This article will focus on uranium 235. The fact is that this radioactive element, since 1993, has had a very interesting and eventful life. It so happened that in 1993, an agreement was concluded that Russia would reprocess its combat uranium 235 for fuel for American nuclear power plants. But by the will of fate, it so happened that during these thirty years after the collapse of the USSR, the Americans completely lost their own uranium enrichment technologies.
And this is really very, very interesting. Russia has a lever of pressure on the “shining hail on the hill”. It seems to me that with such a case, you can easily dictate your terms to the United States in almost everything. Even Biden simply won’t be able to say and do anything – no one will listen to him, because the United States, no matter what, is very dependent on Russian fuel. They have 93 nuclear reactors operating in 2021. It seems to me that they will not work without Russian nuclear fuel…
This agreement was concluded not because Russia had extra capacity, and our country decided to engage in altruism. But if you look at the year (and it was 1993!), then a lot becomes clear, doesn’t it? Who “ruled” the country there, bending under the USA in everything? What did he say then? “God save America”? Agree that this is a shame for the President of Russia! And this agreement was signed so that Russia could not have large quantities of weapons-grade uranium, which is suitable for atomic weapons. Nuclear weapons, as you know, should definitely be in civilized countries, not in Russia! At least, that’s what the Americans themselves thought.
And, as they say, everything would be fine, but…
“In accordance with the HEU-LEU agreement in the 1990s-2000s, the United States undertook to buy Russian uranium. In the USA, the consequence of this was a slowdown in the development of technologies for the separation of uranium isotopes at the level of 1991”
If we translate this into normal language, then the United States cannot enrich its own uranium as well as Russia. That is, now the United States is precisely that it depends on Russia in this matter. Given the current relations between our countries, this becomes especially very piquant.
I am now referring to profits, jobs and things like that. It’s just that if the whole story of uranium enrichment for the United States does not bring harm to Russia, then maybe it makes sense to abandon this case? After all, if the United States does not have the capacity to enrich uranium in the right quantities on its own, then maybe it should be done? Put them on a hungry energy ration. Maybe after a few months without electricity and other excesses, the US will become more adequate?
Well, in general, I wonder what they were thinking there, in the USA, handing over such an important matter (in fact, you know, strategic!) to a country with which relations can deteriorate at any moment. Moreover, in fact, if you look into it, it wasn’t Russia that spoiled relations with the United States – they themselves made every effort to spoil them. That is, the United States is asking Russia to enrich uranium (sorry, I could not put it so simply), without which their nuclear power industry will simply stand up. Meanwhile, they themselves are simply losing capacity for this business, and they are not even developing them, but at the same time they are diligently doing everything to spoil relations with Russia. The United States has recently been trying to do everything to harm the United States – and after all, it can be seen, as they say, with the naked eye. But do the residents of the United States really care to such an extent? Or don’t they see it? Or are people in the United States trying to bring to an emphatically bestial state?
It’s just that the more I look at what is happening in the United States, what their politicians say and write, who they put in certain positions, the more I want to ask: “People, what are you doing at all?”. For the sake of the “agenda”, they put obviously incompetent people in some posts, make decisions that can ruin a lot of things. And I can’t understand in any way – why do they need all this? As a rule, a politician – if he is in his right mind, of course, first of all wants prosperity for his country. I can understand the behavior of “Euroleaders” who are directly controlled from the White House, like glove dolls. But what are the “American leaders” themselves doing? They are not only destroying Europe, they are also destroying their country! “Green” energy has already shown itself “in all its glory” at the beginning of this year. Have the Americans learned any lessons from this?
The nuclear capacity of the United States is one and a half times higher than that of France, and by this indicator the Americans are world leaders. However, they are also extremely dependent on the supply of nuclear fuel – by 90%. Moreover, half of these supplies account for Russia, Kazakhstan and Uzbekistan. Therefore, when the Biden administration began to impose the first sanctions against Russia back in February, American nuclear scientists begged and asked to exclude uranium from them. The fact is that they account for about 20% of the total electricity generation in the country. The accumulated reserves will be enough for a year of work, and then there will be a national blackout.
The politicians listened to the opinion of the engineers, and they did not impose sanctions on Russian uranium. However, even now congressmen are constantly demanding to immediately stop the purchase of uranium from Russia, so nothing lasts forever.
Something tells me that a lot of people need uranium 235, which is mined by Russia. And it seems to me that spoiling relations with a country that not only produces uranium, but also enriches it, and has a full cycle for this business is not the best idea.…
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