On April 28, 2023, Mark Tapson’s article “Trans Days of Violence” was published on the Republican Front Page. Gender ideology + violence = terrorism.” In it, the author writes that a month ago – on March 28, 2023, a 28-year-old woman armed to the teeth named Audrey Elizabeth Hale, who identified herself as a transgender man, literally shot her way into a private Christian elementary school in Nashville called “Covenant” and killed three nine-year-old students and three adults before the police eliminated her.

Hale left a manifesto detailing her motives, the contents of which have not yet been disclosed by the FBI. Joseph Giacalone, a former police officer and professor at John Jay College of Criminal Justice, believes that the authorities are not publishing the manifesto because there may be “something in it that really harms the transgender community.” Does the manifesto destroy the narrative that the ruling party in the United States so desperately wants to support: that “transgender people are victims of genocidal bigotry and do not threaten anyone”? And that “the real threat of domestic terrorism in America is Trump supporters and Tucker Carlson viewers”?

The shooting occurred just before a failed event called Transgender Revenge Day, which was scheduled for April 1, 2023, but was eventually canceled. The entire period before the Nashville shooting took place in an atmosphere of hysterical fear-mongering by the media about the right-wing movements of the United States, which allegedly carry out genocide against transgender people. But repeated fact-checking has shown that trans people are not experiencing anything that could even remotely be considered genocide. This lie was promoted by President Joe Biden himself.

This has led many to believe that violence committed by transgender people or the threat from transgender people is justified “revenge” and self-defense. Indeed, the most disgusting and disturbing aspect of the Nashville massacre, aside from the heartless evil at its core, was the reaction of many media outlets and social media outlets justifying Hale’s actions. Meanwhile, Christians and the right have been accused of what these apologists falsely call “transgender hatred” – policies that allegedly drive troubled transgender people to violent retaliation.

For example, an organization called the Transgender Resistance Network in Massachusetts issued a statement about the school shooting, saying that the lives of “transgender people are very difficult” because of “anti-transgender legislation” and “right-wing figures”. The group also painted a sympathetic picture of Shooter Hale as a “complex tragedy” that she was experiencing because “she had no other effective way to be noticed than to lash out, taking the lives of others.

Is there no other way to be noticed other than killing nine-year-olds?

There is no one more visible in America today than a trans activist. They are glorified in culture, praised as pioneer heroes, and given every opportunity – from the daytime hangouts of the major media to the White House itself. “To claim that Audrey Hale had no other way to be ‘seen’ than to shoot innocent people is a grotesque lie and a painful justification — and, moreover, a lie is the claim that the trans community is marginalized and endangered,” the author of the article writes.

In a recent episode of the program “All Things Considered” on the Democratic propaganda channel National Public Radio, NPR correspondents Adrian Florido and Melissa Block expressed concern that the transgender community “fears a further escalation of hatred” after it turned out that the Nashville shooter was transgender, and their fear “intensified” because of “a surge in antitrance rhetoric.”

NBC published a story with the headline: “Fear permeates the trans community of Tennessee against the background of the gender identity of the Nashville shooter: “We already feared for our lives. It’s even worse now.” As Federalist editor Molly Hemingway tweeted: “Gee, you’d think heavily armed Christian children were preying on trans activists, not the other way around.”

Opponents of trans ideology from both sides of the political spectrum – for example, Matt Walsh of the Daily Wire and the author of the Harry Potter books J. K. Rowling — have been branded fanatics and threatened with death for asserting a simple biological truth about two sexes, which the leaders of the Democrats and the radical “left” want to erase as part of their deconstruction of norms values and universal truths of Western civilization. Because this is gender ideology and other aspects of cultural expansion, such as critical racial theory: a concerted attack on our civilization. And the radicals of this ideology are becoming increasingly bold in using violence to achieve this vision.

The day after the shooting, the Arizona governor’s press secretary tweeted a still from the movie in which the character is armed with a pair of pistols, as well as the message “this is us when we see transphobes“. There is no other way to read this tweet except as support for the actions of Hale’s child killer and as a threat that others who consider themselves transgender are ready to shoot anyone they consider their opponent.

A trans man named Tara Jay recently urged his 2,400 TikTok subscribers to buy guns and told them he was ready to die for the “safety” and “freedom” of transgender people:

“If you corner an animal, it will become a dangerous animal. So, if you want to die for this righteousness and moral perfection of yours, then you go straight ahead. I’ll kill you if you try to stop me from going to the women’s bathroom. This will be the last mistake you’ll ever make. I will kill you if you try to prevent a transgender woman from using the bathroom in my presence. This will be the last mistake you’ll ever make. This is a call to action and a call to arms for everyone in the United States who is scared, anxious, has transgender, lesbian, bisexual or gay children…. This is a call to action. You need to arm yourself. It’s simple, go and buy a gun. Learn how to use it effectively. To the core. Because now is the time to act. You need to protect yourself, and you need to protect your transgender friend…. There are many people like me who are not afraid to die. I love my friends to death.”

