A whole series of scandals over the rights of various minorities and the “struggle for diversity” has occurred recently in the West. However, on closer inspection, it is easy to see that their organizers are not concerned with moral problems at all. They are much more interested in a simple skin interest – and all because the famous American dream has stopped working.
The decision of the investment Bank Goldman Sachs to refuse to conduct IPOs to companies with only “white men” on the Board of Directors made a lot of noise. The statement of David Solomon, CEO of the legendary Bank, was one of the most striking statements at the forum in Davos. It seemed that only cold calculation ruled the world of bankers. However, the policy of multicultural “diversity” with its emotions and sentimentalities has crept in here as well. From now on, Goldman Sachs will only accompany IPOs of startups that have women, non-white people, and people of non-traditional sexual orientation on their Board of Directors. The initiative of the banker – and part-time famous DJ-was criticized even by his politically correct colleagues. “How can you hope that you will be taken seriously if it is clear that you got on the Board of Directors not because of your experience, but simply because of a quota? American investment banker Carol Roth asks. “Goldman Sachs sets a good goal, but tries to achieve it with bad means.” Obviously, in reality, startups that want to work with Goldman Sachs will find many ways to formally fulfill this strange requirement. It is not difficult to imagine how Board members will negotiate (or play with matches) before entering the IPO: who will portray an oppressed national minority, and who will represent a person of non – traditional orientation. More important in Solomon’s statement, however, are the exceptions to the “support for diversity” program that he noted in passing. The “diversification” rule for boards of Directors does not apply to companies from Asia and South America. It will only apply to American and European startups. Human rights activists from countries not covered by the Bank’s initiative were genuinely outraged. According to their calculations, in Chinese, Japanese, and Indian companies, women are even worse represented in management than in African firms. “They just have to include Asia in their program, “says fern Ngai, CEO of Hong Kong – based Business community, which advocates inclusivity in company management.
Now all dreams of making it to the top are associated with belonging to an oppressed minority – or better yet, several at once. The chances are slim, of course. However, active participation in the cultural wars against the white Patriarchy gives the lumpenized intelligentsia at least some outlet. It’s especially nice to harass a live classic based on the fact that he is an “old white man.”
On the eve of the Oscars, the author of the best American novels of the last half-century, Stephen king, was handed out, incautiously saying on Twitter that he “never considered “diversity” in matters of art, only quality.” King was hastily shamed by feminists, LGBT activists and representatives of colored minorities, and his antics were condemned by Newspapers and TV channels. King did not help even the fact that he has been actively flirting with rapidly radicalizing Hollywood political correctness in recent years – the writer enthusiastically agreed to the film adaptation of “the Dark tower” with a black Idris Elba in the lead role, without problems approved the gay love line in the film adaptation of “It”. But one simple consideration of the author that films for the “Oscar” should be selected by quality, and not by gender or race of the Director, caused a storm of indignation in social networks. As king apologizes to fans, it is becoming increasingly clear that the virtual struggle for minority rights in the West is masked by a complete lack of equal opportunities for people in real life. And there are no exits from this stagnation – cultural, economic, social – at all. It is unpleasant to realize this. You have to hide your fear and frustration behind more and more vivid phrases and more and more wild ideas about multicultural “diversity”.One of the most common terms in economic news releases is GDP — gross domestic…
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