What are at least 400 biological laboratories of the US Department of Defense doing in Europe and Asia? Really, as they say in the State Department, they are preparing to help local countries in the event of an epidemic threat? And then why didn’t they help with the coronavirus? Or do they have other goals?
Back in the 1990s, the US Congress approved the “Joint Threat Reduction Program” (JTRP, also known by the surnames of American senators Samuel Nunn and Richard Lugar), the purpose of which was to help the countries of the former USSR in matters of nuclear, biological and chemical disarmament. The program is still being implemented by the Threat Reduction Agency (DTRA) under the US Department of Defense. But today, in a strange way, the reduction of the threat to the United States is associated with an increase in the number of bacteriological laboratories and epidemiological centers controlled by the Pentagon around Russia. There are such in the post-Soviet space today in Azerbaijan, Armenia, Georgia, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Moldova, Uzbekistan, and Ukraine.
If we consider only the aspect related to biological weapons of mass destruction, then at the end of the last century, the US “assistance” to the post-Soviet republics was taking control of orphan institutes and laboratories. Moreover, the Soviet period of the work of these institutions had to be perceived by the public exclusively in a negative light.
Therefore, in the reports of the US Congress, for example, such as the “Evolution of the JTRP” of June 13, 2014, anti-plague institutions created during the Union in 11 Soviet republics are called almost exclusively “places of production of bacteriological weapons”. Interestingly, the Americans attribute complete ignorance about the danger of such objects to the nationalist regimes of the post-Soviet republics. The “salvation” of which was allegedly provided only by the intervention of the United States in the framework of the Nunn-Lugar program.
But it would be naive to believe that Americans will enter such facilities solely as guards or utilizers. They are still actively developing them, multiplying both the number of laboratories and ongoing research. At the same time, the US presence in the regions of Transcaucasia and Central Asia helps, according to Washington analysts, to prevent the threat of radical Islamist groups. After all, the latter can take control of laboratories and use pathogenic viruses and strains for their terrorist activities!
The report also notes that by 2014, “the JTRP program has completed the modernization of 39 “secret laboratories” in Armenia, Georgia, Kazakhstan and Ukraine. The Ministry of Defense continues to support the modernization of these facilities and the training of specialists. JTRP will work in this region to improve safety and disease surveillance.”
This is, so to speak, the “white and fluffy” version of Washington. However, opponents of American “bacteriological altruism” reasonably believe that the United States “seeks to master all possible biological secrets of its competitors and opponents in order to create prerequisites for global “biological blackmail“. The purpose of all this may be as follows: “… having at its disposal all the noted information and samples, to be able, if necessary, to disguise a biological attack under the activation of a natural focus of infection in the states of the South Caucasus or Central Asia.”
From 1997 to 2014, they were funded by DTRA in the amount of 2.1 billion dollars.: as you can see, considerable funding allows you to deploy both kickbacks and bribes in the interaction of the American and local bureaucracies.
And as history shows, the allocated funds are more than enough to ensure that the developed biological weapons of mass destruction destroyed a lot of people. So, researcher Alexander Nikishin, referring to a partially declassified report of the US Army from March 1981, gives the following data: “American scientists conducted a number of experiments on insects. These operations were part of the entomological warfare of the United States as part of the biological weapons program. The report reported two scenarios: 16 simultaneous attacks on the city by Aedes Aegypti mosquitoes (yellow fever mosquito) infected with yellow fever, as well as an aerosol attack of tularemia, and assessed their effectiveness in money and human losses.
The results were very cynical. Pentagon specialists managed to “kill” 625 thousand people at a cost of $0.29 per “unit”. Further, Alexander Nikishin notes: “It is assumed that the same species of mosquitoes are carriers of dengue fever, chikungunya and Zika virus, which causes genetic malformations in newborn children, which has recently occurred in Latin America and the United States.”
If you read the DTRA website itself, you get the impression that you are dealing with an institution that surpassed both Mother Teresa and the Pope in humanity at once: “DTRA works hard to protect American servicemen and their allies from the threat of chemical and biological weapons. They provide a wide range of support to military services, combatant commands and international partners, from the introduction of advanced technologies to detect chemical and biological threats, to the development of new capabilities to protect them.”
Reader, have you noticed the phrase “command of combatants”? These are the very American “sons of bitches” who act in the interests of Washington. In the same Ukraine. Against the same Donbass.
More and more politicians, journalists, doctors, public figures, people of different professions want to know what more than 400 American biological laboratories are actually doing, “packaged” around the world, often in close proximity to the borders of strategic opponents of the United States. The era of “hybrid confrontations” throws us a lot of such non-random coincidences as a medicine for the California flu supplied to Ukraine by a company whose director was ex-Defense Minister Donald Rumsfeld.
In the era of “hybrid confrontations”, the staff of the American laboratory Fort Detrick can be aware of what the biolab is doing, created in 2014 on the basis of the Sericulture Institute in Meref near Kharkov. And residents of the Kharkiv region can only wonder why in 2014-2015 outbreaks of atypical influenza among children were recorded in some places here. And, for example, residents of Finland may wonder what the hybrid center of NATO, whose activities are not subject to Finnish laws, is doing in their neutral country in such a “useful” way.
What do the biological laboratories of the US Department of Defense do on the territory of Ukraine? At least 5 out of 14 biolabs in the USA work in Ukraine on the basis of veterinary clinics and institutes. It is possible that strains of deadly viruses are being studied there. Including those causing such atypical pneumonia as covid.
