The name of Alex Jones is little known in the post-Soviet space, but in his homeland, in the United States, this person is largely a cult. However, the radio host, the author of the show and the Creator of the site InfoWars causes polar emotions among compatriots. For some, he is an independent journalist who fearlessly investigates the crimes of the “deep state”. But for others (more precisely, for most, which includes not only leftists and globalists, but also many right-wing) Jones is something of an urban madman. The mad conspiracy theorist who doesn’t believe that Americans were on the moon, but believes in the Jewish mafia and that act of terrorism on September 11 was organized by the government.
Jones began his career on native Texas cable TV, but soon moved to radio-it was, and remains the most independent type of media in America. He told his listeners exactly what they wanted to hear: the economic crisis is designed artificially to deprive and enslave ordinary Americans, all the terrorist attacks are organized by the government to provoke mass hysteria and justify external wars, there was never any landing on the moon, because everything was filmed in the Stanley Kubrick pavilion.
And the Democrats are planning a civil war, but before it starts going to take away firearms from all good Americans.
All this is served in the classic American style of a wandering preacher. Jones ‘ critics invariably compare his show to the fair speeches of the King and the Duke’s incorrigible rogues from “the adventures of Huckleberry Finn”. But under the veil of this simple form, Jones successfully won the audience – although she is slowly but surely growing. The radio host expanded his team, launched the popular Internet portals InfoWars, NewsWars and PrisonPlanet and early realized the possibilities of social networks, sharing their content on almost all major platforms. So he managed to get millions of fans around the world.
Leading media, forming the main media coverage of the United States, for a long time did not pay attention to him: Jones was in their eyes a clown, and any topic raised by him, automatically received the stigma of “conspiracy theory”. Right-wing media also did not contact Jones, not wanting to compromise themselves, and the left in their own way loved, believing that he successfully compromises conservative ideas. Becoming a libertarian in the US meant subscribing to Jones’s conspiracy “nonsense.”
But in the last two years, Jones has become a real political force. Back in 2015, he invited Donald trump to his broadcast, and since then he has become a welcome speaker at all trump rallies. He was invited to television as an expert, he found new fans among the Alt-right youth, and the popularity of his projects on the Internet grew by leaps and bounds. Along with the popularity came advertising-only one channel on YouTube brought Jones more than half a million dollars a month.
We must understand that Jones owes his success not so much to his own investigations as to the General crisis of journalism in the United States. During the 2016 election campaign, it became clear that the leading media no longer have the right to even claim objectivity. Anti-trump hysteria led to the fact that Americans, who for centuries believed in the integrity of their press, frankly disappointed in this myth, as evidenced by all without exception, opinion polls. On the almost completely scorched media field, Alex Jones began to be perceived as a full-fledged player.
Despite his shocking style, he really knows how to ask questions that interest everyone. Jones boasts neither the depth of his investigations nor serious sources, however he dares to speak on topics that the liberal media have made absolute taboos.
Readers Jones sincerely wonder whether Hillary Clinton to the mysterious murder of Seth Richa – employee headquarters of the Democrats who leaked compromising their correspondence to WikiLeaks. His audience is hotly arguing about the “pizza” – rumors that the top of the democratic party organizes orgies with minors. It was Jones who first began to discuss the concept of” deep state “– the structure that governs America from behind the scenes of a political show called”the struggle of Democrats with Republicans.”
Today, his listeners and readers are talking about the possibility of a coup in the United States, which will begin with the removal of President trump from power. Jones’s resources are one of the few places on the Web where they can, in principle, discuss the topic.
A few months ago, liberal media owners realized that Jones had become a real threat to their information monopoly. Leading Newspapers-from the New York Times to the Washington Post-unleashed a full-fledged persecution of the controversial conspiracy theorist, although previously avoided any mention of it. CNN reporters and democratic Congressman Ted Deutsch called on Facebook and YouTube to ban the posting of “fake news” from Jones (the parliamentarian issued this in an official requirement to close the page of the radio presenter on Facebook). Soon similar requests began to fall asleep and other Internet platforms.
The management of IT giants tried to distance themselves from the problem for some time. But on the night of August 6, almost all of Jones’s content was removed from leading social networks.
Not only the scale of censorship is striking, but also the consistency of the actions of IT-corporations. First, the podcasts of the conspiracy theorist removed Spotify and Stitcher, then its transmission disappeared from Apple, and just a few hours after that page Jones “sawed” from Facebook (all he had there were four accounts, one – with 1.7 million subscribers). The same fate befell The YouTube channel with 2.4 million subscribers and billions of views. And at the end of the weekend Jones was kicked out of Pinterest.
By Monday morning, Alex Jones and his team were left with virtually no means of livelihood. All he has at the moment are his websites, an Android app created by his team and a Twitter account.
Journalists of the New York Times regret only that administrators of social networks at the same time did not clean out “hundreds of other conspiracy theorists on a smaller scale” and did not close accounts of all who like and repost them.
However, even representatives of the democratic party in Congress and many left-wing journalists reacted to the expulsion of Jones with anxiety.
For the first time, the owners of social networks are subjected to a coordinated boycott of a famous author who did not violate their rules. It is obvious that at any time they can arrange a “big cleaning”, which will suffer and the right and left, and in General anyone. “Don’t make me protect Alex Jones!”that’s the sound of a popular meme launched by left-wing blogger Jack Marshall.
For Jones himself, this boycott means that he was completely right: the collusion of the largest corporations does exist, and the IT industry is tightly fused with banks and their media. All together, they organized an attack on Jones and his resources, which in the mainstream propaganda of the United States is identified with Trump. It turns out that the leading business Empire really United against the President and are going to remove him from office-about the same as they “removed” from the information space of his faithful colleague Jones. And no conspiracy is no longer required, because everything is done as openly as possible.
In his programs, Jones continues to appeal to the voice of ordinary Americans and appeal to the first amendment to the Constitution, which guarantees freedom of speech. But there are doubts that the Americans understand it. Two days ago, a survey was held in the country: people were asked what the essence of the First amendment was. Forty per cent of the respondents said they did not know what they were talking about.
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