The scenario of the eschatological war, IsraelSince the beginning of the next escalation of the Arab-Jewish conflict in Palestine (a conflict that, let’s note, has been going on for 3,000 years and which, alas, will not be resolved in principle) I didn’t write anything about him, except for short comments on VK and THC. I did not write, although the topic is mine, and the influence of Judaism on the course of world history is, in general, the central topic. He did not write, first of all, because he did not understand its nature, and he did not see the point in repeating the questions and perplexities of others. But after the events in Dagestan, my personal puzzle finally took shape.

It is remarkable that the day before the events in Dagestan came out (dated October 28, 2023), which claims that, since 2016, George Soros’ structures have allocated more than $15 million to the groups behind the protests in support of Palestine, and precisely to the very groups that, at the time of the next escalation of the Palestinian-The Israeli conflict was welcomed by the attacks of Hamas militants on Israel [1]. “A review of the records of the Open Society Foundations, as stated in the article, shows that the Soros grant network has allocated $13.7 million through the Tides Center, a left-wing human rights group that sponsors several non-profit organizations justifying the bloody attacks by Hamas.”


In general, shouldn’t it seem strange to us that influential Jewish groups that control and finance almost all leftist movements (socialist, anti-racial, feminist, LGBT, etc.), as well as almost the entire information network of the “free world” and guide its political discourse, are not able to stop the pro-Palestinian sympathies of the left?

Or isn’t it strange that it was the TG channel “Morning Dagestan”, owned by Ilya Ponomarev*, that turned out to be the “center of the revolution”, dispersing the pogrom wave with texts like: “Attention Makhachkala! Today, everyone who is at the airport needs your popular support!!! If they start to detain you, you need to be ready to get out of Dagestan!!! The authorities themselves are to blame for allowing these child murderers to arrive in Dagestan! We warned you and now we tell you that any persecution and we will take out the WHOLE of DAGESTAN!!!

By the way, The Financial Times mentioned this episode: The violence in Dagestan is caused by rumors that refugees from Israel are being resettled in the Muslim-majority region. Some of these rumors, apparently, were inflated by the Telegram channel with 50 thousand subscribers. This channel is linked to former Russian politician Ilya Ponomarev. He now lives in Kiev, opposes the Kremlin and claims to coordinate a group of Russians fighting against Moscow in Ukraine.

Isn’t it strange, further, that the same Soros structures that allocate money to pro-Palestinian extremist groups lobby and finance migration processes that stuff white cities with Islamist explosives, and very thoughtfully?


In the same Parisian suburbs, entire migrant ghettos are localized, practically uncontrolled, where both the police and the ambulance are afraid to look, and which from time to time are thrown out by gangs of young radicals waging weeks-long wars with the police. The situation is the same in Germany. The situation in Moscow and St. Petersburg is hardly any better. I think it will not be difficult to find out the names of those who are behind the migration policy in all European countries without exception, including Russia, and we are even ready to assume what these names will be, right?

Why would influential Jewish groups stuff European cities with Islamist explosives?

Why build and then sponsor the BLM movement in the States? Why finance and support Palestinian extremists? (The fact that movements like Hamas and ISIS, almost from their very inception, were herded by Jewish or semi-Jewish special services – MI6, CIA, Mossad, is also not such a big secret today).

Perhaps we will begin to understand the matter better if we immerse ourselves a little in Jewish eschatology. Shall we try?

So, according to the ideas of the Jews, the coming of the Messiah, the Jewish king, should be preceded by the eschatological war of Gog and Magog. By which is meant the last war of the enemies of Israel – the Christian and Muslim peoples against Israel and with each other.

Jewish authorities claim that during the eschatological war, the sons of Ishmael (Muslims) “they will unite with the sons of Edom to conquer this Land from the hands of the people of Israel…”, and also that “the numerical meaning of the words “Gog and Magog” (70) means that all nations will participate in this war” [2]. The Kabbalistic book of the Zohar says that “all the earthly kings who persecuted the Jews throughout history, starting with Nebuchadnezzar, are reincarnated to take part in this war. However, when they invade Israel, the Almighty will reveal His power over the world. The interventionists will die, and the Messiah will triumph”, writes the Jewish encyclopedia.

