Is not the first century scientific world chasing the mysterious death of its members good enough or even unknown to the General public. In Russia, this phenomenon became particularly active immediately after the collapse of the USSR. In the last 10 years alone, about 50 scientists have been killed. Some victims have experienced a strange sort of attempt: they had erased the memory.In 2007, the first publications about the mysterious murders of famous Russian scientists – physicists, chemists, biologists, psychologists, specialists in nuclear disarmament, designers appeared on the pages of the Russian press. According to information reports, attacks on Russian scientists continue: eight more professors have been killed in the last two years. And several scientists received heavy gunshot wounds. And kill the color of Russian science, not only at home but also abroad.


So, in Washington, a famous nuclear physicist Andrei Gorobets was shot dead, and on the island of Malta, a specialist in international nuclear problems Alexander Pikaev was killed.

The scientific martyrology continues to grow.

Here’s part of that sad list:

29 Aug 2001 killed Professor A. Anikin. Dr. Anikin worked in the state Committee on foreign economic relations, the Institute of world economy and international relations of the Russian Academy of Sciences. The main areas of his research are monetary and currency circulation in the transition economy, Finance and credit in international relations, psychoanalysis in social Sciences. The scientist lectured at the Higher school of Economics in Berlin, as well as at the Institute of advanced study of the Soviet Union at Columbia University (USA) and the University of Toronto (Canada). He was a consultant at Morgan Stanley & company investment Bank. In General, I knew a lot of interesting things. And someone crossed the road.

On November 20, 2001 Professor of the Russian state medical University Boris Svyatsky was killed.

January 4, 2002 killed Igor Glebov, Director of the St. Petersburg Institute of mechanical engineering.

On January 30, 2002 Andrey Brushlinsky, Director Of the Institute of psychology, corresponding member of RAS died.

February 9, 2002 killed Valery Korshunov, head of the Department of Microbiology of RSMU. Pirogova, one of the leading microbiologists.

March 19, 2002 brutally beaten, but survived Sergei Karpov, academician of RAEN, Dean of the faculty of history of MSU.

On August 23, 2002, Alexander Voitovich, Deputy Director of the St. Petersburg Institute of traumatology and orthopedics, was shot dead.

On August 17, 2002 Sergey Bakhvalov, head of the Department of physical chemistry of Krasnoyarsk state University, disappeared. His dismembered body was found 10 days later.

On August 30, 2002 Eldar Mammadov, Vice-rector of the all-Russian state tax Academy, was killed. He was one of the great scientists in the field of protection against” psychotronic ” weapons.

September 25, 2002 killed Professor, head of the Department of pathological anatomy at Vladivostok medical University Sergey Melnik.

On October 31, 2002 an attempt was made on the well‑known designer of nuclear submarines, General Director of the Central design Bureau “Rubin” (St. Petersburg) Evgeny Goriglezhan. The designer survived.

At the end of summer 2002 the whole Krasnoyarsk spoke about the mysterious disappearance of Professor Bakhvalov. The famous scientist-chemist Sergei Bakhvalov left home and never returned.

January 22, 2003, killed the rector of the Moscow state Academy of fine chemical technology named after M. V. Lomonosov Victor French.

March 12, 2003-teacher of Finance and law Academy Vadim Ryabtsev.

June 3, 2003-academician of the RAS, major General of aviation Alexander Krasovsky (academician 40 years led the Department at the Academy. Zhukovsky, where Yuri Gagarin and German Titov were trained. – An).

March 2003. Killed doctor of technical Sciences, Professor Sergei Bugaenko, Director General Of the international center for nuclear safety.

A mysterious story in the closed city of Zheleznogorsk (Krasnoyarsk region). In mid-October 2003, 46 – year-old Sergei podoinitsyn, a nuclear scientist, Deputy head of the Central plant laboratory of the Mining and chemical plant, disappeared without a trace. In his hometown nuclear returned six months later. Erased memory.

February 2004. Killed Deputy Director of the Kalinin NPP Boris Khokhlov.

On June 3, 2003 Alexander Krasovsky, academician of RAS, major General of aviation died.

On June 6, 2003 Igor Klimov, Director General of Almaz NGO, was shot dead.

9 Aug 2003 stabbed Gregory bondarevskaya, Professor-orientalist.

April 20, 2004 killed Vyacheslav Fedorov, Professor, faculty of computational mathematics and Cybernetics of Moscow state University. The body of the Professor was found in the apartment house № 4 on Stoletov street. The murder weapon is a kitchen knife.

Then came the message about the murder of 59-year-old Professor of the Academy of national economy under the Government of the Russian Federation Nikolai Valyagin. The Professor’s body was found in his apartment on Metallurgov street. The Professor was also killed with a kitchen knife.

