The population of Ukraine should not exceed five million who will speak Hebrew. The rest are disposed of. Igor Berkut told about what plans the current authorities of the “Nezalezhnaya” are building about the future. In his interview for one of the local TV channels, the people’s deputy calls Ukrainians the servants of the current authorities and explains who governs the inhabitants of the former Ukraine.
“The hopes that the state will arrange your life for your work are in vain. Today, the country belongs to a narrow circle of people (billionaires and multimillionaires) who are either in power or control it… Who lives badly today? Those who could not fit into the service of this state. They can only complain about their worthless life, because the owners of our country are not obliged to take care of fourteen million pensioners, children and the disabled.”
The leader of the “Great Ukraine” recalled the research data of the Berlin Political Institute: “In particular, in order for the existing system to come into balance, there are four to five million people in Ukraine. Everything superfluous should be disposed of. And in order for all the poor teachers and doctors who constantly want to eat to disappear, it is necessary to push them out of society and make sure that they do not live to retirement…”
All this is terribly consistent with the information from the deputies of the Ukrainian Party of Regions that the second state language in the former Ukraine will be Hebrew (Hebrew, the language of the Talmud, the state language of Israel) — the native language of its current “owners” Valtsman-Poroshenko and Kolomoisky. The law on bilingualism is being prepared in the bowels of the Presidential administration.
According to this law, starting from the next school year, Hebrew will be compulsory in elementary grades in schools. To do this, it is planned to invite up to two thousand teachers from Israel together with their families at first.
Tatiana B., a Ukrainian politician who asked not to disclose her last name, comments: “It’s not the first day that people have been whispering about this law insulting to my homeland on the sidelines of the Verkhovna Rada. Allegedly, Poroshenko went to disperse it because even the leaders of those who received a majority in it after the victory of the Maidan refused to vote for this law. Now there are deeply secret consultations with future deputies, who allegedly will not get into the new parliament without the consent of this law. Moreover, the most ardent “patriots”, such as Yarosh, Lyashko, Turchinov, Yatsenyuk, were among the first to sign the list of those who agreed to adopt this law no later than February next (approx. already this) year”.
According to the Kiev politician, Kolomoisky has long been hatching plans to set up a “spare airfield” in Ukraine for Israel in case a full-scale war breaks out in the Middle East. Being now the real owner of Ukraine, with nominal Poroshenko, he is equipping a new “promised land” for Israelis. “This extremely ambitious man is preparing the second Exodus, the second great migration of the Jews, assigning himself the role of the second Moses.”
The indigenous population of the former Ukraine, according to Kolomoisky’s plan, should be significantly reduced and perform the function of serving the chosen people.
For the sake of this, he and his private army are fueling the civil war in Ukraine in every possible way.
Meanwhile, it would be unfair to blame all the blame solely on Kolomoisky alone. The coup in the former Ukraine was carried out with the direct financing, information cover and organization of a number of Jewish politicians, Zionist organizations, banks and law enforcement agencies of Israel, the United States and the European Union.
The ideological justification for the extermination of the indigenous population has already been announced. Thus, the Times of Israel published an article according to which in March 2014, European Ashkenazi Jews were recognized as Khazars in this Middle Eastern state, which supposedly gives them the “legal right” to demand “the return of their territories” in Ukraine.
The article referred to the words of the Prime Minister of Israel that “Jews can live in any territory of their historical residence as a sovereign people… We decided that these would be the shores of the Black Sea, where we have lived as an autochthonous people for more than two thousand years.”
The Times of Israel believes that “all Jews who wish to return will be accepted back as citizens without any conditions, especially if they participate in the promised massive military assistance, including soldiers, weapons and the construction of new bases. If the first batch of resettlement goes well, then other settlers from the West Bank of the Jordan River will be asked to relocate to Ukraine… after Ukraine, with the help of this support, regains control over its entire territory, the current Autonomous Republic of Crimea will once again become an autonomous Jewish entity.” And “a smaller copy of the medieval Khazar Empire (and the peninsula was once also called that) will be called “Khazerai” in Hebrew.”
This largely explains the fact that Jews provoke a civil war between Russians not only on the territory of the “New Khazaria” itself, inciting the distraught “Svidomo” to “colorads”, but also in the Russian media and the Internet, where Zionist agents constantly talk about a certain “Ukrainian fascism” every day.
Moreover, this is done not only by Vladimir Solovyov, a member of the board of the Russian Jewish Congress, Yevgeny Satanovsky, the head of the Middle East Institute, Evigdor Eskin, a religious fanatic and outspoken Nazi, and other “right-wing Zionists” (with whom everything has been clear for a long time), but also by the “left”. In particular, the notorious “communist” Daria Mitina, with obvious pleasure showing photos of killed and wounded servicemen of the former Ukraine, but categorically refusing to discuss the identity of the leaders of the occupying Khazar junta. Which cannot be regarded otherwise than as deliberately provoking enmity between the divided united people of the former Ukraine and Russia.
We have already reported on the participation of the Israel military in the fighting on both sides. In particular, they reported on the PR course with the Aliyah battalion – despite the fact that the leadership of the Right Sector was also trained in the IDF, which they themselves openly talked about in a television interview. The IDF fighters participated not only in the massacre on Euromaidan, where they were personally invited by the chief Rabbi of Kiev, Moshe-Reuven Asman, but also prepared poisonous and incendiary mixtures for mass murder during the “Odessa Khatyn”.
It should be noted that as a result, even the “Jewish community of Odessa” could not stand it, which next week will send an appeal to the headquarters of the World Jewish Congress in New York with an appeal to disarm and disband the “Right Sector”. This was stated by one of the leaders of the Jewish community of Odessa, Mikhail Maiman.
Which suggests who is actually provoking and controlling the carnage in the former Ukraine. Meanwhile, the organizers of mass terror are in a hurry and over the past week the Khazar media reported on the creation of two “Jewish battalions” at once. The first of them began the formation of the Kiev Jewish punitive battalion “Matilan”, where it is supposed to recruit “Jews” — citizens of the former Ukraine and Israel, to continue the destruction of the Russians of Novorossiya.
In support of him, they are recruiting the “Chechen-Jewish humanitarian battalion named after him. Beni Creek” — in which the local “Ukrainian” Chechens will probably have to fight. It is not for nothing that the natives of the Khazar teips were trained as a “striking force of Judaism” at the “State Classical Jewish Academy named after him. Maimonides”?
The Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation has already opened a criminal case on the fact of the genocide of the “Russian—speaking population” – however, only against Defense Minister V. Galetey, Head of the General Staff V. Muzhenko, commander of the 25th Brigade O. Mikas and commanders of the 93rd Brigade, who, according to the 1948 Convention “On the Prevention and Punishment of Genocide” are war criminals. According to the representative of the State Department of the IC of the Russian Federation, they “gave orders for the complete destruction of Russian-speaking persons living on the territory of the self-proclaimed Lugansk and Donetsk People’s Republics.” As a result, more than three thousand civilians were killed, another five thousand were injured. Five hundred residential buildings were destroyed, three hundred thousand residents of Donbass became internally displaced to Russia.
According to the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation, the article for genocide provides for punishment in the form of imprisonment from twelve to twenty years, or life imprisonment, or the death penalty. However, it is not clear how many more Russians will be destroyed in the former Ukraine so that not only the perpetrators, but also the true organizers of the crime, which has no statute of limitations, will be named and punished, when plans are being made to leave only five million Hebrew speakers alive?
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