So, Israel believes that the coming of the Messiah, the Jewish king (in the understanding of traditional Christianity – the Antichrist, and in the understanding of traditional Islam – Dajjal, the Jewish false messiah) will be preceded by Gog and Magog, they believe that the God of Israel will eventually defeat them and save his people. Therefore, the images of Gog and Magog in the Jewish tradition are more comical than scary. They are sometimes depicted as Christian and Muslim kings (although, strictly speaking, tradition speaks of King Gog from the land of Magog), and they are not so much feared as laughed at as the unsuccessful predecessors of the arrival of the Messiah, who will be betrayed to Yahweh.

Curiously, the statues of Gog and Magog are considered the patrons of the City of London

Since the 14th century, they have been guarding the entrance to the Guildhall in London, and every second Saturday in November they are traditionally carried through the streets of the city. However, for Londoners, these Gog and Magog are associated with the legend of the mythical giants defeated by Brutus of Troy (a descendant of Aeneas and the first king of Britain, whose palace was located on the site of the modern Guildhall.

But the City is populated mainly by Jewish bankers who do not care about Brutus of Troy, but the images of Gog and Magog from the interpretations of the Talmud are another matter.

Talmudic Judaism is essentially a commentary religion

The Talmud itself is an extensive commentary on the Tanakh, the Hebrew Bible.

Modern Judaism and, more broadly, modern Jewry as a whole, which have passed through the crises of Sabbatianism, Francoism, Haskalah (Jewish enlightenment), conservative, liberal Judaism, liberalism, Marxism, Freudianism, Freudian-Marxism, and other neo-Judaic groups, represent a monstrous, seething conglomerate of all kinds of sects, religious, kabalistic, cultural and political who do not stop producing their own “comments on comments”. However, the Jewish identity itself has not gone away, and despite all the centrifugal forces of the disintegration of Talmudic Judaism, it has not lost its, albeit extremely loose, integrity.

In such a riot of moods and colors, it seems difficult to find ends that would unite those who identify with Jewry. However, there are such ends. And they are connected, first of all, precisely with the hopes for the coming of the Messiah and the onset of the “millennial kingdom of Israel.” Therefore, those “gates” by which the Messiah must come are no less relevant – that is, the images of the eschatological war of Gog and Magog.

In addition, there are extremely influential Jewish forces that work with these images professionally in big politics. This is, first of all, a political sect of neoconservatives, nestlings of Max Schachtman and Leo Strauss, which began its drift from the Fourth Trotskyist International a hundred years ago, and by the 1970s came to ultra-right Zionism with powerful eschatological overtones. This subtext was given to the sect (former students of Trotsky) by the Jewish philosopher Leo Strauss, who headed the Department of Political Philosophy at the University of Chicago. This eschatological-political fragrance became the sect’s trademark.

The Neocons were behind Ronald Reagan’s “war on the evil empire,” being in many ways the latter’s spiritual mentor. Reagan, by the way, brought the USSR closer to the images of Gog-Magog: “now that Russia has become communist and atheistic, now that Russia has set itself up against God, now it fits Gog’s description perfectly.” (1971).(cit. according to the article A.Kondakova “Gog, Magog and Russia”) [3].

The Neocon political sect was behind Bush Sr. and his first war in Iraq, which the Neocons also diligently presented in eschatological tones. The very name of Operation Desert Storm referred to the biblical book of Daniel [4].

The phrase “The End of History” was also thrown in by the Neocons just before the onset of the millennium. And the very word “millennium” (from Latin millenium – millennium – that is, the millennial kingdom of the Messiah expected by the Jews) was obsessively promoted at the same time literally from every iron.

Finally, the completely apocalyptic event of 911 was obviously prepared to unleash an “eschatological war” in the Middle East. (For more information, see “Pearl Harbor of the 21st century: the largest provocation of the Neocons”) [5].

This was followed by the curious story of ISIS, and finally, the war in Ukraine. For the most part, Neocons come from Eastern Europe, the children of immigrants from Ukrainian, Polish, Hungarian towns, like Messrs. Blinken, Nuland, Kogan, etc. It is clear, as well as the particularly reverent attitude of the Neocons to their small homeland, and their extensive and deep ties with the Ukrainian oligarchy.

