopes of cobalt, which in the decay products are many and long-lived isotopes of strontium, and short-lived cesium and iodine formed after nuclear explosions, live for a relatively short time. This suggests that a powerful underwater nuclear explosion was carried out in the sea. This can be easily seen by taking water samples about 100 km from the shore, and then integrated throughout the water area. The Fukushima accident could not provide such a level of radiation in ocean water. It allowed only to somehow explain the appearance of radionuclides off the coast of Japan. With a high probability of the tsunami was of artificial origin. It is very characteristic that American scientists strongly recommended to fill the reactors with sea water to increase the level of radiation around the station, otherwise it would be difficult to explain the appearance of radionuclides off the coast of Japan in such concentrations. Therefore, Fukushima reactors were filled with water, not boric acid or cadmium powder.

However, full coordination in the dissemination of information was not achieved, as at the same time the media published a map of the distribution of radioactive iodine off the coast of Japan. The maximum concentration was recorded in the zone of maximum amplitude of shocks in the epicenter of tsunami formation, i.e. 100-200 km from the coast. It is contrary to the directions of the currents in the area. Explain how these radionuclides in such quantities were at this point, if the reactors are not depressurized and did not explode, it is absolutely impossible.


That is, instead of filling the reactors with cadmium or filling the reactors with boric acid, the “liquidators” for a long time tried to extinguish the nuclear reaction with water, with the obvious goal of increasing radionuclide emissions into the atmosphere. Within ten days of these procedures, the water in the reactor would have evaporated long ago, and the high thermal conductivity of the melt upon contact with the reactor vessel would reduce the temperature below the melting temperature. The top would form a crust of alloy of zirconium and cadmium, which would reduce the emissions of radionuclides to the atmosphere. Cooling the reactor vessel from the outside would not lead to an increase in radiation. Reactors could not be saved, but they just had to be transferred to a safe state, in a mode in which there is no concentration of uranium due to its melting and flowing down to the bottom of the body.

During the accident, little was said about radioactive iodine-131. Its source could not be the reactor, because this isotope has a half-life of only two weeks. This isotope could only have been the result of a recent explosion. The reactors were shut down almost immediately and did not develop this isotope. In spent fuel, this isotope has long since disintegrated. In addition, there were no large leaks from the reactors. But, nevertheless, in Tokyo the level of radiation was less than in Kiev. And everywhere recorded iodine-131. Therefore, the source of iodine could be only recently resulted (no more than 2-3 weeks) intense nuclear reactions. Japanese iodine has been registered in the States and throughout Europe. That’s how an underwater nuclear explosion was supposed to manifest itself.
The version of a nuclear explosion at sea in the Fukushima area is confirmed by the analysis of seismograms

The first figure shows typical nuclear test and earthquake seismograms

In a nuclear test in a zone where the seismic activity is small, there is one powerful push and weak subsequent, rapidly damped oscillations. As it was, for example, during the test of a nuclear device in India in may 1998. In a typical earthquake, relatively weak tremors are first observed, gradually increasing and reaching maximum amplitude only after some time.


In a nuclear explosion in a seismically active zone, these two processes overlap. The first powerful jolt from a nuclear explosion followed by continuous oscillations of the earth’s surface. In the case of the Fukushima earthquake, it is significant that the magnitude of the earthquake was 9, which corresponded exactly to the explosion capacity of 100-200 MT TNT.


Immediately after the earthquake, Chinese information resources reported that the earthquake in Japan was caused by an unsuccessful secret underground nuclear test conducted by the Japanese, and the accident at the Fukushima-1 nuclear power plant was staged to hide the true causes of the spread of radiation caused by a nuclear explosion at a remote site deep under the ocean floor.

In Russia “nuclear incident” was recorded too

“March 31, at the Institute of nuclear physics of Novosibirsk Akademgorodok for the first time in many years sounded the alarm. Service radiation safety Institute (division of radiation research and radiation safety – Originb) recorded an increase of background radiation on the territory of the Institute. The natural background was exceeded 3.7 times. This was not a danger to humans, but it could indicate some kind of radiation leak from the Institute’s facilities. Work on the accelerator VEPP 2000, VEPP-3 and VEPP-4 was suspended. On-duty personnel from the control rooms of these installations were evacuated. After that, work was carried out to find the source of radiation. What was the surprise of the employees of the service, when it turned out that the source of increasing the background radiation is outside the walls of the Institute! And, as explained by the senior researcher of the Institute, candidate of physical and mathematical Sciences, Viktor Nikolayevich zhilich, radiation emissions as a result of the accelerators are impossible in principle:

“During operation, the radiation background is determined by synchrotron radiation (due to the curvilinear motion of the beam in magnets), bremsstrahlung radiation (showers in the substance from beam losses) and the radiation of resonators. In this case, the radiation occurs only when the accelerator is running. After switching off the residual radiation is not left, except for the place where the conversion of electrons into positrons. Such places are additionally limited to, the time of decay of induced radioactivity 10-15 minutes.”