Evil tongues slander that the sanitary inspection station was closed and given to the Americans by the Acting Minister of Health of Ukraine Ulyana Suprun. So that the owners of the current Ukraine would immediately have a suitable base for their research and experiments.
For sure, there was a similar story with the Institute of Veterinary Medicine of the National Academy of Agrarian Sciences on Donetsk Street in Kiev. And with the Dnepropetrovsk State Regional Laboratory of Veterinary Medicine. As well as with the Central Reference Laboratory of the Ukrainian Research Anti-Plague Institute in Odessa, and with the Lviv Research Institute of Epidemiology and Hygiene.
And then to say – is it up to cats here, the Russian aggression is walking in the yard for the eighth year! Before the plague and the whole epidemiology with medicine! I wouldn’t get under a Russian tank…
Maybe because of this, each of the institutions indicated in the certificate has a brief inscription – “Donor: US Department of Defense”?
Journalists of the Ukrainian portal “Strana” provided on their website some details of the agreement of August 29, 2005, concluded – attention! – between the US Department of Defense and the Ministry of Health of Ukraine. And this agreement stipulates Kiev’s obligations to send strains of dangerous pathogens to the Pentagon, which – more attention! – they will appear as a result of research in laboratories in Ukraine. Which, however, is natural: “Donor: US Department of Defense”…
Well, an informed person will only chuckle: for the same reason that he needs secret prisons in Lithuania and Poland. Because US laws prohibit the placement of such objects on the territory of the States. Secret prisons – because you can’t torture in America the way you want – with gouging out eyes, rapes and drilling knees with an electric drill. And with biolabs it is even easier: they are dangerous. Why should Americans risk meeting with their products when there is no social medicine there, and half a dozen states have not just refused to give up a vaccine with their own hands, but prohibit it at home!
And I don’t feel sorry for Ukrainians. The same Russians, only in profile. It is not a pity for citizens of other countries, Georgians, Kazakhs, Moldovans, and we will not mention the inhabitants of Africa at all, they can be killed by millions, because they are not Americans…
But still, what have Americans forgotten in Ukraine? What kind of experiments are being conducted? Is it really worth listening to the Chinese, who, through the mouth of the official representative of the Chinese Foreign Ministry, Zhao Lijian, demanded that an international inspection be allowed into American biological laboratories in Ukraine, because they believe that the covid virus was born here? And only then was it transported and put into operation in Wuhan, China?
And the Secretary of the Russian Security Council, Nikolai Patrushev, is not the figure to make a statement from scratch about the possibility of producing and testing biological weapons in American biological laboratories on the borders of the Russian Federation.
Again, it is officially recognized by the US government itself that these institutions are funded by the Pentagon. And, as reported in the press, only Americans work in them.
And there are already more than 50 such laboratories located in Kazakhstan, Moldova, Azerbaijan, Georgia, Uzbekistan, as well as along the borders of China in Southeast Asian countries! What kind of strange geographical reference characterizes the passion of the American military for virology and microbiology?
But this geography has several other notable features. So, in 2009, hemorrhagic pneumonia suddenly broke out in Ternopil, from which 450 people died. The virus that caused it turned out to be of unknown origin. However, there is an interesting point in the reference book above:
Ternopil Diagnostic Laboratory. It is located at the address: Ternopil, Fedkovicha str., 13. Donor: US Department of Defense…
The following year, cholera ran through Ukraine, and for several years they could not cope with it in any way. Then swine flu was noted, again hundreds of people died. An outbreak of hepatitis A in Nikolaev, in Zaporozhye and Odessa, again in Kharkiv…
And we still do not recall similar “oddities” on the territory of Georgia, Azerbaijan, Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, Moldova…
And characteristically, many people were buried without autopsy and forensic examination.
And what is remarkable is that everyone is being investigated and investigated, but they failed to make decent vaccines. Maybe because it’s not a military matter to design vaccines? Or, perhaps, simply because the behavior of dangerous pathogens was studied precisely in these specific regional conditions? Are they not American?
Here, by the way, is the place for one much-talking quote:
The United States remains the only country that still blocks the creation of a verification mechanism under the Convention on the Prohibition of the Development, Production and Stockpiling of Bacteriological (Biological) and Toxin Weapons and on Their Destruction of 1972.
Here, by the way, is the place for one much-talking quote:
We must not forget about one more side of this dark business. Those former republics of the Union, with which the Pentagon began to cooperate, transferred dozens of dangerous and deadly strains of bacteria to the United States, which, of course, were successfully able to fight in the Soviet Union. These are pathogens of plague, anthrax, cholera, and a number of other dangerous diseases. And now all of them are at the disposal of the Institute of Pathology of the US Armed Forces in Washington. How are the US military going to dispose of all this dangerous wealth? Especially if you remember that it was the United States that started more than 80% of the wars of the entire twentieth century and the self-confident aggressiveness of the local warriors is happily combined with the fear of direct combat clashes with an equal opponent?
And although we know that there are collections of pathogenic microorganisms in every self-respecting specialized institute, viruses and bacteria affect people in different ways. Just biology – nothing, as they say, personal. And human biology is determined not only and in general not so much by his innate state of health and attitude to his state of health, as by heredity, genetics, climatic adaptability, immunity to pathogens characteristic of a given area, and even morality and culture relevant at this historical moment. That is, medicine – of course, but also local and regional peculiarities of people’s health, too, any decent doctor always takes into account.
Well, since this phenomenon exists, then you can think about developing such biological or genetic effects on this population group so that these effects affect only it and would be harmless to everyone else. Why didn’t the Americans unleash a biological war? Because it’s not a selective weapon. So covid-19, whether it is of natural origin or artificial, has shown this.