June 19, 2004 in St. Petersburg, shot and killed Nikolai Girenko, a well-known scientist-ethnographer.

Igor Smirnov, academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences, died suddenly at the age of 54 in 2004. This was some kind of weird death… Academician Smirnov-a man of very interesting fate. His father – the Minister of state Security of the USSR Victor Abakumov was repressed during Stalin’s life. Smirnov – the name of the mother of the scientist. He managed to develop a system of objective testing, one hundred percent identifying maniacs, sadists and potential criminals in the selection for work in the police, nuclear missile forces and aviation. Academician developed unique computer systems “mind Reader”, “Hidden interrogation”and” Ears of walls”. The unique three-body technology bypassed the Americans with their lie detectors. The man is being interrogated, and he doesn’t even know it.

What else was invented by academician Smirnov? Laser disc OMOPHORION – a prototype of a universal key to the human psyche. One has only to put it in the computer, as activated all the internal resources of the body. But then something incredible happened… A few weeks before the death of academician journalists were invited to the CJ at a press conference “Psychotronic weapons in the fight against human diseases.” And at this press conference, Igor Smirnov admitted that the disc was stolen from him.

– When copying a simple stamping will be allowed a minimum of 30% distortion, – explained the scientist. – This is enough to make the subconscious of a person is not the information. And the man will be uncontrollable. Human control can even be used to train kamikazes. And it is not necessary to bring a person to trance. There are special ways of unconscious exposure. And modern science knows about two dozen types of unauthorized impact on the psyche. Here we can recall the “noble” act of the Chairman of the KGB Vadim Bakatin. 5 December 1991 he gave the official representative of the CIA Robert Strauss scheme wiretapping of the U.S. Embassy in Moscow. Who worked so well with Mr. Bakatin?
On June 2, 2005 Professor Leonid strachunsky, Director of the research Institute of antimicrobial chemotherapy, was killed.

On July 13, 2005 Sergey Vovk, doctor of technical Sciences, laureate of The state prize was poisoned.

In September 2005, he was sentenced in the case of the murder of 57-year-old Irina Proskuryakova, Professor of the St. Petersburg mining Institute. There were no eyewitnesses to the crime, no fingerprints.

A senior researcher at the Institute of anthropology and Ethnography, a leading Russian expert on interethnic relations Nikolai Girenko was also killed in St. Petersburg. He was a world-renowned scientist. Nikolay Girenko’s Book “sociology of the tribe” became a real discovery in the science of interethnic relations.

December 28, 2005 killed Deputy Director for scientific work of the Institute of history, archeology and Ethnography Feb RAS, doctor of historical Sciences Alexander Artemyev.

On August 19, 2006, Leonid Korochkin, a geneticist and corresponding member of the Russian Academy of Sciences died at the hands of the murderer.

January 2007. The train Chop – Moskva was thrown head of the Department of zirconium supplies of JSC “TVEL-invest-technology” (structure “Rosatom”) I. Dobronic.

February 2008. In France, a nuclear physicist Arkady Mullin died in a car accident (he had a residence permit in Switzerland). The physicist worked at the European organization for nuclear research (CERN).

Investigators have not yet uncovered the mysterious death of the famous Russian byzantologist Igor Chichurov. The body of Professor Chichurov was found in the vestibule of the suburban train in July 2008 at the station “47th kilometer”. His skull was fractured. The Professor was 62 years old. Chichurov headed the Department of ancient languages of the faculty of history of MSU. He was also a Professor at the University of tübingen in Germany. And Igor Chichurov was the curator of the scientific center “Orthodox encyclopedia “and Deputy editor of the publication”Byzantine Vremennik”. Who would want to kill such a respected man? Investigators still do not have an answer to this question.

July 12, 2008 killed a famous aircraft manufacturer Vyacheslav Salikov.

The rector of Togliatti state University professor Zhilkin died 15 November 2008. He was attacked under very vague circumstances by two men with knives. Six blows to the stomach. The crime was never solved.

In July 2009, doctor of technical Sciences, Professor Yuri Dyakonov was killed in his house on Green Avenue in Moscow. During the investigation of the murder, an Iraqi citizen Yasamin Fasail (born in 1989) was detained. Investigators found that this diva – the daughter of a former adviser to the President of Iraq Saddam Hussein (and a distant relative of Hussein). In Moscow, an Iraqi citizen lived without registration. It was she who killed elderly Professor (the scientist was 81 years). But for what purpose the Iraqi beauty liquidated the old Russian Professor? Investigators call the trivial reason: murder for the purpose of a robbery. And is this really the case?.

