Categories: HEALTHCARENews


The noisy online controversy over liquid microchips that the insidious bill gates will be able to mix with the help of the who controlled by him into a coronavirus vaccine (and regardless of where it is produced) is designed to obscure the actual problems of vaccination against the SARS-CoV-2 virus, as well as long-standing problems of vaccination in General. And they are very even there without any chips.

“Well, just a shot…”

This time, Alexander Poletaev, an immunologist, doctor of medical Sciences, Professor, scientific Director of the Immunculus medical research center, agreed to talk to Tsargrad about vaccination as such. Calling himself a supporter of vaccination in General, he nevertheless emphasizes that there are many nuances that are not known today not only by patients, but also by doctors themselves.

To begin with, a little historical literature from Professor Poletaev

Vaccination was the first attempt of mankind to artificially tune the immune system to create targeted immunity (resistance) to certain infectious diseases. This is a kind of training of the immune system to recognize the antigens of the microbe or its toxins for subsequent destruction. The goal is to form the body’s immune defense against infectious diseases for years to come, and ideally for life. But here it is worth noting at once: any manipulations by which changes are made in the body for a year, by definition, very seriously affect it and cause long-term changes in its functions. Therefore, the phrase “Well, just think, prick – prick and go” from the Soviet cartoon is very far from the actual state of things.

The very idea of vaccination was born hundreds of years ago, probably in China and India. It was based on observations that after smallpox or plague, survivors developed a persistent immunity to the disease, which prevented them from developing the corresponding diseases for a long time. This was also noticed in the plague epidemics in medieval Europe – the survivors and recovered patients acquired resistance to the disease, no longer infected with it and did not get sick. Hundreds of years ago, people were able to observe, analyze, and draw conclusions just as well as we are! And long before the discovery of viruses and bacteria, before the discovery of the immune system and the formulation of the very concept of anti-infectious immunity, humanity has found a way to create resistance to diseases.

” I am not afraid to be treated: if necessary, I will bite!”

Tsargrad: So the idea of preventive vaccination can be called a progressive and useful undertaking?

Alexander Poletaev: Yes, but the idea and its practical implementation are not the same. Therefore, today the very idea of vaccination, in addition to sincere supporters, has a large number of convinced opponents. I do not mean negative – minded people who are ready to deny the usefulness of any medical manipulations, but professional doctors-immunologists, biologists.

It was found that vaccinations can induce various kinds of undesirable side reactions, usually mild, the frequency of which after vaccination reaches 1-2% (according to Japanese doctors). This also includes fairly rare (no more than 3-4 cases per 50,000 vaccinated) severe post-vaccination complications that lead to persistent health disorders, disability, and even death. Serious complications are rare. However, such cases are real and it is unacceptable to discount even isolated cases of post-vaccination death or disability.

Presumably, the mass distribution of preventive vaccinations is associated with negative trends in the health status of the population of developed countries. For example, in the report of the former chief obstetrician-gynecologist of Kazakhstan, Professor R. S. Amandalove at the session of the Russian national Committee on bioethics of the RAS, it was noted that although mass vaccination of children reduces the incidence of infectious childhood diseases, at the same time, approximately 60-70 years of the twentieth century, a growing pathological sensitization (acquiring the body’s hypersensitivity to foreign substances – allergens and irritants. – Ed.) children and in the progression of allergic and autoimmune diseases spread. And I wonder whether such a fee is justified for reducing the incidence of such usually easily occurring childhood diseases as measles, scarlet fever, mumps, or rubella. There is no clear answer.

But there is an established fact: the frequency of allergic and autoimmune diseases in the “civilized” States covered by mass vaccination is 25-50 times higher than their frequency in the “uncivilized”countries.

There are other observations that indicate certain correlations between the mass introduction of preventive vaccination and the growth of detected cases of epilepsy, encephalopathy, demyelinating diseases (diseases of the nervous system in which the myelin sheath of nerve fibers is damaged. – Ed.), autism, arthritis, kidney diseases, and some others.


Tea With mumps

Tsg: There is a common opinion that, having been vaccinated, you get a lifetime of immunity from the disease…

A. P.: This is not true. On the contrary, once-passed childhood diseases usually leave a stable, usually lifelong immunity, and ;vaccination (three or more times), for example, against rubella or measles, allows you to create immunity to diseases for about 3-10 years.

Vaccine manufacturers indicate higher numbers, but this is usually not true.

As a result, many girls who have received the entire set of childhood vaccinations, by the time of marriage and pregnancy, have a real chance to get sick again, for example, rubella with all the resulting negative consequences for the fetus, which would not have happened if they themselves had been ill in childhood. Here it is appropriate to recall an old English custom that was widespread 100 years ago: if a little girl of 5-10 years old had rubella, all her friends were invited to tea with her. It is also known that mumps (mumps), carried by young men (often previously vaccinated) at puberty or after puberty, is often complicated by male infertility, which almost does not happen if they have the same disease in early childhood.