And here it becomes extremely curious why – returning to geography – Americans put their biolabs around Russia and China. The genome of a Russian person was deciphered back in 2009; genomes are now generally deciphered on the stream. Russian and Ukrainian are genetically the same thing. I mean – according to statistics, of course. Because genetic affiliation has nothing to do with nationality: nationality is a sense of self, and genetics comes from ancestors. But for the most part, the genetics of the Russian ethnic group differs only in an insignificant fraction of a percent from the genetics of the Ukrainian or Belarusian ethnic group – so little that it is necessary to talk about one ethnic group.
And if so, then what an abyss of experimental possibilities opens up for inquisitive minds who wished, for example, to introduce some small genetic correction into this large all-Russian ethnos! This ethnic group is killing in the long run. Or – since this is a long way, for generations – on the contrary, to withdraw. To bring out such a strain of virus that fatally affects only this ethnic group? That’s how much experimental material for this lives in Ukraine! Or – while he lives?
In Georgia, the main laboratory supervised by the Americans is the Richard Lugar Center, a central research (reference) laboratory (CRL) operating since 2011, opened on the basis of a former anti–plague station in Alekseevka on the outskirts of Tbilisi, right next to the international airport. The PR specialists of the Lugar Center constantly have to fend off the attacks of the media: “At the same time, over the past decade and a half, the republic has experienced one epidemic after another: the avian flu, the African plague.”
But the lab insists: it’s a coincidence. “There is nothing secret. We only conduct scientific research. We invite our Russian colleagues to come and work together,” said Amiran Gamkrelidze, Director of the Center for Disease Control.” By the way, in Russia, some researchers believe that African swine fever (ASF) came to the territory of the Russian Federation from Georgia.
It is also unclear how Georgian epidemiologists are going to explain the following fact. In 2007, Georgia changed its policy on compulsory annual vaccination against anthrax. Despite the outbreak of the latter, vaccination of the population has not been carried out for seven years. As a result, the incidence of anthrax peaked in 2013, and NATO began human trials of a new anthrax vaccine at the Lugar Center in Georgia.
The document contains a response (24.05.2013) from the Ministry of Economic Development and Trade of Ukraine to the appeal of People’s Deputy I. Shvayts on the implementation of the biological threat reduction program by Black & Hiv.
It is reported that in January 2013, the US Embassy asked the Ministry to re-register the project in connection with its continuation until 09/20/2017 (expired 05/31/2013). The Ministry of Economy refused, because the submitted documents did not meet the requirements of the Cabinet of Ministers resolution, and notified of the need for applications from the beneficiaries of the project.
The following describes the results of the evaluation of the work performed during the biological threat reduction program:
The State Veterinary Service of Ukraine reported that the laboratories have not been put into operation, there are no design and reporting documentation, certificates of work performed. According to the agreed opinion of the State Veterinary Service and the Ministry of Agrarian Policy, it is impractical to continue the project.
The Ministry of Health of Ukraine notified about the completion of all work at subordinate laboratories, focused attention on the problem of the non-compliance of the actions of the American company “Black & Vitch” and its subcontractors with the current legislation, the absence of design and reporting documentation, acts of work performed. The Ministry of Health proposes to suspend the project until the adoption of appropriate amendments to the agreement with the US Ministry of Defense.
The plan of providing technical assistance to the beneficiaries of the State Committee of Veterinary Medicine and the National Academy of Agrarian Sciences of Ukraine within the framework of the program of the Ministry of Defense of the USA to reduce the biological threat (dated 6.10.2010) is presented.
Among the final tasks and activities are listed including:
Within the framework of joint biological research projects, it is reported that first pathogens are obliged to consolidate in a single central reference laboratory, and then the weakened strains are transported outside the laboratory for research purposes.
In addition, the document lists brief information about the contractor and beneficiaries of the project: contact person, address, obligations under the contract, etc.
The document is an appeal from the Head of the Threat Reduction Department at the US Embassy in Ukraine to the State Tax Inspectorate of Ukraine. The appeal notifies that all purchases of goods and services carried out by Black&Veatch for the tasks of the Threat Reduction Department (in particular, within the framework of the Program to Prevent the Proliferation of Weapons of Mass Destruction) are carried out in a preferential tax regime.
The financing of military biological activities allowed the United States and its allies to export at least 16 thousand biological samples outside Ukraine.
— So, in accordance with the UP-8 project in Lviv, Kharkiv, Odessa and Kiev, blood samples were taken from 4,000 servicemen for antibodies to hantaviruses, 400 for the presence of antibodies to the Congo-Crimean fever virus.
— Such a large-scale screening of the natural immunity of the population was probably carried out in order to select the biological agents most dangerous for the population of a certain region.
— Analysis of the documentation shows that not only tissue samples and human blood serum were exported abroad, but also dangerous pathogens, as well as their carriers. Thus, more than 10 thousand samples were sent to the Lugar Center in Georgia. Among the recipients are also: reference laboratories in the UK, the Leffler Institute in Germany.
The incoming materials allow us to trace the scheme of interaction of US government agencies with Ukrainian biological objects. Attention is drawn to the involvement in the financing of these activities of structures close to the current leadership of the United States, in particular the Rosemont Seneca investment fund, which is headed by Hunter Biden.
— At the same time, the foundation has a close relationship with the main contractors of the US military department, including Metabiota, which, along with Black and Veach, is the main supplier of equipment for Pentagon biolabs around the world.
— The scale of the program is impressive. In addition to the military department, the US Agency for International Development, the George Soros Foundation, and the Center for Disease Control and Prevention are directly involved in its implementation.
