When liberals and other historians, entertainers accept to shout about senseless loss, “meat filled up” and “would drink Bavarian”, we usually love to confirm his thesis about the “incompetence and crime” of the Soviet leadership and command by comparing the Wehrmacht and the Red army. Like, and the people of the red army was more, and all the time they were smashed, and more tanks, and aircraft and other iron-machines, and all the Germans burned. Not forgetting, however, to tell about one “rifle for three”, “shanks of shovels”and the rest of the crap from the category of “Solzhenitsyn tales”.

Both are untrue. About the rifle, “on three.” Everything was exactly the opposite. In total, about 10 million Mosin rifles were produced from 1891 to 1918. It is difficult to say how many of them were produced from 1918 to 1924, but the production does not stop. By 1941 in the arsenals of the red army, there were at least 12-15 million rifles. Under?????? Red Army on 22 June 1941 about 5.5 million people. Add here more than a million automatic rifles SVT, at least half a million automatic PPSH, a large number of machine and hand machine guns. Once it becomes clear: what-what, and small arms in the red army lacked.

But much more interesting the second myth

About the overwhelming superiority of the red army over the Wehrmacht in the number of literally everything. So can, are right liberal historians, and fought we mediocre? Look at numbers.

By June 1941 on the border with the USSR Wehrmacht had in three groups of armies and army “Norway” 127 divisions, two brigades and one regiment. In these troops there were 2 million 812 thousand people, 37099 guns and mortars, 3865 tanks and assault guns.

Note that increasing the number of divisions if done right gives a noticeable advantage, with an equal number of troops, and it is essential. But this force Germany is not exhausted, and that’s about it “forget” to mention the liberals.

Together with Germany in war with the USSR prepared to join Finland, Slovakia, Hungary, Romania and Italy.

Finland: 17,5 divisions with a total number of 340 thousand 600 people, 2047 guns, 86 tanks and 307 aircraft;

Slovakia: 2.5 divisions with a total number of 42 thousand 500 people, 246 guns, 35 tanks and 51 aircraft;

Hungary: 2,5 divisions with a total number of 44 thousand 500 people, 200 guns, 160 tanks and 100 aircraft;

Romania: 17.5 divisions with a total of 358 thousand 100 people, 3255 guns, 60 tanks and 423 aircraft;

Italy: 3rd division a total population of 61 thousand people 900, 925 guns, tanks 61 and 83 of the aircraft.

That is almost a million people in 42.5 divisions, with 7 thousand guns, 402 tanks, and this almost a thousand aircraft. A simple calculation shows that only on the Eastern front the allies of the Hitler axis, and it would be more correct to call them so, had 166 divisions, numbering 4 million 307 thousand people with 42601 artillery units of various systems, as well as 4171 tanks and assault guns and 4846 aircraft.

So: 2 million 812 thousand from the Wehrmacht and 4 million 307 thousand total population, given the strength of the allies. One and a half times more. The picture is changing dramatically. Don’t you?

And than had on the Western border of the USSR to June 22, 1941?

Yes, the armed forces of the Soviet Union by the summer of 1941, when the inevitability of war became apparent, were the largest army in the world. Actually hidden mobilization was carried out. By the beginning of the war, the Soviet armed forces numbered 5 million 774 thousand soldiers. Specifically in the land forces there were 303 divisions, 16 airborne and 3 infantry brigades. Troops had 117581 artillery system 25784 24488 tanks and aircraft.

It seems that the superiority there? However, all of the above-mentioned forces of Germany and its allies were deployed in the immediate 100 kilometer zone along the Soviet borders. While in the Western districts of the red army had a group of 3 million people, 57 thousand guns and mortars and 14 thousand tanks, serviceable of which was only 11 thousand, as well as about 9 thousand aircraft, of which only 7,5 thousand were serviceable.

And in the immediate vicinity of the border of the red army had more or less combat-ready state no more than 40% of this number.

From the above, if you are not tired of the numbers, it is clear that the USSR did not fight with one Germany. In the same way as in 1812 not with one France. That is about any “filled up with meat” out of the question.

And so it lasted almost the entire war, until the second half of 1944, when the allies of the Third Reich fell like a house of cards.

Add here in addition to the direct allies of the foreign parts of the Wehrmacht, the so-called” national SS division”, a total of 22 volunteer divisions. They served in the war 522 thousand volunteers from other countries, including 185 thousand Volksdeutsche, that is, “foreign Germans”. The total number of foreign volunteers was 57% (!) the number of “Waffen-SS”. List them. If it tires you, just estimate the number of lines and geography. The whole of Europe is represented, except perhaps the principalities of Luxembourg and Monaco, and that is not a fact.