And finally, we come to the current escalation of the Israel-Hamas situation

The history of the wars of the Jews with the peoples of Canaan dates back three thousand years. Having opened the Bible, in the relevant chapters of the Torah we will see the story of the systematic genocide that Israel, led out of Egypt by Moses, conducts with the peoples of Canaan who meet him on the way. For example: “But in the cities of these nations, which the LORD your God gives you to possess, you shall not leave a single soul alive, but you shall put them under a curse: the Hittites, the Amorites, the Canaanites, the Perizzites, the Hivites, the Jebusites, and the Gergesites, as the LORD your God has commanded you” (Deuteronomy 20:16-17). Or: “So kill all the male children, and kill all the women who have known a husband on a man’s bed; and leave all the female children who have not known a man’s bed alive for themselves” (Numbers 31:17-18). Etc. etc.

This is followed by captivity, return, wars with Rome, again full of savage cruelty on the part of the Jews. So, in 115 A.D. in Kirichenko, taking advantage of the absence of the Roman garrison, the Jews rebelled and slaughtered all Roman and Greek residents. According to the Jewish Encyclopedia: “After the uprising, Libya was depopulated to such an extent that a few years later it was necessary to re-establish colonies there.” At the same time, in Cyprus, according to the same encyclopedia, Jews “killed 240,000 Greeks.” This was followed by the pacification of the rebellion and dispersion. And finally a new one (after 1800 years!) return in 1947.

And the old story begins again: Jewish gangs start slaughtering Palestinians the same way they slaughtered the Philistines three thousand years ago. The most famous and indicative in this sense is the story of the destruction of the village of Deir Yasin by the Jewish units of the Haganah, the Irgun and the Nazi Stern gang (these guys really professed National socialism, wanted to swear allegiance to Hitler for the sake of joint struggle against the British, but, as they say, “were expelled from the Gestapo for brutality”: the Germans simply refused to cooperate with the Stern gang seeing them as pure criminals).

On April 9, 1948, the Zionists surrounded the settlement and then for two days dealt with its population, raping women, cutting off the genitals of men, opening the bellies of pregnant women, cutting off the heads of children in front of their mothers. The British authorities and the Jewish Agency knew about this massacre. The Red Cross arrived at the site the day after the massacre. Menachem Begin, who was responsible for this action, later became not only Prime Minister, but also a Nobel Peace Prize laureate.

By the way, the Likud party is the direct heir of the pro-fascist Beitar, and Netanyahu’s father was a confidant of Fuhrer Beitar Zeev Jabotinsky. (See “Germany to Hitler, Italy to Mussolini, Palestine to us!” Jewish Nazism yesterday and today”) [6].

It is not surprising that nothing changes here today

According to the International charity Save the Children, 3,195 Palestinian children have been killed by Israel in the Gaza Strip over the past three weeks. This is more than the number of children killed in armed conflicts worldwide from 2019 to 2022.

Considering these, and many dozens and hundreds of other examples, one should not be surprised at the overwhelming hatred of Arabs towards Jews. But Jews would not be Jews if they did not know how to play filigree on these feelings. This was precisely the art of mass management, the art of politics, which Leo Strauss taught his students.

Those who lead are those who understand that there is no morality, but only one natural right, the right of the highest to rule the lowest,” Strauss said. Strauss considered the ability to comprehend the “nihilistic essence of the world” and penetrate into the “esoteric meaning of the writings of the ancient sages” to be a sign of election and moral superiority.

Such a light for Strauss himself was Maimonides, one of the central Jewish authorities, who taught that the Messiah should come as a political leader who would establish power over the whole world. Moreover, the time of the Messiah’s arrival depends only on the efforts and will of the Jews themselves. Strauss educated his students as the political army of the future messiah in a purely Trotskyist spirit: “we will achieve liberation with our own hand.”