In August 2009, the rector of Novosibirsk medical University, Professor Igor Marinkin, was shot in the back in Pervomaisk district of Novosibirsk. He was still alive. The crime was never solved.

In 2009, Professor Andrei Gorobets, a well-known nuclear physicist, was shot dead in the center of Washington under mysterious circumstances. Some time ago, Gorobets said he wanted to return to Russia, where he left in the late 90’s.he Said quite loudly, there were several publications in the press: the research center, where he worked, sharply refused to Finance his development, the Professor was robbed of the laboratory and began to intimidate his wife and adult daughter-both of them were American citizens. Andrei Gorobets silent, of course, did not, and the pressure told in the Newspapers. As a result of psychological treatment both women refused to go to Russia together with the Professor, and departure of the scientist thus was delayed. “With Andrew several times met people from the CIA, in any case, he called them so when he told me about it – says another physicist living in America from Russia, Aron Friedland. – Persuaded not to leave, threatened that will destroy his reputation in the academic community, not be invited to lecture, and will block the printing of all his scientific works. But Andrew was determined to leave. Even persuaded to follow his wife and bought two plane tickets. And then kill him. While details of the murder, nobody knows, although it’s been quite a long time.”

The death of the famous Russian mathematician, academician Vladimir Arnold cannot but surprise. He died in France in June 2010, where, by the way, he came to be treated. A friend of Arnold’s, the mathematician Maxim Kontsevich, who lives in France, confirmed that the academician Arnold came to Paris, in order to thoroughly take care of your health. Vladimir Arnold is one of the greatest mathematicians of the XX century, the author of works on topology, the theory of differential equations, the theory of features of smooth maps and theoretical mechanics. Many of his works laid the foundations for entire areas in mathematical science, such as the theory of catastrophes. Academician Arnold was the most cited Russian scientist in the world in 2009. The scientist was best known as a co – author of the Kolmogorov-Arnold-Moser theorem on the stability of integrable Hamiltonian systems. The scientist wrote several textbooks that had a serious impact on the development of new areas of mathematics. He is a laureate of prestigious awards Crafoord 1982, Harvey 1994, and Wolff 2001.

Isn’t it a strange death in civilized France? Vladimir I. Arnold died of trivial peritonitis in a state-of-the-art clinic.

In Zhukovsky killed Gennady pavlovians, outstanding aerodynamics, doctor of technical Sciences, Professor, laureate of State prizes of Russia and Ukraine, prizes named after Professor N. E. Zhukovsky, adviser of the Directorate of the TSAGI, honorary citizen of the city of Zhukovsky. He worked on the creation of aircraft of the 5th generation. On July 13, 2010, about 20 hours in a country house located in Zhukovsky near Moscow, after extinguishing the fire, the body of a 70-year-old adviser to the Directorate of the Central Aerohydrodynamic Institute was found. Zhukovsky (TSAGI) Gennady Pavlovets with signs of violent death. Criminal case initiated under part 1 of article 105 of the criminal code-murder.

In June 2010, a well-known Russian expert on nuclear disarmament, 48-year-old Alexander Pikayev, was killed in his apartment in Malta, bujibba. He headed the Department of disarmament and conflict resolution of the Institute of world economy and international relations of RAS. In the local newspaper Times Of Malta in the section “Crime” reported: “on the head of the deceased Russian scientist was visible trace of the blow.”

The police said: when they found the body of Pikayev, his computer was still working, but all the data from it were deleted. The Western press for some reason compared the death of Alexander Pikayev with the death of Alexander Litvinenko. Why? Expert Pikayev was a unique Russian expert in the field of nuclear disarmament monitoring. In 1996 he graduated from the U.S. naval post-graduate and international courses in management of defense resources. And it is possible that he had unauthorized contacts with us intelligence agencies for information that is dangerous to the authorities and intelligence services of the Russian Federation.

So who kills the color of the Russian nation?

Of all the many deaths revealed no more than ten. Ordinary criminals or nationalists are recognized as murderers. Other murders remain “unsolved cases”.

Recently at the center for forensic medicine. The Serbian has an interesting patient. He was brought from Kaluga. But after a while, he suddenly spoke Greek. “I lived in Greece. I stand on the deck and I see Greece, but I don’t see myself there. I seemed to have erased” – explained the “Greek” psychiatrists. It turns out, the car drove very well and shoot accurately. And still brilliantly versed in military technology. But the doctors did not manage to” Wake up “the whole memory of the”Greek”.
– Such patients In the center. There is a lot of Serbian,-said Elena Rusalkina, Deputy Director of the research Institute of psychotechnologies. – A strange disease in 99% of “mows” men aged 18 to 45 years. It deprives of memory, but very selectively. These patients remember how to drive a car or play football, how to use a shower and a razor. What United them? No evidence of traumatic brain injury, headache and severe nausea. But the blood test didn’t show anything. In Moscow, because of the strange patients convened a special meeting of psychiatrists. After examining patients with erased memory, they made a decision: it is contrary to all medical laws, including the law of RIBO. This law States that the vessel of human memory is filled in layers. Psychiatrists decided: strange state caused by toxic effects of a chemical substance. But this is a completely new substance.