It turned out that the source of radiation is the atmosphere itself – it revealed minor traces of the radioactive isotope cesium-137, which had not previously been recorded. More precisely not recorded since the late 60-ies, when the USSR conducted underground tests of nuclear weapons at the site in Semipalatinsk.

These suspicions were dispelled only after the analysis of data from satellites, which were done in cooperation with the Rhine Institute of environmental problems, University of Cologne. And they gave an even more amazing result – the source of radiation was Japan, the disaster at the Fukushima-1 nuclear power plant. Radioactive clouds with cesium-137, however, did not come from the East, but from the West, making almost a complete revolution around the Earth, passing over the Pacific ocean, the US and Canada, the Atlantic ocean, Europe and the Urals. Of course, the increase in radiation was recorded, and the fact that the us coast was in the area of radioactive emissions of Fukushima was reported in the media. There were also reports from the French Institute for radiation protection and nuclear safety that a Nuclear cloud from Japan had reached Western Europe. However, no one expected that passing over the Atlantic traces of these emissions will reach Siberia.

More detailed analysis of satellite data gave another unexpected result

The source of radiation is not at the Fukushima-1 station, it was located tens of kilometers East of the coast of Japan, in the Pacific ocean. Moreover, it coincided with the epicenter of the most devastating earthquake in recent years, which caused the tsunami, which resulted in numerous casualties and destruction in Japan. About the tsunami should be said separately. With this phenomenon, too, is not all right. Judging by the spread of waves, the source of the tsunami in this case was a point. But this is very rare in underwater earthquakes. As a rule, in an earthquake, a sufficiently large surface of the earth serves as a wave generator, as a result of which the tsunami wave has a very wide front. As a result of this earthquake, the wave front was quite narrow, which indicated its local, almost point source near the coast of Japan.”

Another ” mystery “concerns the funnel formed in the ocean after this”earthquake”. Photos of a huge whirlpool that can carry even powerful ships into the abyss, got to all the news agencies of the world. Why it was formed no precise answer and could not. According to Chinese analysts, most likely, the funnel could have arisen due to the subsidence of the bottom after an underground nuclear explosion.

And another interesting fact, pointed out by the Chinese, concerns the us Navy aircraft carrier Ronald Reagan, which was going to a joint naval exercise with South Korea, which, being in the ocean, 100 kilometers East of the radiation-emitting nuclear power plant, “received a monthly dose of radiation. “While on land people were evacuated within a radius of only 20 kilometers from the nuclear power plant. Everything falls into place, assuming that the focus of the main nuclear radiation was actually much to the East of “Fukushima-1″, far out to sea, according to Chinese sources.”

Thus, almost the entire world community understood that the greatest nuclear disaster in the history of mankind occurred as a result of the planned actions of the leaders of the United States and Japan.

However, the real reasons for this action are still different

Back in 2008, the Swiss physicist Michael Dittmar (Michael Dittmar) conducted a study and found that in the next few years the world’s nuclear power will face a shortage of uranium. The Dittmar predicted shortages by 2013 in such countries-importers of radioactive fuel, like Japan (63 reactor NPP). The us (102 reactors at nuclear power plants) also belong to the importing countries of nuclear fuel. The United States did not have an industry for uranium enrichment. In this regard, they are completely dependent on supplies from Russia.

Each year, approximately 435 reactors with a total capacity of more than 370 GW consume 65,500 tons of uranium worldwide. World production in 2009 amounted to approximately 50.772 tons, which is approximately 78% of consumption.

The market was balanced from secondary sources. Secondary sources include fuel refineries, as well as military arsenals, which are being reduced in the disarmament process. For example, Russia sold the us recycled “stuffing” nuclear warheads missiles. The transfer of Russian uranium to the United States took place in accordance with the agreement of Gor – Chernomyrdin under the HEU-LEU (highly enriched uranium to low enriched) program. At the expense of this program in the United States worked about half of all nuclear reactors. By the time the HEU-LEU programme was terminated (2012-2013), approximately 50 reactors in the United States had to be stopped, mainly in the Eastern part of the United States. Their share in power generation in the Eastern States reaches 40%. Of course, this could lead to a world-class disaster. More than 50 reactors in addition to the US are France and Japan. In France, the share of nuclear power generation reaches 77%. So there is a stop just 50 reactors would eliminate that country. Power generation in Japan is characterized by the fact that there each nuclear reactor is reserved by a thermal unit in case of failure of the reactor. Therefore, the shutdown of the nuclear power plant in Japan leads only to additional costs for fossil fuels, but not to a national disaster.

Therefore, it is obvious that Japan was chosen

The financial situation in Japan has deteriorated sharply since these events. It was allowed to include several nuclear units. There is a question of increasing nuclear generation in Japan. In this regard, the HEU-LEU program was continued until 2017. After that, there will again be a sharp shortage of nuclear fuel.

Doctor of technical Sciences, Professor
Igor Ostretsov

Alexander Ivanov

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