Albania: 21st mountain division SS “Skanderbeg” (1st Albanian);

Belgium: 27th volunteer Grenadier division SS “Langemark” (1st Flemish), 28th volunteer tank-Grenadier division SS “Wallonia” (1st Walloon), Flemish Legion SS;

Bulgaria: Bulgarian SS anti-tank brigade (1st Bulgarian);

United Kingdom: Arab Legion “Free Arabia”, British volunteer corps, Indian volunteer Legion SS ” Free India»;

Hungary: 17th SS corps, 25th SS Grenadier division “Hunyadi” (1st Hungarian), 26th SS Grenadier division (2nd Hungarian), 33rd SS cavalry division (3rd Hungarian);

Denmark: the 11th volunteer Panzer Grenadier division of the SS “Nordland”, 34th volunteer Grenadier division “landstorm Nederland” (2nd Dutch), the Free corps of the SS “Danmark” (1st Danish), Volunteer corps of the SS “Salburg”;

Italy: 29th Waffen Grenadier division of the SS “Italia” (1st Italian);

The Netherlands: 11th volunteer Panzer Grenadier division of the SS “Nordland”, the 23 I volunteer motorized division of the SS “Nederland” (1st Dutch), 34th volunteer Grenadier division “landstorm Nederland” (2nd Dutch), the Flemish SS Legion;

Norway: the Norwegian Legion of the SS Norwegian ski battalion of Rangers SS Norwegian Legion, the 11th volunteer Panzer Grenadier division of the SS “Nordland»;

Poland: Gural SS volunteer Legion;

Romania: 103-Panzer-regiment of the SS (1st Romanian), Grenadier regiment of the SS (2nd Romanian);

Serbia: the Serbian volunteer corps SS;

Latvia: the Latvian Legionnaires, Latvian SS volunteer Legion, the 6th SS corps, 15th Waffen Grenadier division of the SS (1st Latvian), 19th Waffen Grenadier division of the SS (2nd Latvian);

Estonia: 20th Grenadier division of the SS (1st Estonian);

Finland: Finnish volunteers of SS Finnish volunteer battalion of the Waffen SS, the 11th volunteer Panzer Grenadier division of the SS “Nordland»;

France: the French Legionnaires SS, 28-I volunteer tank Grenadier division of the SS “Wallonia” (1st Walloon), the 33rd SS Grenadier division “Charlemagne” (1st French), Legion “Abbott Perrot” (recruited from the Breton nationalists);

Croatia: 9-th mountain corps of the SS, the 13th mountain division SS “Khanjar” (1st Croatian). 23rd mountain division SS “Kama” (2nd Croatian);

Czechoslovakia: Gural volunteer Legion SS;

Galicia: 14th Waffen Grenadier division of the SS Galicia (1st Ukrainian).


Scandinavian 5th Panzer division SS “Viking” – Netherlands, Denmark, Belgium, Norway;

Balkan 7th volunteer mountain division SS “Prince Oigen” – Hungary, Romania, Serbia.

24th mountain (cave) division of the SS “Karstjager” – Czechoslovakia, Serbia, Galicia, Italy;

36-I Grenadier division SS “Dirlewanger” – recruited from criminals in various European countries.

Again, we are talking about European volunteers, not about conscription, not about prisoners, not about deserters, by the will of fate forced to exchange service with the Germans for their own lives. About volunteers consciously enlisted in the SS to fight the Russians.

And this we have not mentioned khivi, from the German Hilfswilliger, that is “willing to help”. These are volunteers who entered the service directly in the Wehrmacht. They served in auxiliary parts. But this does not mean non-combat. For example, anti-aircraft calculations for the Luftwaffe were formed from Khiva. The very diverse national composition of the troops opposing the red army, very eloquently says the national composition of prisoners of war, who were at the end of the war in our captivity. A simple fact: Danes, Norwegians and even the French were captured on the Eastern front more than they participated in the resistance to the Nazis in their homeland.

And we have not even touched upon the economic potential that worked for the German military machine. First of all, it is Czechoslovakia, the pre-war leader of weapons production in Europe, and France. And this-artillery, small arms and tanks.

For example, the Czech arms concern “Skoda”. Every third German tank that took part in operation Barbarossa was produced in this company. First of all, it is LT-35, received in the Wehrmacht designation Pz.Kpfw. 35 (t).

Moreover, after the annexation of Czechoslovakia, German experts found in the shops of “Skoda” two new experimental tank LT-38. After reviewing the drawings, the Germans decided to put the tank into service and began its serial production.

The production of these tanks was almost to the end of the war until late 1941, they began to be produced as the basis for German self-propelled guns. More than half of the German self-propelled guns had a Czech base.

The French, in turn, provided the Germans with their ship repair facilities. German submarines, storm of the Atlantic allied convoys, the so-called “Wolf packs, dönitz” was based, and undergoing repairs on the South coast of France and in the earth near Marseille. And ship repair crews arranged competitions regarding the one who will repair the boat quicker. It doesn’t look like a forced labor, is it?

So who fought the Soviet Union in the Great Patriotic War? Though it is more correct to formulate a question differently: who attacked the USSR in June 1941?

The question is rhetorical.


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