This year marks the 70th anniversary of the people’s Republic of China. Since the formation of the state and to this day, the Chinese people are steadily moving forward, China has undergone tremendous changes, and the Chinese miracle attracts the attention of the whole world. Over 70 years of searching, the Chinese people have embarked on a path of development that corresponds to the realities of the country. So, what is China’s path and what is China’s development experience? I am sure that the key to the solution lies in the eight fundamental principles.

1. Inviolability of socialism with Chinese specifics

During its new history, China has experienced internal turmoil and external aggression, times of weakness of the state and poverty of the people.

In order to find a way to strengthen the country and raise the living standards of the people, several generations of Chinese have tried all kinds of development models.

Capitalism failed; reformism, liberalism, social Darwinism, anarchism, practicalism, and populism followed one another. But all of them have not solved the issues of prospects and fate of China. The inevitability of history and the choice of the people eventually led to the fact that socialism with Chinese characteristics took root in China.

Socialism with Chinese characteristics is neither the socialism of the early nineteenth century or the Soviet socialism of the XX century. It is the result of the unification of the basic principles of Marxism with the realities of China and the peculiarities of modernity. Socialism with Chinese characteristics combines its own search experience of other countries, the system of public ownership with a variety of non-state forms of property, market economy with state regulation, the principle of “economic construction at centre” with the concept of “human Foundation,” the prospects and destiny of China with the prospects and destiny of all countries of the world. It was the path of socialism with Chinese specifics that transformed China from a poor and backward country into the current second economy of the world.

The Chinese say: “Shoes comfortable or not, knows only itself foot.” We hope that each state will be able — in accordance with the real situation in the country — to find the most acceptable way of development for itself, and not blindly copy the development models of other countries.

2. Inviolability of the unified leadership of the Communist party of China

2019 marks the 98th anniversary of the CPC, as well as the 70th anniversary of its governance as the ruling party. It is no accident that the CPC, as the world’s largest political party (it has more than 90 million members), was able to stand firm and gain the broad support of the Chinese people.

The Communist party of China is a party that nurtures talent professionally. The ancient Greek philosopher Plato believed that the “ideal state” – a state that is through continuous cultivation, selection and training of the ruling class and can implement management. The Chinese in ancient times continuously tried to find the key to the management of the state-the examination system of selection of officials keju conducted for many centuries. Regardless of their background, anyone could be selected and enter the management service by passing an exam. The CPC focuses on the admission of ordinary people to the party, with the aim of cultivating talents for governing the state. And this, in turn, allowed the CPC to continue its dynamic development a hundred years later.


The Communist party of China is a party that masterfully develops and implements strategic objectives. We are able to adopt a long-term strategy and effectively implement it. In the 70 years since the formation of the New China, the CPC has painstakingly developed and confidently implemented thirteen five-year plans. Scientific planning and resolute implementation, as well as the advantages that the principle of concentration of forces for the implementation of great deeds gives, ensured the long-term and stable growth of the Chinese economy, helped to implement such large-scale projects as manned space exploration, deep-sea measurements, high-speed railway, etc.

The Communist party of China is a party that boldly conducts self-purification. From the very first day of its existence, the party has made every effort to create and improve the mechanism for monitoring the activities of its members and their powers. In particular, over the past six years, after the 18th party Congress, we, showing absolute tolerance for the facts of decomposition in the party, are fighting hard against corruption. And this struggle was crowned with such brilliant results that such can rarely be found in the world.

3. Inviolability of the concept of governance, where the Central place is given to the people

Several generations of Chinese leaders have consistently adhered to the principle of “standing with the people and achieving benefits for the people.”

At the very beginning of the formation of a New China on the outer wall of the gate Zhongnanhai (seat of the government of China) Mao Zedong personally wrote: “to Serve the people.” Deng Xiaoping said, ” I am the son of the Chinese people.” And XI Jinping stresses: “to Give the people a good life is the starting point and the ultimate goal of all our work.”

One of the main embodiments of the principle of “the people — above all” is to address the issue of poverty. In 1949, the poor population in China reached 40% of the world. The new China is constantly at war with poverty. The two hundred-year goals we put forward are as follows: the first is to build a middle — class society (xiaokan) by the centenary of the party’s founding, the second is to carry out modernization by the centenary of the PRC’s formation in 2049.

In more than 40 years of reform and openness, we have established a plan to eradicate poverty with even higher standards than those of the United Nations. It is estimated that 740 million people were lifted out of poverty, making China the first developing country in the world to achieve the UN Millennium development goal and whose contribution to reducing poverty at the global level exceeded 70%.

Next year, China will achieve the goal of building a xiaokan society — for the first time in thousands of years of history, extreme poverty among the population will be eliminated.

4. Inviolability of the policy of stability and cohesion

More than 2000 years ago, the ancient Chinese philosopher Lao Tzu said: “Running a country is like cooking small fish. Importantly less hinder.” The meaning of this statement is that the way of government is the stability and consistency of the course.

The history of China knows four big splits and twelve large-scale changes of feudal dynasties. And many-significant and not very-military troubles and not to count. Each time, major upheavals and major splits have led to economic downturns, driving people to extremes.

