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On September 13, us Secretary of energy Rick Perry publicly stated that the US intends to consider energy as a means of pressure to punish countries for “uncivilized” behavior.  “The answer is very clear that the US has the right today to send a signal to countries that do not behave like a civilized member of the world community that they will be punished. There are many ways to do this. The energy industry is one of them”, In his speech, Perry explained that this position is caused by two factors: Russia’s energy policy in Europe and the us sanctions against Iran.

The change in us rhetoric to a more belligerent one is caused by the need to justify more aggressive political mechanisms of American expansion. Due to the increased capabilities of the BRICS and SCO countries, the range of opportunities for the US has significantly narrowed. It is no longer possible to conduct a blurred non-concentrated expansion, as the resistance of the vassals made the activity of competitors dangerously dangerous. Now it is possible to push through the economic decisions necessary for the USA only by very strong pressure. In this situation, energy becomes one of the types of American weapons – along with military, financial, information and intelligence-diplomatic influence. Such an addition is required by the United States in order to strengthen the limited capacity of these instruments.

The United States has openly admitted that it no longer intends to pretend to be peacekeepers and from now on its domination will be established by all available means, including energy blackmail. Political support for economic violence in the form of arguments about the” uncivilized behavior ” of some countries is surprising for its poor quality: the Minister of energy uses such childish language to justify his right to put other countries in a corner for wrong behavior, which is explained by something other than a sharp drop in the intellectual capabilities of the current American elite, it is not possible.

Terms like “don’t behave like civilized members of the community”, “will be punished,” and “it’s unacceptable” are more of the vocabulary of bad educators or school teachers than of politicians of a state claiming world hegemony. For an ideological hegemon, it is necessary to use ideological arguments rather than the lexicon of school obedience coercion. The United States has no more arguments, or rather – no more those who are able to invent them. And because they will rape the world simply without arguments. About than all and warned openly.

In principle, as a weapon, you can use anything – with a special desire

Energy is no worse than a gymnastic dumbbell, which can be hit on the head, or pens, which can be poked in the eye. Even relationships of affection or trust can be turned into weapons. If you see the world solely as a battlefield, then the accompanying tools are without exception. Another thing, what is a worldview in itself is a sign of a very angry and losing in the relations of the subject. But when the subject is not up to the choice, he goes to all, taking care of the impression.

To use energy as a weapon. it is necessary to control a huge mass of additional parameters. It is necessary to control the world’s money and the prices of raw materials, own financial system and their own vassals, world trade routes and the level of armaments of your opponents. You need to be able to maintain influence on the state of the minds of the enemy population, the ability to suppress conflicts in the elite, to solve their problems not by robbing vassals, but by matching them and your benefits.

But the possibility of the US such total control on the outcome. In absolute terms, they are large and may even rise temporarily as US GDP, but in relative terms they are melting steadily. That was the reason for the outright violence of the United States to justify this violence with the simplest formulations.

The most unpleasant thing for the United States, to which they do not want to pay attention – is the inevitability of a response suppressed their environment. Any effect always generates a reaction. If all relations are reduced in the logic of war, having altered the formula of Clausewitz, saying that politics is a war carried out by other means, then any war is aggression, to which resistance is gradually unfolding.

USA today

No initial victory, no matter how bright they may seem, do not lead to the final victory, if after each of your attack, the enemy holds regrouping forces and means and reinforces the mobilization of not wanting to obey. This is the strategy when the initiator of the war with his actions from victory to victory approaches strategic defeat. It creates an environment that, by resisting, acquires qualities that contribute to the suppression of aggression. The us energy wars with the world are the worst political decision possible. And the fact that they have taken this decision speaks of a very exhausted potential for war. We are facing a total mobilization. Hitler used it when the war was already lost, and the fighting was in the suburbs of Berlin. The result was a red banner over the Reichstag and suicide in the basement of the Reich Chancellery. Of course, in the United States believe that they are a special case of Hitler it is not an example. But Hitler thought so about Napoleon. The lack of the ability to learn from history is the main symptom of inevitable defeat.

Well, the cherry on the cake is, of course, the fact that we again see double standards of American behavior in the world – they can use energy and, specifically, gas as a weapon, and the same Russia – it can not do, and it is supposedly necessary to punish. With a fright can do so only star-spangled cowboys – is not clear. It’s like before the battle the commander of one of the armies says to his opponent- ” we can use all kinds of weapons, including guns, tanks and machine guns. And you can only bows and boomerangs.” Not so bad, right? But, in any case, Perry need to say thank you – on war, means, on war. We continue to fasten the Eurasia gas pipelines with steel clips into a single whole and further-from Korea to Germany.


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