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Corruption is fought actively, loudly and at all levels: it is eradicated, reprimanded for it, punished, punished, in some places it is executed, it is always and everywhere talked about as the main scourge of modern society. Corruption almost frightens children in kindergartens and crows in gardens. The so-called developing countries, which the USA teaches democracy and financial transparency, are especially blamed for corruption.

Russia is indeed the main target of the unceasing campaign of the international fight against corruption. It is constantly called to liberalize the economy, which supposedly automatically leads to a reduction in corruption, it is humiliated by low places in the ratings of financial transparency and high places in the ratings of the most corrupt countries. Russia constantly points to the abundance of thieves and thieves in power, but, characteristically, as soon as they start a case, they run away to London or the Cote d’Azur. For the West, corruption, along with the infringement of freedom of speech, are the main scumbags in the information blackening of Russia. Russia itself willingly plays the role of a victim and actively supports the opinion of itself as a source of corruption. Many Russian experts come to the conclusion that corruption (merit) is in the blood of the Russian people and is an inalienable and ingrained feature of Russia. The West readily applauds such a conclusion.

Meanwhile, corruption is an integral part of the Western model imposed on the entire planet and its neo-colonial mechanism that drains resources from the planet.

The dollar system itself, created on the principle of a financial pyramid and global deception, is nothing but the highest level of corruption, that is, the illegal appropriation of public values ​​and resources into private ownership.


When the dollar is printed by the Federal Reserve System, created and controlled by private capital, and this narrow circle of persons not elected by anyone uses the emission of the state monetary unit and, at the same time, the dominant world currency in their own private interests, this is nothing but theft. But extra-class and top-level theft, as a result of which almost all countries of the world and even the USA’s own population (albeit to a lesser extent) become victims. At the same time, everything looks extremely democratic and voluntary. As Vladimir Putin put it, “the USA produces the main product — dollars,” which, in turn, are not backed by anything except NATO military bases and the subordination of the countries of the world to the Bretton Woods currency system, which replaced gold as the guarantor of world finances with greenbacks. The President did not say this directly, but in his words there was a more than transparent hint at the global financial pyramid of the USA, which is the main source of corruption in the world.

How does it happen?

Imposing on all countries and their management elites a mechanism according to which they must carry out currency operations in dollars, as well as invest their profits from natural and other resources in debt securities of the USA and Western countries. As a result, the so-called developing and third world countries give away their own resources for nothing and doom themselves to eternal lag behind the West and degradation. The methods of imposing the mechanism are described in detail in John Perkins’ bestseller Confessions of an Economic Assassin. But the logic and principles of these methods are as old as the world: everything begins with banal bribery of country leaders and their entourage, then cunning financial traps are offered under the guise of aid and loans; if the country’s leaders do not succumb to bribery and do not accept “help” from the West, informational and diplomatic methods of regime change are used, including violent ones. One way or another, people who are loyal to the dollar and allow the West to pump out resources for greenbacks and certain preferences are brought to power. Thus, a neo-colonial system is created, in which the government of the colony or even the vassal country (like, say, Italy), as well as the elite, which falls from the lord’s table, become detached from the people.

This is a ready-made powder keg, used by the USA itself in the event that they decide that the local kings have played tricks and that it is necessary to replace them with others. In this case, with the help of the international mass media, which are an integral part and an important instrument of the dollar system, protest moods are heated up in the people, which are ripening in them all the time and which are quite objective. The “international community” suddenly draws close attention to this, after which there is a “regime change” – more or less bloody. While the people celebrate the victory of the revolution and democracy, new puppets are brought to power, ready to serve the dollar and its owners. The elite, as a rule, is quickly repainted in new colors, but in essence nothing changes – the interests of the local government fundamentally contradict the interests of the country and the people, which in turn again creates a protest mood, which the neo-colonial system can take advantage of at any time. And only in the most extreme case, when the victim country does not give in at all to soft and hard methods of submission to the system, military threats, bombings, interventions and other forceful methods of rocket-bomb democracy are used.