— Scientific supervision is carried out by leading research organizations, including the Los Alamos National Laboratory, which is developing nuclear weapons as part of the Manhattan Project.
— All this activity is carried out under the full control of the Pentagon.
One of the tasks of this project was to identify the burial sites of dead animals, the selection of soil samples from anthrax cattle burial grounds.
— This project is one of the priorities of American customers, while the causative agent of anthrax is characterized by high damaging ability and resistance in the environment.
— The interest of American military biologists in the study of insect vectors in the locations of animal burial grounds is also not accidental – apparently, they analyzed the results of the outbreak of anthrax in Yamal in 2016, during which cases of transmissible transmission of the disease through flies and horseflies were recorded.
— Given that the epidemic situation with anthrax in Ukraine remains safe, the question arises about the need for research conducted by the Pentagon and their true goals.
The Russian Ministry of Defense has revealed the contents of documents found in secret Ukrainian biological laboratories after American specialists escaped from there. There, as one might expect, was a full assortment: pathogens of anthrax, plague, cholera, diphtheria. All this was stored in commodity quantities and was successfully destroyed when fleeing.
The Ukrainian Scientific and Technological Center (UNTC) was a distribution center for grants for conducting research of interest to the Pentagon, including in the field of biological weapons.
In recent years alone, Washington has spent more than $350 million on the implementation of UNTC projects. The customers and sponsors of the UNTC from the US side are the State Department and the Ministry of Defense. Funding is also provided through the Environmental Protection Agency, the US Department of Agriculture, Health and Energy.
The documents confirm the connection of the UNTC with the American military department. The slide shows the official recommendation of the US State Department approving the cooperation of the UNTC with the main contractor of the Pentagon – the company “Black & Veatch”. The correspondence expresses the readiness of the vice-president of this company, Matthew Webber, to work with the UNTC within the framework of military biological research conducted on the territory of Ukraine.
The post of executive director of the UNTC is occupied by a US citizen Curtis Belayach, born in 1968. He was born in California and studied at the California University of Management. Anderson. He has a Master’s degree in International Finance and has been working in Ukraine since 1994.
The Chairman of the Board of the UNTC from the EU is Eddie Arthur Mayer. From the United States, the work of the center is supervised by Phil Dolliff, who holds the position of Deputy Adviser to the Secretary of State for International Security and nonproliferation programs of weapons of mass destruction in the State Department.
The Russian Ministry of Defense has a correspondence from the vice president of this company, Matthew Webber, where he expresses his readiness to work with the UNTC in the framework of military biological research conducted on the territory of Ukraine. In total, in the period from 2014 to 2022, more than five hundred research projects were implemented by the UNTC in the post-Soviet countries (Ukraine, Georgia, Moldova, Azerbaijan).
In the period from 2014 to 2022, the UNTC implemented more than 500 research projects in the post-Soviet countries (Ukraine, Georgia, Moldova, Azerbaijan).
The American curators were primarily interested in dual-use research, for example, Project 6166 “Development of technologies for modeling, assessing and predicting the impact of conflicts and threats of proliferation of weapons of mass destruction”, project 9601 “Transfer of Ukrainian technologies for the production of complex dual-use materials to the European Union”.
Many of them are aimed at studying potential agents of biological weapons (plague, tularemia) and pathogens of economically significant infections (pathogenic avian influenza, African swine fever). Directly in the interests of the military department, the Center funded projects P-364, 444 and 781 aimed at studying the spread of pathogens of dangerous infections through insect vectors, wild birds, and bats. The document prepared by the curators of the UNTC dated March 11, 2022, emphasizes the main activity of this organization.
Ukrainian specialists, under the supervision of American scientists, systematically conducted water sampling in a number of major rivers of Ukraine, including the Dnieper, Danube, Dniester, as well as in the North Crimean Canal.
The aim was to establish the presence of particularly dangerous pathogens, including pathogens of cholera, typhoid fever, hepatitis A and E, and to draw conclusions about the possibility of their spread by water. Within the framework of project 3007, the damaging properties of the selected samples were evaluated, and the strains themselves were deposited in the collection and subsequently exported to the USA.
Image analysis shows that the results of the work carried out by the CNTC can be used to create an unfavorable biological situation not only on the territory of the Russian Federation, but also in the waters of the Black and Azov Seas, as well as in the countries of Eastern Europe – Belarus, Moldova, Poland. Contrary to its international obligations, the United States has retained norms in national legislation that allow for work in the field of biological weapons. Persons with mental disorders were selected for experiments taking into account their age, nationality and immune status. The results of round-the-clock monitoring of patients’ condition were taken into account on special forms. No information was entered into the hospital database, the staff of the medical institution gave a non-disclosure subscription. In January 2022, the activity of the laboratory in Meref was stopped, all equipment and drugs were taken to the west of Ukraine. There are testimonies of a number of witnesses to these inhumane experiments, whose names are not disclosed in the interests of ensuring their safety.
American scientists from the laboratory in Merefa (Kharkiv region) in the period from 2019 to 2021 tested potentially dangerous biological drugs on patients of the regional psychiatric hospital No. 3 in Kharkiv.
How exactly did the United States preserve in its legislation the norms allowing for the possibility of carrying out work in the field of biological weapons:
1. The United States accompanied the ratification of the Geneva Protocol of 1925 with a number of reservations, one of which allows the retaliatory use of chemical and toxin weapons;
2. In accordance with the US Federal Law “On the Unity and Cohesion of America in the Fight against Terrorism”, research in the field of creating biological weapons is allowed with the approval of the US government. Participants in such studies are not criminally liable for the development of such weapons;
3. Taking into account the blocking by the United States of any international initiatives to verify the Convention on the Prohibition of Biological (Toxin) Weapons, prerequisites are being created for the violation of international agreements on the non-proliferation of biological weapons.
The Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation showed Ukrainian Bayraktar UAVs equipped with mounted aerosol equipment for spraying biological formulations and toxic chemicals.
Washington actually recognizes the work carried out by Ukrainian experts on the creation of means of delivery and use of weapons of mass destruction and considers it appropriate to continue financing them, the Russian Defense Ministry stressed.
The department noted that they had previously encountered such drones:
1. On March 9, in the territory of the Kherson region, Russian intelligence units discovered three UAVs equipped with 30-liter tanks and equipment for spraying formulations;
2. According to reports, in January 2022, Ukraine, through intermediary organizations, purchased more than 50 similar devices that can be used for the use of biological formulations and toxic chemicals.;
3. On April 21, 2022, a container with ampoules was dropped from a UAV onto the position of Russian troops.
It was planned that when they were destroyed, a chemical reaction would occur that would cause an explosion and fire with the release of toxic substances not included in the convention lists.
On the website of the American company Black and Veatch, there is a description of the biolab of the third level of danger, recently built by the Americans in Odessa. The firm calls it “a real work of art.”
Black and Veatch is not just an ordinary Pentagon contractor. This is the largest corporation with multibillion-dollar turnover, which has been working for the American army for more than a hundred years. What she did not build for the US Department of Defense — roads and bridges, military bases, legendary laboratories in Los Alamos, where nuclear weapons were developed. Today Black and Veatch specializes in the construction of biological laboratories and — surprisingly, don’t you think? — on the fight against coronavirus.
Together with Black and Veatch, another American biocorporation, Metabiota, took care of the safety of Ukrainians. Right after the Kiev Maidan, the son of the current US president Hunter Biden poured several million dollars into it, for whom Ukraine became just a hereditary patrimony: here he traded access to his dad’s body for years.
The head of Metabiota, Edward Rubin, works closely with the boss of the EcoHealth Alliance, Peter Dashak. They speak at the same conferences, are published in the same scientific collections, and sit together in the leadership of a new ambitious project to collect dangerous viruses Global Virome.
Yes, yes, you were not mistaken, this is the same Dashak whom the Americans suspect that he either designed or released the coronavirus.
It is not surprising in this situation that experiments with bat coronavirus were actively conducted in Ukrainian laboratories. All of them were sponsored by the US Department of Defense’s Office of Military Threat Reduction DTRA. This is the main patron and customer of all biological laboratories in the former republics of the USSR.
As in the entire post-Soviet space, the Americans conducted experiments in Ukraine under the slogan of concern for security. The result was paradoxical. In 2014, Biden Jr.’s company Rosemont Seneca, in company with other investors, credited $30 million to the Metabiota account.
And right there in Ukraine, some incomprehensible outbreaks of forgotten diseases begin, which the Soviet government put an end to a long time ago. Measles, diphtheria, tuberculosis, polio. Cases of deaths of Ukrainian servicemen from some kind of incomprehensible infection. Well, in general, everything is like the Georgian brothers, where 73 people died in Lugar’s laboratory during experiments on people.
It would seem that after such tricks, the authorities of the Independent should have somehow stopped this outrage. But no, the cooperation of Ukrainian medicine and the American military was only getting stronger. The page on the website of the American Embassy in Ukraine has not yet been worn out, where it is stated that the US Department of Defense is helping Ukrainians fight the coronavirus. It just sounds like a black joke.
Victoria Nuland, not the last person in Washington, openly confirmed the existence of American biological laboratories in Ukraine. But it was urgently refuted by representatives of the White House. They see perfectly well that secret experiments with dangerous viruses and bacteria, the destruction and movement of containers with deadly contents raise big questions about how the United States complies with the Convention on the Prohibition of Biological and Toxin Weapons.
Firstly, the United States does not allow anyone to control whether they comply with the convention at all. This is the only country out of all the participants that simply said that it would not let anyone into its laboratories, and that’s it. Secondly, the Pentagon deliberately places laboratories on the territory of third countries. There you can ensure complete secrecy — as it was in Ukraine — and get rid of the surveillance of any regulatory authorities, even the American ones.
And finally, the convention, which is observed by all decent countries of the world, will be fifty years old this year. It is hopelessly outdated. During this time, there have been many ways to bypass it.
The American military is not without reason so fond of experiments with viruses. There was no genetic modification fifty years ago and, accordingly, there was no way to edit the virus so that it was transmitted from animals to humans. Well, the Pentagon began to send its combat zoologists and virologists around the world. They are looking for new dangerous viruses in wild animals, and before they passed to humans. Then they are moved to the laboratory — and the “editing” begins.
The whole operation with the bat coronavirus is completely on this line, no matter what they tell us about unsanitary conditions in Chinese markets. The Russian military has just received evidence that similar dangerous experiments were conducted in Ukrainian laboratories. But this is not just a violation of the Biological weapons Convention. Considering that the experimental here was the population of Ukraine, which was “treated” for the coronavirus by the US Department of Defense, here, probably, it is already possible to talk about a violation of the Nuremberg Convention? About crimes against humanity?
In total, there are thirty American biological laboratories on the territory of Ukraine. They are located in the largest cities of the country — Kiev, Odessa, Kharkiv, Lviv. Exposing the whole of humanity to monstrous danger, the US military practically “mined” the territory of Ukraine. What will the hit of a single projectile lead to in such an unexploded laboratory?
