The news spread across many news resources that “unknown vandals” blew up a Satanic monument known as the “Stone Tablets in Georgia”. This fact was completely ignored by the mainstream media. Moreover, even a number of popular resources that originally posted this news soon deleted it. And the news itself clearly does not look like disinformation.

I quote: “In the US state of Georgia, a monument was demolished, which was called the American Stonehenge”, Business Insider reports.


The six-meter granite monument “The Tablets of Georgia” was installed in Albert County in 1980 by order of an unknown client hiding under a pseudonym. This fact, as well as mysterious inscriptions in twelve languages, four of which are ancient, contributed to conspiracy theories arising around the monument.


The message called on the inhabitants of the Earth to limit their number to half a billion people – in order to live “in constant balance with nature. Conspiracy theorists believed that the monument was proof of an elite conspiracy calling for the violent depopulation of the planet. The monument also served as an astronomical calendar: every day at noon sunlight penetrated through a narrow hole in the structure and illuminated the engraved dates.

Two-sided vertical plates with inscriptions in eight active languages contained the ten “commandments” of the so-called “Age of Reason”, which should come after certain shocks that will cover all of humanity. Languages were distributed on the plates in pairs: Russian and Chinese, English and Spanish, Hindi and Swahili, Arabic and Hebrew. The upper plate, on the ends of which there were inscriptions in four dead languages — Babylonian, ancient Greek, Sanskrit and ancient Egyptian, contained a call to recognize and accept these “tablets” as the covenant of the “reasonable age”. These are, so to speak, the “commandments”:

First: let the earth’s population never exceed 500 million, being in constant balance with nature.

Second: intelligently regulate the birth rate, increasing the value of life preparation and diversity of humanity.

Third: we will find a new living language capable of uniting humanity.

Fourth: show tolerance in matters of feelings, faith, traditions and the like.

Fifth: let fair laws and an impartial court stand up for the protection of peoples and nations.

Sixth: let each nation solve its own internal affairs by bringing national problems to the world court.

Seventh: avoid petty litigation and useless officials.

Eighth: maintain a balance between personal rights and public responsibilities.

Ninth: above all, value truth, beauty, love, striving for harmony with infinity.

Tenth: don’t be a cancer for the Earth, leave a place for nature!

The monument was blown up on Wednesday at dawn by unknown vandals

The Georgia Bureau of Investigation tweeted a video of the explosion captured by a surveillance camera and footage of a car driving away from the scene.


The rest of the structure was demolished by the decision of the authorities later that day for security reasons, since the restoration required too much money.


A local politician, a former candidate for governor of Georgia, Candice Taylor made the dismantling of the monument part of her election platform, promising to demolish it if she won. After the news appeared that the “Tablets” were blown up, Taylor wrote in social networks: “God is God in Itself. He can do WHATEVER he wants. This includes destroying satanic landmarks.” The monument was located 666 km from the UN building. It weighed 119 tons, consisted of 6 granite slabs, on which the same inscription was made in 8 modern languages. The message about the explosion was made by the local FBI, the footage from the video cameras was posted on Twitter. The monument was under round-the-clock video surveillance from all sides.

There are a lot of incomprehensible things in this story, but let’s try to analyze it

The date of July 6, 2022 is very difficult from the point of view of the gematria used by Satanists to calculate the dates of key events. Firstly, July 6 is the 187th day of the year (188th in leap years) according to the Gregorian calendar. There are 178 days left until the end of the year.

In the XX and XXI centuries, it corresponds to June 23 according to the Julian calendar, and 236 (239) is a very popular code among THEM, as we already know. And it means something like “Events with our (Satanic) participation”, or you can also say “We had a hand here”. This is my own interpretation based on my observations.

Secondly, there are several more bundles for this date considered by gematria researchers:


The language of “anti—Western” is very close to the ideas of “sustainable development”, although the monument appeared on the vernal equinox, March 22, 1980, and the term “sustainable development” – in 1987, in the report of the UN Commission on Environment and Development “Our common Future” (Gru Commission Harlem Bruntland). This indicates that such ideas have been wandering in globalist circles for a long time, long before their conceptual design. Actually, it is no secret that for the first time the question of “regulation”, but in fact restrictions and population reduction was raised back in 1972 in the first report to the Rome Club “Limits of Growth” (the authors are the Dennis Meadows group from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology). It was said about the need to freeze the volume of industrial production and the birth rate at the level of 1975 — no more than two children in a family. In order not to interpret it freely, we will give the justification for these actions directly from the text of the “Limits of Growth”. “Excessive population growth is a recent phenomenon, the result of a decrease in mortality. …There are only two ways to correct the imbalance that has arisen — either to reduce the rate of population growth and bring them into line with the low mortality rate, or to allow the mortality rate to rise again.” As they say, no comment! At the same time and in the same report, the term “global equilibrium” was first used, subsequently replaced by “sustainable development”.