Tsg: obviously, the material from which the vaccine is made is also of Considerable importance?

A.P.: Definitely. Many vaccine viruses (to a lesser extent, bacteria) are grown on media with the addition of veal serum, the main protein of which is bovine serum albumin (BSA). Insufficient cleaning of the vaccine preparation from BSA (and a very high degree of cleaning is expensive!) it can cause the synthesis of antibodies to this albumin in a vaccinated child or adult. At the same time, vaccinated patients often experience a steady rise in the synthesis of antibodies to insulin, since the structure of BSA and insulin molecules have similar sites. As a result, some vaccinated children may have an increased risk of developing diabetes.

it is characteristic That in the last 50 years a progressive increase in the incidence of diabetes has been registered. According to some researchers, one of the reasons for this is the mass introduction of different types of preventive vaccinations.

But I would not touch on the controversial issues of whether vaccines contain trace amounts of mercury added as a preservative, or aluminum hydroxide, which increases the immune response. These technical problems are easily solved with relatively small additional costs. It is much more difficult to deal with the fundamentally unavoidable biological aspects of vaccination. These questions are almost never raised by non-specialists – because of their ignorance of the subject, and by specialists from vaccine manufacturers – for other, quite understandable reasons.

Where are the vaccination dogs buried?

Tsg: What are these aspects and do neurachs need to know them?

A. P.: Reasonable people, of course. The trouble is that many doctors do not know them today.

Any vaccination is the introduction of weakened or killed infectious agents (viruses, bacteria), their antigens or synthetic analogues of such antigens into the body of the vaccinated person. Recently, DNA vaccines have also appeared: not the antigen itself is introduced into the body, but its genetic matrix, from which the pathogen’s antigen is read and synthesized in the human body.

So, today, the vaccination procedure is carried out without taking into account the individual characteristics of the response of the immune system of a particular child or adult to a particular vaccine drug. These features directly depend on the individual sets of the main histocompatibility complex (GKGS), available for each and setting the vector of the individual’s immune response to fragments of any antigen.

It is THE gcgs molecules that provide our immune identity. this is Where the first “dog” is “buried”. Any antigens entering the body can induce health disorders in some patients – this is how their immune system works. One person who is bitten by a bee will forget about it in two days, and another person may die after the bite. Differences in the response to the microscopic amount of bee venom antigens, as well as the antigens of pathogens of measles, whooping cough, and flu, lie in the features of immune reactivity.

This kind of feature in most vaccinated people leads to resistance to a specific pathogen, but in others it can trigger, for example, post-vaccination multiple sclerosis, diabetes, T-cell leukemia or something else.

Even if the latter group is very small, they should never be discounted! That is why everyone should decide for themselves whether to get vaccinated or not no directives on this matter are allowed in principle. Because it can cause someone to die.

Tsg: Is it possible to calculate this “histocompatibility complex” for each person in advance?

A. P.: Today, the characteristics of a particular individual’s response to a particular vaccine drug are not taken into account in any way – this is not technically possible yet. After all, to do this, you need to understand how the features of gkgs sets (and this is 1-2 million options!) determine which fragments of the antigen the immune response in a given person will be directed to.

Tsg: and the acceptable dose of the vaccine is probably also a strictly individual parameter?

A. P.: Exactly. And here “buried” the second “dog”. The added dose of antigen or antigens must be sufficient to induce a “small inflammatory disease”, otherwise creating resistance, that is, resistance, will not work. In this case, the specific immune inflammation caused by vaccine antigens is repeatedly amplified – sometimes to dangerous limits, if the body of the vaccinated person already has additional foci of inflammation.

Immunologists are well aware that if vaccination is performed against the background of the so-called non-specific polyclonal activation of the immune system, the risk of pathological reactions increases many times. Any active inflammation is always accompanied by an increased secretion of molecules called Pro-inflammatory cytokines, which contribute to the development of complications.

Tsg: What is it and how common is it?

A. P.: Often! Any acute or chronic inflammatory process-sore teeth or throat, pancreatitis has worsened-is necessarily accompanied by an increase in the activity of many cells of the immune system, clones of lymphocytes, lasting from several days to several weeks.

Including autoreactive lymphocytes interacting with their own body’s antigens. Such lymphocytes are important for regulating a variety of physiological processes, as well as for cleaning up “garbage” – cleaning the body from constantly forming harmful products and dying cells.

It is essential that the activity of autoreactive lymphocytes is maintained within strict limits. Otherwise, the activity of these “cleaners” can turn into autoimmune aggression that destroys the body. And if vaccination is performed against this background, it is fraught with pathologies: the development of various, including very serious, complications – autoimmune diseases and malignant tumors. This factor can and should be controlled when planning any vaccination today.

There are already ways to assess the presence of inflammatory processes of a certain localization with the determination of the level of activity of the immune system, for example, simple and cheap methods of ELI tests developed in our center. An abnormal increase in the activity of lymphocytes and macrophages detected with their help should be the basis for temporary withdrawal from any vaccinations. This will eliminate not all, but a significant part of post-vaccination complications.