Strauss was the author of the theory of “constructive chaos”: “The secret elite comes to power through wars and revolutions. In order to retain and secure its power, it needs constructive (controlled) chaos aimed at suppressing all forms of resistance,” the philosopher taught. Later, the Neocons coined the term “creative destruction” to justify the bombing of Middle Eastern cities and the destruction of Arab states.

In accordance with the spirit and letter of Leo Strauss’s teachings, immediately after September 11, 2001, the Neocons announced the beginning of the “fourth world war” (“third world war” in their understanding is a victory over the USSR in the Cold War). This “fourth world war” continues to this day and should probably end with the complete destruction of the Arab world (to the last terrorist – as the Neocons say). And not only Arabic.

I wrote about the teachings of Leo Strauss in more detail in the article “Leo Strauss and his army of the political messiah” [7]. Here we will quote only the main conclusion of the article: Strauss, obviously, felt like someone like a new Maimonides, writing a “commentary” on the sacred texts and through his writings presenting in the flesh a new political messiah. Such a “political messiah” became the sect of his disciples, who, following Strauss, recognized the esoteric attitude of Maimonides as a philosopher who “changed the world” and participated in the crusader war as an adviser to Sultan Saladin. Only now, the entire military and political machine of the United States of America was supposed to act as the “new Saladin” in front of the new Messianic army.

What is the ultimate goal of the Neocons?

Let’s venture to assume that their political program is, in fact, only a kind of conservative version of Trotsky’s “world revolution”: to take power in the most powerful democratic state on the planet, unleash a big war in the Middle East, after which, by gradually expanding “constructive chaos”, to achieve a planetary scale of power. It is most convenient to achieve this using the religious factor. At the same time, the “actors of history” themselves should not believe in anything. After all, Strauss himself claimed that he had comprehended the “nihilistic essence of the world”, and it was only about absolute power. But the religious factor works perfectly for the masses: “After all, the scenarios of the “last war” are written on the pages of Sacred books, and success in “seizing the kingdom of power” awaits someone who can correctly use and direct the religious ideas of the masses. And in this context, could there be a better program of action than the fulfillment of biblical prophecies?

And now let’s go back to today

And in accordance with the attitudes of the Neocons, Soros and other “elite gangs” of the highest echelon, provided with almost all the money of the planet (the Fed and the entire chain of central banks closing on it), let’s see what the program of the “coming of the Messiah” might look like.


1. To provoke the fury of Muslims all over the world. Why provoke a Hamas attack and respond to it with unprecedented brutality.

2. Further, with the help of the pro-Palestinian left, inflating anti-Israeli sentiments and far-right Islamic extremists, to cause Jewish pogroms (or at least their illusion) around the world.

3. Which, in turn, cannot but cause a harsh reaction from the local authorities. Skillfully directed, this reaction should also be far from adequate. Which in turn will cause the transfer of the hatred of Islamists (and the pro-Palestinian left) to the European (Russian, American) authorities.

This is the simplest combination. But it is known that only the simplest schemes work flawlessly. Launching the Gog-Magog war scenario – isn’t there such an impeccable scheme?

What will happen next?

European, American, and Russian cities filled with Islamists are exploding with “spontaneous” riots and terrorist attacks. American aircraft carriers are also being attacked by Hezbollah and Iran, and American bombs are beginning to fall on Arab cities. Everyone forgets about the American (and other) elections. A very multi-vector meat grinder begins, in the continuous smoke and murky waters of which various “actors of history” begin to make their own cunning combinations. The world is in general and less manageable chaos. Jews also get it, of course, but what does the Gnostic elite care about the common people? Let them burn even by the millions in a universal fire. Moreover, according to Jewish prophecies, up to two thirds of humanity should die in the last war. This is at the same time the solution to all demographic problems (an overgrown human herd is dangerous and poorly managed, but few slaves are just right for the elite).

Finally, at the end of the never-ending horror comes a man who stops the bloodshed. Before us is the revered Moshiah-Dajjal-the Antichrist, whose power the survivors gladly accept. Is it beautiful? Nicely.

Madness? Madness. But who can stop this madness? Here’s the question. I have only one answer to it – only Russia can do this. Unless, of course. Russia will come to its senses in time and become what the Lord God wants it to be.


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