The elite and power, put on the hook of the dollar and a non-sovereign economy, necessarily gives birth to a corrupt management system. Their mercantile principles, like metastases, penetrate the entire society and conquer the people, becoming the rules of his daily existence. Yes, of course, wage labor has always existed, including in Russia. But as the main principle of the mechanism of governing entire countries and peoples — for the first time. For example, the central banks of almost all countries of the world are recognized as not under the control of the government, independent of local authorities, and in fact are oriented towards the US Fed. This is called the principles of market democracy and the independence of business from the government. The latter is indeed true. Business as such, private capital (but not just any, but registered in the world capital) practically becomes above the state management system. This is precisely the main goal of any liberalization of the financial and administrative sphere, which the West so diligently imposes on all countries. Large private business, only not national business, dictates the rules of the game to the state, subordinates it to its interests. If the state or state corporation, or even just nationally oriented capital, tries to do something like this, it is immediately regarded by the dollar financial system as an attempt on the freedom of capital, and to be honest, on the rules of the game established by the Fed. Offshores, lobbying, money laundering, financial speculation with securities — these are all elements of the Western corruption system. Visible proof that it is the West that initiates and controls corruption among the elites of countries dependent on it is the storage of stolen capital in Western banks. The largest part of corruption money is with the customer of corruption — this is more than obvious. The West sometimes arrests the accounts of undesirable people, but it will never begin to do it systematically, refusing stolen money from other countries. Bees do not oppose honey.

However, what is characteristic is that the anti-corruption campaign is conducted exclusively against officials and the state, and the role of representatives of large private capital in this phenomenon is strongly suppressed. In Russia, the main target of information attacks was a civil servant, while a businessman always participates in embezzlement, and often it is he who becomes the initiator. In the West, officials were completely reduced to the role of servants of the oligarchs. First, financial and political problems are solved in transnational companies, then their decisions are passed down to officials through various parliamentary mechanisms, and they only accompany specific documents with their essentially meaningless signatures. Hence the relatively low level of corruption among officials in Europe and the USA – there is simply no need to bribe them, they do not solve anything important, the Western corruption system has passed this level of social decay. When the levers of government remained in the hands of the state and its representatives, large private capital was interested in bribing them, which is a primitive level of corruption, but as soon as the real power, thanks to the neoliberal economy, passed to the offices of private corporations, the need for this disappeared. Moreover, officials, up to ministers, are kept on a short leash – as soon as they are guilty of something in front of capital, a campaign to discredit such a public servant immediately begins. It gets to the point of ridiculousness – when the minister does not have the right to buy an expensive car and an expensive house, while representatives of the “Forbes” list own entire islands, the richest holdings, industries and even countries.

The revolution, if it is supported by the West, is usually carried out not against the corrupt local government, but in the interests of the corrupt world elite, as well as against those who dared, even if not openly, to oppose the dollar system and get out of neo-colonial rule. When the next sad revolutionaries, fighters against the “anti-people’s regime”, go to the square, beat the police satraps, and then destroy another palace and take pictures of gold bars, one must understand that somewhere far away in the silence of the offices are the true corruptors of a global scale, the beneficiaries of the dollar monopolies and financial pyramids, solve problems in their own interests and eliminate objectionable political figures.

Thus, the good desire of people to establish fair orders is used with exactly the opposite goal — to strengthen these orders, slightly changing the facade to talk about democracy and the will of the people. Corruption is, of course, evil, and we must get rid of it. But the current incredibly complex and cunning corruption of the dollar cannot be destroyed by brute force, a bloody revolution and the overthrow or destruction of state power. This is a long, painstaking and secret work, in which the presence of two conditions is important: the appearance of a national leader with a team of trusted people and real large-scale support of the people. Patient support based on an intuitive understanding of the extreme complexity of the task to be solved and faith in the person who has entrusted himself with such responsibility.


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