Tsg: Don’t they know about it in the” vaccination offices”?

A. P.: Unfortunately, not all doctors who are professionally engaged in preventive vaccinations know about the dangerous role of inflammation. And if you have heard something, then for lack of knowledge, skills and equipment, few of them are ready to take into account this important risk factor. Hence the “national vaccination calendars” – an absurdity that greatly facilitates the life of medical officials and enriches vaccine manufacturers, but does not contribute to the health of the vaccinated</strong>. Not according to formal “calendars”, but only based on the health status of each individual child or adult, you can plan or not plan their vaccination. And the Russian vaccine is used or the French-this is the tenth case.

Health against the interests of the vaccine lobby

Tsg: Should we get vaccinated or not?

A. P.: without any doubt, vaccination is a very promising approach that will find an important place in the medicine of the future. Provided that it is carried out with the mind, that is, not according to the prescriptions of the powerful vaccine lobby, but based on real knowledge and experience that has yet to be obtained and made the medical norm. It is necessary that the production and composition of vaccine preparations should be monitored with greater care, and the medical staff in the mass of its significantly better than today, understand General and particular issues of immunology.

It is important to understand that today we are not able to reliably predict individual reactions to the introduction of a particular do this, we need to have information that is not available today. However, some prognostically important points are not only possible to consider, but also necessary.

If you are going to hot countries where there are viruses Ebola or yellow fever, vaccination is necessary. If you are suddenly bitten by a Fox in the forest-vaccination is necessary. If there is an unfavorable epidermis for diphtheria, vaccination is necessary. In each case, it is useful to weigh the ratio between the risk of suffering from a particular disease, taking into account its population prevalence, current treatment options, the frequency and severity of complications, and the risk of suffering from the consequences of vaccination itself.

Perhaps it would be wise to review the existing strategy by eliminating the preventive vaccination of children against a number of diseases that are not really dangerous and that, on the contrary, are preferable to get sick in childhood.

It also seems reasonable to cancel mandatory vaccination with those drugs whose preventive effectiveness was low, which are not able to create a long-term stressed immunity.

With the current practice of vaccinating millions, these measures alone will avoid hundreds or even thousands of tragedies and save large amounts of budget funds. Finally, based on the knowledge of the stages of formation of the immune system in the fetus and child, in my opinion, any vaccination of children up to 6 months of age, that is, until more or less complete maturation of the immune system is unjustified.

by the way, in order to create anti-infective resistance in children under 6-12 months of age, it may be more reasonable to vaccinate the expectant mother 8-12 months before the planned pregnancy, rather than the child: individual features of the mother’s immune system are effectively “imprinted” by the emerging fetal immune system. Naturally, such approaches require careful experimental study.

Tsg: In this regard, how do you feel about the discussions in the media and half-hints from some officials and official structures about the “mandatory” upcoming vaccination against coronovirus, and almost this fall?

Poletaev, Aleksandr Borisovich — doctor of medical Sciences, Professor, is a leading specialist in the field of immunology, immunobiotechnology, neuroimmunochemistry

A. P.: Such statements can only be made by ignorant and far from disinterested people. I assure you that it is possible to create from scratch what could formally be called a “vaccine preparation” (synthetic, recombinant or some other) in a couple of months. And to assess the real benefits and real risks of its use, it will take at least 5 years. Let me remind you that an effective vaccine against tuberculosis or AIDS has not been created for many decades…

It should be borne in mind that mandatory preclinical tests on laboratory animals – for toxicity, Carcinogenicity, etc. – provide only very approximate information, since the biological difference between mice and humans is too great. Until the drug is tested on thousands of volunteers, talk of its supposedly proven safety will border on crime. it is Useful to remember the story with thalidomide. This insufficiently tested drug, advertised “as a safe sedative for pregnant women”, in the 60s of the last century caused the birth in Germany of 10 to 20 thousand “pinnipeds” (newborns with fused or underdeveloped arms and legs). Are our manufacturers and promoters of a new vaccine prepared to take responsibility for something like this?

We can end this conversation with a detailed and very remarkable quote from the famous infectious diseases doctor Charles Cyril Okell, who wrote in the Lancet magazine back in 1938:

When Jenner and Pasteur developed the idea of artificial vaccination, they did more than make a scientific discovery; they founded a faith, and, as often happens with faith, it was mixed with superstition and quackery. None of these great innovators approached this issue as a completely unbiased observer. They wanted to be missionaries as well as scientists.

Mass immunization was started with almost religious fervor. The enthusiast rarely thought about how it would end and whether the excessive promises made would be fulfilled. Without propaganda, of course, there can be no mass vaccination, but it is dangerous to mix propaganda with scientific facts.If we were to tell the whole truth openly, the public would hardly agree to vaccination. ( … ) When we give a healthy person an injection, we always roll on thin ice.


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