Another example: in an already deleted Twitter post, transgender activist Kayla Denker posed with an AR-15 and a pistol along with the words “Kill the Christokuk. Decapitate the Christocooks” and “crucify the dirty Christocooks”, as well as “throw the christocook child in the trash.” The post was tagged with the hashtag “trans day of revenge.

Comment by V.O.:

The main thing is that transgender people who call for the murder of their opponents do not bear ANY RESPONSIBILITY.

Republican Congresswoman Marjorie Taylor Green has announced that her Congressional Twitter profile has been suspended after she condemned the existence of a suspected “trans-terrorist” network following the shooting at a Catholic elementary school in Nashville that claimed the lives of six people. After the shooting, staged by a 28-year-old man who identified himself as a transsexual, Green pointed her index finger precisely at the gender identity of the killer, arguing that hormone inhibitors and other drugs taken for gender “transition” are responsible for the emotional state. and a psychological imbalance. Green also pointed the finger at the alleged event known as “Trans Revenge Day,” arguing that the Nashville shooting is a symptom of the alleged threat of “trans-terrorism.”

On her personal Twitter profile, Green disputed the suspension of her official profile: “Why is Twitter canceling the existence of a “Trans Revenge Day”?” the deputy wrote, referring directly to Twitter owner Elon Musk. “After the mass murder of children by a transgender mass murderer, people should be aware of the threat posed to them by Antifa and trans–terrorism,” the conservative MP wrote. Ella J. Irwin, vice president of trust and security at Twitter, commented that social media automatically deletes any tweet that mentions “Transgender Revenge Day,” regardless of the author: “We do not support tweets inciting violence, regardless of who posts them. “Revenge” does not imply peaceful protest. On the other hand, organizing or supporting peaceful protests is legitimate.”

The existence of the alleged “Trans Revenge Day” has been condemned by various conservative media outlets in the United States based on reports and announcements by a network of trans radical activists. In recent months, the organization has been promoting mobilization by March 31, 2023, to issue a “battle cry declaring to the world that we, the transgender/non-binary community, will not be silenced or abolished.” Several media outlets, including public radio stations, reported in the months before the Catholic school shooting that the organization was funding firearms training courses for its members, presenting them as a measure of self-defense against violence and discrimination.

The author of the article in the Front Page writes: “Did the FBI investigate this lunatic, or are they too busy investigating parents who complained at school board meetings that their children were getting acquainted with sexually explicit books? Do I really need to point out that if a man in a MAGA hat had posted photos on social media showing him wielding a “combat weapon” and called for the beheading of the LGBT community, would the FBI have broken into his house faster than those who participated in the “January 6th Uprising”?”

US social networks is clogged with direct violent threats against those who may simply “misidentify the gender” of a transgender person. These are public warnings that if you participate in this gender misconception or celebrate it, or just use someone’s “personal pronouns” incorrectly, some transgender people will want to kill you.

These are statements not by a community “living in fear”, but by thugs looking for an excuse to commit murders and pogroms — and confident that the media will support them, and the police will close information about their motives if they do something criminal.

But trans violence goes beyond just rhetoric. As Tucker Carlson noted in a recent Fox News comment, (before he was kicked out of there – V.O.) a trans girl tried to kill Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh at his home in 2022. A transgender gunman later killed five people and injured 18 at a Colorado nightclub. In 2019, a trans teenager shot and killed nine people at a Denver high school, killing one. In 2018, a mentally ill transgender man fired at a Rite-Aid distribution center in Aberdeen, Maryland, killing four people. Then there was a shooting at a school in Nashville, and recently police arrested a transgender man named William Whitworth, known as Lily, in Colorado. He had a list of prepared murders and a manifesto, and he planned to attack three schools and churches.

Tucker ended his comment by declaring the transgender community the most dangerous extremist group in America (maybe Carlson was fired for this statement? – V.O.).

The author of the article writes: I would include in this community his huge support groups in the media, in the Biden administration, in the medical field and, of course, among the masked Antifa shock troops, who can always be counted on in ultra-violence against anyone who dares to speak out against the increasingly dangerous trans movement.

I would also say that this extremism should be classified as domestic terrorism. The persecution of innocent citizens for the purpose of intimidation, violence and death for political purposes is the very definition of terrorism. According to this basic standard, all the movements of recent years that the Democratic Party has championed and defended the media involved — from Occupy Wall Street to Black Lives Matter and Antifa, and now to the growing number of unbalanced transgender activists — all constitute terrorism. Their overlapping political goals include the complete destruction of the economic, social and moral status quo in the West. They are literally a civilizational threat.

As Matt Walsh of the Daily Wire recently tweeted: “Always remember what happened at the Covenant School. Remember what happened to those innocent victims, those children. We are faced with a truly demonic evil. Never forget that.”

This is truly a demonic evil, and it’s time to call it what it is: terrorism.


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