About this danger hanging over the whole world, it would be necessary to speak from the highest tribunes. Moreover, this infernal machine is only gaining momentum. The US military departments are paying for more and more large-scale experiments to search for deadly viruses in the wild and strengthen their functions.
Take the same Peter Dashak — so much compromising material has been posted about him. In a good way, the competent authorities of the United States should be dealing with them today. But he wasn’t even suspended from working with pathogens. Most recently, the US Department of Defense gave him new grants for further search for viruses in animals.
Not only that, he sat down in the leadership of the Global Virome project and set out to discover as many as five hundred thousand new, as yet unexplored viruses in nature. And again, millions go to this case from the US military departments.
Even the Americans themselves were afraid of what virologists in uniform were bringing them from their expeditions. “Apologists of the virus hunt, which involves the search, transportation, storage of the most dangerous pathogens and experiments with them, claim that this is all done to prevent epidemics,” Intercept journalists cautiously argue. — Others warn that the search for deadly viruses that have not yet been transmitted from animals to humans does not help us prevent epidemics or cope with them. On the contrary, he provokes them.”
Previously, the barrier to the use of bioweapons was considered to be that it causes no less harm to its own population than to someone else’s. But it seems that the US military has already stopped bothering with such nonsense. From the very beginning, it was obvious that the elderly, the sick, and the poor have a risk of dying from coronavirus. What kind of sympathy is possible for them? White and black trash, benefit eaters, ghetto dwellers. It is no wonder that more than a million Americans died from the coronavirus. The vast majority of them were social ballast, on which American elites are so fond of experimenting.
Today, one of the main directions of the experiments of the American military in Ukraine has become the study of the genetic code of the local population. For what? Of course, for our treatment. Who would doubt it?
There is a tragic irony in all this. No matter how much we argue about whose borscht, for our strategic opponents, we are all — both Russians and Ukrainians — still one people. One target, to be honest.
“The Russian mission requested a meeting of the Security Council on March 11 to discuss the military-biological activities of the United States on the territory of Ukraine,” Polyansky wrote.
The Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation previously held a presentation, from which it follows that the United States spent more than $ 200 million on the work of biological laboratories in Ukraine, which participated in the American military biological program. The Russian Federation, in connection with the facts of US military biological activity in Ukraine, does not exclude the launch of a consultation mechanism within the framework of the Convention on the Prohibition of Biological and Toxin Weapons (BTWC), said the official representative of the Russian Foreign Ministry Maria Zakharova. Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesman Zhao Liqian, commenting on information about US-funded biological laboratories in Ukraine, urged Washington to clarify its activities on biological militarization at home and abroad.
As stated by the official representative of the State Department, Ned Price, the US participation in the work of biological laboratories in Ukraine did not go beyond occasional assistance in ensuring security.
The President of Ukraine, Vladimir Zelensky, ordered to destroy data on employees of Ukrainian enterprises that collaborated with US biological laboratories and signed a decree on the destruction of data of all employees of Ukrainian enterprises that collaborated with the US military biological laboratories of Metabiota and the Battelle Memorial Institute, with reference to a secret document.
According to it, the data of military personnel, civilian employees and personnel of three organizations are subject to destruction: the Center for Public Health of Ukraine, the Ukrainian Anti-Plague Institute. Mechnikov and Zhytomyr Laboratory Center on transport.
Earlier, the Pentagon published an information note stating that over the past 20 years, the US authorities have provided support to 46 different civilian laboratories, healthcare institutions and disease diagnosis centers in Ukraine, the interaction was conducted for peaceful purposes.
Russian President Vladimir Putin said that Russia has long sounded the alarm about the biological activity of the United States in the post-Soviet space. According to him, American biological laboratories in the post-Soviet space are collecting biological materials, studying the specifics of the spread of dangerous diseases, and in Ukraine they were developing biological weapons.
1. During the special military operation, the final report on the activities of DTRA for the period from 2005 to 2016 became available.
The document contains information on the evaluation of the effectiveness of healthcare, veterinary and biosafety systems, prepared by a group of American experts in 2016. The report is a conceptual document for further planning of the Pentagon’s military biological activities in Ukraine and contains conclusions on the implementation of the main directions of the program.
2. Bundeswehr specialists paid special attention to the causative agent of the Congo-Crimean fever during projects to test biological weapons in Ukraine.
The study of natural foci of Congo-Crimean fever was carried out under the guise of improving the Ukrainian epidemiological surveillance system. The Bundeswehr’s interest in the Congo-Crimean fever is due to the fact that the mortality rate of the disease can reach 30%.
3. During a special military operation, documents were obtained indicating the plans of the Metabiota company and the Ukrainian Scientific and Technical Center for the study of the Ebola virus in Ukraine.
The research was planned to be conducted on the basis of the Mechnikov Anti-plague Institute in Odessa, while the Ministry of Defense clarified that the disease had never been recorded on the territory of Ukraine, so there is a natural question about the need for such studies and the true purpose of their conduct.
4. African swine fever was of particular interest to American military biologists.
Two projects are devoted to this pathogen: The TAP-3 project is aimed at studying the spread of the ASF pathogen through wild animals, within the framework of which the migration routes of wild boars in Ukraine were studied. The TAP-6 project has scaled this process to Eastern European countries. The study of the population of carriers of dangerous zoonotic infections was carried out by the staff of the Institute of New Pathogens of the University of Florida in the Volyn, Rivne, Zhytomyr, Chernihiv regions of Ukraine, as well as in the territories bordering Belarus and Russia.
