This collection contains articles written by Igor Ostretsov during the first energy crisis in the world (2008 – 2012). As the current development of events in the world and the analysis of these articles show, almost all of Igor Ostretsov’s forecasts made during that time period are confirmed today.
You can read a selection of articles here
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The Center for Analysis of Strategies and Technologies publishes a report that provides an overview…
The RAND Corporation (short for Research and Development) became the world's first "think tank". It…
Marxism did not provide a meaningful answer to the fundamental questions of existence in the…
Corruption is fought actively, loudly and at all levels: it is eradicated, reprimanded for it,…
It is time to put an unambiguous bold point in the discussion of the events…
The practice of many modern conflicts, some scientific developments allow us to consider color revolutions…