Now in Russia the state program of return of scientists to the homeland began to work

But, it turns out, their return is opposed by Western intelligence agencies. USA, Britain, Canada and Germany do not want to part with the brilliant “brains” of Russia. Especially tenaciously they hold experts of five areas: physics, biology, chemistry, mathematics and Geology. But recently returned to Russia Konstantin Severinov, a famous molecular biologist, doctor of biological Sciences, Professor at Rutgers University in the United States. In Russia, he headed the laboratory at the Institute of molecular genetics of RAS and the Institute of gene biology, Russian Academy of Sciences. Recently around the figure Severinova started to fuss. The Russian-speaking press in the West described the story that he allegedly already bought a return ticket because his laboratories stopped receiving money. But Severin has denied the allegations. It keeps working.

Other stories are less optimistic. The Nobel laureate in physics, a student of the great Landau Alexei Abrikosov was convinced that if he returned to Moscow, he would certainly go blind. And normal doctors in Russia allegedly aren’t present. The scientist passed the tickets and stayed to work at the Argonne national laboratory in Chicago. Famous biochemist Vitaly Leskovskogo long treated “men in gray suits” after he expressed the desire to leave the United States. Leskovskogo brought to a heart attack. Another victim of the Western special services is the already mentioned nuclear physicist Andrei Gorobets. He declared his desire to return to Russia. With the physicist several times met CIA agents. Persuaded not to leave. Gorobets refused. The nuclear man was shot dead in downtown Washington. The murder was never solved. But, it seems that there is no interest Russian special services to commit these murders is not yet manifest.

And scientists continue to die

In mid-July 2010, there were two high-profile murders in Shchelkovo and Zhukovsky near Moscow. Dealt with those who are engaged in space and aircraft construction. In the city of Shchelkovo killed General Director of “NGO measuring equipment” Federal space Agency (Roscosmos) Alexander Frolov. Law enforcement authorities worked perfectly and quickly calculated the murderer. But it does not provide any information. Perhaps, this another “Greek” with erased memory?

In Zhukovsky was brutally murdered well-known aircraft manufacturer, doctor of technical Sciences, State prize winner Gennady pavlovians. He worked as Deputy Director of the Central Aerohydrodynamic Institute. The scientist was stabbed to death and the house was set on fire to cover up the crime. By the way, the Professor worked on the creation of fifth-generation aircraft. The killer is not found.

It turns out that Russia was imposed from all sides: the murders of scientists continue, as does the outflow of “brains” abroad. Those who want to come back get shot in the head. Or threats. And everything else fall into the black lists. Even those who live abroad in countries as prosperous as Malta are in danger.

Food for thought:

In the 1990s, 800 research institutes ceased to exist in Russia. Today dozens of RAS academicians work in the USA, and half of the hundreds of the best Russian scientists live in the USA.

And what happens to the other part of the scientists? With the young and yet unrecognized?

The Russian economy is said to exist today thanks to two pipes – oil and gas. It is for them that our natural resources flow abroad. But in addition to oil and gas, we have a third pipe working properly. By funneling her “brains” – wrote in his letter to the editor of the “Academy” Alexander Kondratyev from Yekaterinburg.

More than 800 thousand researchers have already left Russia (according to other data – 1, 5 million). Every year, up to 15% of University graduates leave the country. Emigration remains at the level of 15 thousand people a year. And today, almost a quarter of the American high-tech industry is based on immigrants from Russia. Scientists from Russia, living in the United States, provide 20-25% of American production in the field of high technology, which is about 10% of the world market. In Russia, there is another form of brain drain – internal. The specialist lives in Russia, but works in Western firms on international grants. Losses of the state from such brain drain – more than 700 million dollars a year.

What is the conclusion?

The destruction of the scientific environment (as well as the killing of scientists) is systemic. And no one-time infusion of grants to young researchers and the creation of science city of “SKOLKOVO” – a breath-taking position in science will not save. Scientists living in Russia advise the authorities to return to the unique system of education that we had before perestroika. And intelligence agencies need to pay attention to a series of strange murders. But until education continue to destroy, and scientists-kill.

Alexander Ivanov

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