5. The US tried to refute the fact of the use of biological weapons in China and Korea.
At that time, Americans considered pathogens of brucellosis and economically significant infections, including wheat stem rust, as priority biological agents. Thus, a comparative analysis of the activities of the United States during the Korean War and currently on the territory of Ukraine indicates the immutability of the American policy of building up its own military-biological potential, bypassing international agreements.
5. The results of the analysis of blood samples of Ukrainian prisoners of war were published by the Russian Defense Ministry.
According to the Ministry of Defense, 33% have been ill or have hepatitis A, more than 4% have fever with renal syndrome, 20% have West Nile fever.
“These figures significantly exceed the average figures. Given the fact that these diseases were actively studied by the Pentagon within the framework of Ukrainian projects, there is reason to believe that servicemen of the armed forces of Ukraine were involved as volunteers in experiments to assess the tolerability of dangerous infectious diseases,” the Russian Defense Ministry said.
At the initiative of the Russian Federation, a meeting of the States parties to the Convention on the Prohibition of Biological and Toxin Weapons will be held next week on the issue of non-compliance by the United States and Ukraine with obligations under this international treaty. During the event, documentary evidence of violations of articles I and IV of the Convention will be presented.
We want the organizations responsible for compliance with the Convention and the world community to pay attention to a number of biological threats.
Firstly, there are currently more than 50 biolabs modernized at the expense of the Pentagon and controlled by it in close proximity to the borders of the Russian Federation. In total, according to the Chinese Foreign Ministry, 336 biological laboratories in 30 countries of the world are under the control of the US military department.
At the same time, their activities are accompanied by a worsening of the epidemic situation for particularly dangerous and economically significant infections, as well as the appearance of infectious diseases atypical for a particular region.
Thus, since 2010, in the territories bordering Ukraine, the Russian Federation has recorded an increase in the incidence of brucellosis, Congo-Crimean fever, West Nile fever, African swine fever, as well as an uncharacteristic expansion of vector ranges.
The Russian Federation, as a responsible party to the Convention on the Prohibition of Biological and Toxin Weapons (BTWC), is fully aware of the full range of threats associated with the possible consequences of its violation during work in Ukrainian biological laboratories.
We have become aware of information about US-funded biological research on the territory of Ukraine. The order of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine dated February 24, 2022 on the emergency destruction of collections of pathogenic microorganisms increased our concerns about a possible violation of the requirements of Articles I and IV of the BTWC in the course of work commissioned by the Pentagon. The materials obtained served as the basis for the Russian Federation to investigate the biological activities of the United States on the territory of Ukraine.
Research in Ukrainian biological laboratories was carried out in accordance with the Agreement “On Cooperation in preventing the spread of pathogens, technologies and knowledge that can be used in the development of biological weapons” of 2005 between the US Military Department and the Ministry of Health of Ukraine.
The work was coordinated by the Department of Threat Reduction of the US Department of Defense (DATA), the research was conducted in secrecy with limited access of Ukrainian specialists to information and premises.
At present, we are witnessing a change in the tactics of the American administration in an attempt to take out of harm’s way this department, whose activities have become the subject of international proceedings. So, according to available information, the functions of the customer of military biological programs in the Central Asian region have been transferred to civilian specialized organizations, whose work will be under the control of the US Navy service, which is the most closed structure.
In addition, the Pentagon intends to transfer the unfinished programs in Ukraine to other post-Soviet countries as soon as possible, as well as to Eastern European states (such as Bulgaria, the Czech Republic) and the Baltic states.
The expansion of the network of biological laboratories, on the basis of which it is possible to create and store components of biological weapons, poses a threat to the military security of the Russian Federation. Unlike nuclear weapons, which the United States places on the territory of NATO partner countries, such a policy of the Alliance in the biological sphere allows it to approach our borders uncontrollably. This is the first thing we would like to focus on.
Secondly, the direction of the work carried out by the Pentagon does not correspond to the current health problems of Ukraine, the main of which are socially significant diseases: measles, rubella, tuberculosis, AIDS.
At the same time, American customers are interested in a completely different nomenclature, namely: cholera, tularemia, plague, Congo-Crimean fever, hantaviruses. These pathogens were studied within the framework of the so-called Ukrainian projects “Yu-Pi” and “Tep”. The interest of US military biologists is due to the fact that these pathogens have natural foci both on the territory of Ukraine and in Russia, and their use can be disguised as natural outbreaks of diseases.
The activities of biological laboratories and the program of the so-called “reform” of the Ukrainian healthcare system implemented by the United States have led to an uncontrolled increase in the incidence of particularly dangerous and economically significant infections. On the territory of Ukraine, an increase in the number of cases of rubella, diphtheria, tuberculosis is recorded. The incidence of measles has increased more than 100 times. The situation with African swine fever has deteriorated significantly, the total losses of the agricultural industry in Eastern European countries from this disease exceeded 2.4 billion. euro.
Within the framework of the fight against infectious diseases declared by the US military department in Ukraine and ensuring sanitary and epidemic well-being, humanitarian assistance is not provided, vaccination of the population and treatment of the sick are not carried out.
Moreover, the volume of measles and rubella vaccination activities decreased by 70% compared to 2008. This raises the question of the true goals of the research.
The third. We have repeatedly stressed that one of the priority tasks of Ukrainian laboratories is to collect and send to the United States strains of pathogens of dangerous infectious diseases – cholera, anthrax, tularemia. At the same time, the movement of pathogens was not controlled within the framework of WHO, BTWC or other international institutions.