Informally, it is also known that since 1952, the topic of population reduction has been actively developed by the Population Council, a global NGO that is closely linked, on the one hand, with the Rockefeller Foundation, and on the other, has consultative status with the UN Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC).

At the same time, high-ranking sources in the Masonic order, periodically revealing some stories related to it, claim that we are talking about compensating filling in certain “gaps” of knowledge and norms of behavior of people and humanity as a whole, due to the alleged “insufficiency” of state and religious commandments. It follows from this that the “anti-Western beliefs” of the destroyed “tablets” were opposed to states and traditional religions. If we turn to the trends, documents and institutions of modern globalism, then, indeed, it is easy to make sure that their sum is aimed at the erosion of states that are listed in the UN documents on “sustainable development” in the list of subjects of global change separated by commas with global business and global civil society. Judging by what is written in these texts, it is the last two forces united by the imperatives of globalism that are assigned the role of replacing state influence with some private one.

The globalization project itself contains two components — civilizational and geopolitical

The first is associated with “fragmentation” — a combination of fragmentation with integration. We are talking about the destruction of civilizational identities with their religious foundations and the integration of the society atomized in this way into a new global community, a set of “citizens of the world” devoid of ethnic and confessional roots. Or, according to Jacques Attali, “new nomads”. The geopolitical part of the project calls for “glocalization” — a combination of global and local. That is, the transfer of state powers and subjects of competence up to global and regional structures, and down to provincial (regional) and municipal (local). It should be noted that the term “regional” in globalism has a different interpretation than in state constitutions. Here he appeals to the principle of regionalism — the division of humanity into ten regions with appropriate specialization, headed by REC — regional economic commissions included in the structure of the aforementioned ECOSOC, one of the main UN bodies (see Report to the Club of Rome by Michael Mesarovich — Eduard Pestel “Humanity at a Crossroads”, 1974). The entire UN system and other international organizations included in its structure are built on the basis of the regional principle.

A small digression

Why exactly ten regions? The answer is simple: the mythological Atlantis was divided into ten kingdoms, which the collective West considers its sacred ancestral homeland. Atlantis — Atlanteans — Atlantic — Atlantic civilization — all this is a single logical and understandable series that forms the real foundations of the West, not Christian, but occult. For Atlantean mythology, having migrated through ancient Egypt to Ancient Greece, formed one of the foundations of hermetic philosophy, from which Freemasonry then emerged. Modern geopolitical projects of the world order are built according to ancient myths.

The close connection with the UN is also not accidental

The customers of the Georgia Stonehenge, whose real names were known only to the contractor who signed the relevant contract and the banker who carried out the transaction of payments, located it by buying land from a local farmer, exactly 666 km in a straight line from the skyscraper of the UN Secretariat in New York. John Rockefeller II bought the land for it in Manhattan at one time and allocated it to the UN. This is the only offspring of the founder of the John Davison Rockefeller dynasty, the creator of Standard Oil, from which came the multicolored half of modern American oil companies. He himself actively participated in the creation of the Fed. He is the father of five Rockefeller brothers, with whom, like their cousins, the Dulles, a significant part of the American history of the XX and even the XXI centuries is connected (the most successful in politics, David Rockefeller, died in March 2017 at the age of 102). John Rockefeller II got into history with a famous correspondence polemic with V. I. Lenin: “If ideas become a material force, mastering the masses, then the task is to create masses incapable of perceiving any ideas.”

In connection with all this , several hypotheses arise:

Hypothesis 1: The explosion was made by the “Forces of Good” to warn Satanists building a “New World Order”. This is the most pleasant version, and then the silence of the mainstream media, which has been working for these conspirators for a long time and without alternative, becomes logical. But here it looks suspicious that the FBI cannot, allegedly, find the attacker and asks for help from eyewitnesses. And it is also suspicious that the monument was completely demolished so quickly, although the destruction was not so significant, and it was easy enough to restore it. Well, for me, the most weighty argument against this version is the code 239 in the date of the event (“We have a hand in this”).

Hypothesis 2: The explosion was made by the conspirators themselves. The code 239 in the date shows this to all “his”. But why was it blown up? Perhaps to conceal evidence, since this monument has already played its role, and there is no need for this evidence to exist further. The silence of the media is just so that those who are not in the know will continue to remain out of the know. And then they will begin to show interest, but they will understand something.


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