However, the history of China is marked by many eras of prosperity, when the state lived quietly and peacefully, and the people enjoyed prosperity and abundance. During the existence of the New China, except for certain periods, in General, we have maintained a situation of stability and cohesion — it is consistent social stability, peaceful and calm life of ordinary people, making the most of the “dividends”received as a result of development.

So in China, so in the world. After years of military disasters, Europe learned from the past and created the European Union, bringing peace and prosperity to millions of Europeans, which has been going on for almost 70 years. East Asia has also long maintained peace and stability, thus creating the economic miracle of East Asia. And the political situation in the middle East, which has always been rich and prosperous, has shaken considerably in recent years — again and again there is chaos caused by the war, which leads to the decline of the economy and to the deterioration of the welfare of the peoples of many countries in the region.

5. Inviolability of the political strategy of reforms and openness

If we look back at China’s centuries-old history, we will see that only with openness and inclusiveness can progress be made, and that closure and isolation inevitably lead only to regression.

During the Han and Tang dynasties, China’s state policy was radically changed, contacts with other countries became more frequent, and the economy occupied a leading position in the world. During the Ming and Qing dynasties, China pursued a policy of self-isolation, blindly shutting itself off from the outside world, as a result of which the state power was sharply shaken.

After the formation of The new China, we are in a continuous search for ways to build socialism. In 1978, we made a historically significant strategic decision to pursue a policy of reform and openness. We implemented reforms and policies of external openness, which created an unprecedented economic miracle in China. Over 40 years, China’s GDP rose from $ 216.8 billion in 1978 to 13.6 trillion. in 2018, and its share of global GDP rose from 1.8% to 16%. Thus, GDP per capita increased from 155 dollars to almost 10 thousand us dollars.

China’s policy of reform and openness has not only strengthened us, but has also benefited all countries of the world. In recent years, the average contribution of China to the world economy was 30%, exceeding the overall performance of the United States, the Eurozone and Japan combined. And this has allowed China to become the most important driver of global economic growth. China’s total imports and exports rose from an initial $ 20.6 billion to more than $ 4 trillion. dollars’.

In the end, we attracted foreign direct investment in the amount of 2 trillion. they invested 1.9 trillion dollars abroad. USD. China will continue to deepen reforms and expand the horizons of openness, remaining a “world factory” and becoming a “world market”. The fact that China will become the world’s largest consumer market is a matter of the near future. We will continue to reduce taxes, open our own market more widely, import more competitive agro-and finished products, as well as high-quality services, contributing to the balanced development of trade.

6. Inviolability of the principle of independent and independent foreign policy

China once drank the bitter Cup of humiliation when it was forced by the major powers to sign one unequal Treaty after another. It is for this reason that after the formation of the new China, we appreciate the peace, which is given so hard, we appreciate the sovereignty and independence of the country even more.

China’s independent and self-reliant foreign policy is mainly expressed in three aspects. The first is independence from any major state or Union of States, refusal to be anyone’s vassal. The second is non-interference in the internal politics of other countries. China has never considered itself as a God-chosen people, on the contrary, it has always been an equal citizen of the world community. Third, China seeks to establish and develop friendly relations with all countries, despite their ideology and political system.

7. Inviolability of the basic principles of peaceful development

Peace is the dream to which humanity has long aspired. The ancient Greeks said that ” peace is the interval between wars.” Confucianism in China adheres to the concept of ” peace and harmony — the highest value.” 2000 years ago the ancient silk road brought silk, porcelain and tea to different countries. After the formation of the new China, whether it is the initiation of the five principles of peaceful coexistence or the implementation of a policy under the slogan “Peace, development, cooperation and common benefit” — the main thing is peace.

China has always actively sought world peace. In 70 years, China has never occupied any state, never colonized any territory. The so — called “Chinese threat” is pure fiction and false judgments. After the end of the Second world war, individual countries from year to year warmed the hope of unleashing war, everywhere waving a baton. But can these countries — along with the alleged spread of the “Chinese threat” — as well as China, openly speak out and say that no matter how the international situation changes and how its own state power develops, the country will not claim hegemony, will not pursue a policy of expansion and will not seek to seize this or that sphere of influence?

China has always been a strong advocate of world peace. Since 1990, taking part in UN peacekeeping operations, China has sent almost 40,000 people to participate in peacekeeping missions, becoming the state that provides the largest number of peacekeepers among the Permanent members of the UN Security Council.

China is doing its utmost to promote world peace. China will continue to take an active part in resolving acute regional issues, inclining all parties to resolve issues through dialogue rather than military intervention.

8. Inviolability of the concept of cooperation based on mutual benefit and mutual benefit

“One flower does not make spring.” In today’s world, the peoples of all countries live in one “global village”, becoming increasingly inseparable. China breathes in unison with the world, sharing the same fate. China wishes to join the international community in building a community of common destiny for humanity and to make an even greater contribution to world peace and human progress. We launched the belt and road initiative with the hope of uniting with all countries of the world to share the dividends of development.


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