In accordance with the Act of checking the collection of strains of microorganisms at the Scientific Research Anti-Plague Institute named after In Odessa, 654 containers with the causative agent of anthrax, 422 containers with the causative agent of cholera were stored. The document notes that there is no need to contain a large number of test tubes with the same strains. At the same time, the nomenclature and the accumulated number of dangerous pathogens call into question the preventive, protective or other peaceful nature of the activities carried out.
According to the testimony of one of the employees, the collection of the Odessa Institute was exported to the USA in February 2022. Taking into account the fact that 46 laboratories participated in the American program, the total number of exported strains may be more than ten thousand.
The available documents confirm numerous cases of transfer abroad from Ukraine of human tissue samples and serum, as well as dangerous pathogens and their carriers. The United States and its allies managed to export at least 16 thousand bioassays outside Ukraine, which creates risks of transferring sensitive genetic information abroad, as well as threats to biological security not only for Ukraine, but also for all those regions where the samples were transferred.
Fourthly, in accordance with the available documents, within the framework of the Yu-Pi-8 project, blood samples were taken from four thousand servicemen in Lviv, Kharkiv, Odessa and Kiev for antibodies to hantaviruses, from four hundred for the presence of antibodies to the Congo-Crimean fever virus. Such a large-scale immunity screening could be carried out in order to assess the susceptibility of the population of the region to certain biological agents.
Attention is drawn to the decision signed by the head of the Ethics Committee of the Center for Public Health of Ukraine on June 12, 2019 within the framework of this project. The document testifies to the conduct of research with an unknown risk to the life and health of the participants, as well as the concealment of the identity of the subjects. The research program of this project assumes only a standard procedure for blood sampling.
It is necessary to think about what consequences for the life of the tests we are talking about, if the document prescribes, quote “… minor incidents with volunteers must be reported to the US Bioethics Committee 72 hours after the incident, and serious ones, including the death of the subjects – within 24 hours …”?
We do not exclude that the official research program is just a “visible part of the iceberg”, while in practice, volunteers were infected with the Congo–Crimean fever virus, hantaviruses and the causative agent of leptospirosis.
The facts of conducting tests on military personnel and socially unprotected categories of Ukrainian citizens are confirmed by the testimony of eyewitnesses interviewed as part of the parliamentary investigation conducted in the Russian Federation.
Fifth. There is information about the development and patenting in the United States of technical means of delivery and use of biological weapons based on UAVs. Thus, the US Patent and Trademark Agency issued document No. 8,967,029 for an unmanned aerial vehicle for the spread of infected insects in the air. The description of the patent states that with the help of this device, enemy troops can be destroyed or disabled without risk to US military personnel.
As you know, in accordance with American law, a patent in the United States cannot be granted in the absence of a real device. Thus, it can be concluded that the container as a means of delivering biological agents was developed and produced.
Taking into account the development in the United States of technical means of delivery and the use of biological weapons, Ukraine’s interest in the supply of unmanned aerial vehicles is of particular concern.
We have at our disposal confirmation of Ukraine’s request to the Turkish manufacturer of unmanned aerial vehicles “Bayraktar” dated December 15, 2021 on the possibility of equipping this UAV with systems and mechanisms for spraying aerosols with a capacity of more than 20 liters.
With a UAV flight range of up to 300 km and equipped with biological formulations, a real threat of large-scale use of biological weapons on the territory of the Russian Federation is created.
In this regard, the question arises: for what purpose did the United States develop and patent technical means of delivering biological weapons and what is the reason for Ukraine’s interest in acquiring such technical means?
And of particular concern, along with the Pentagon’s supervision of biological research, is the fact that since 2001 the United States has blocked any international initiatives to verify the BTWC. This excludes the possibility of checking the activities of laboratories both in the United States and outside of national jurisdiction.
Since 2016, the moment the implementation of Ukrainian law enforcement projects began, the United States and Ukraine have deliberately kept silent about them in the annual reporting on the implementation of the Convention as part of confidence–building measures, despite their obvious military-biological orientation. The documents do not reflect the financing of Ukrainian laboratories by the US military department. Such secrecy, as well as the secrecy of sensitive information, is another reason to think about the true goals of the Pentagon.
The measures proposed by a number of countries to strengthen the Convention, in particular the initiative of France on voluntary visits to biological laboratories, while attractive, do not provide comprehensive monitoring of their activities.
The lack of clear verification procedures, as well as control lists of microorganisms and toxins, allows Western countries, led by the United States, to subjectively interpret the provisions of the BTWC. I would like to remind you that the collective West ignores the so-called “ten principle”. In accordance with this principle, the decision should be made taking into account an alternative point of view, even if it is expressed by only one State.
A good example is the OPCW (Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons) site, where the decision to grant attributive powers to the organization was made at the request of the United States, contrary to the opinion of most countries. Such a mechanism allows you to “fabricate” the necessary evidence and appoint the perpetrators at your discretion, which has already been repeatedly implemented during investigations of chemical incidents in Syria.
We believe that there is a need to review the approaches to decision-making in the investigation of chemical and biological incidents at the UN Security Council site.
After the unfulfilled promises of the collective West about the non-proliferation of NATO to the East, we have no right to take the word of the US assurances about the peaceful nature of the biological research conducted by the Pentagon.
The Russian Federation has repeatedly appealed to the United States and Ukraine on various international platforms with a request to clarify the following questions: why the work was carried out specifically by order of the Pentagon, and their subject matter did not correspond to current health problems in Ukraine; what the Americans were hiding by carrying out work in conditions of secrecy and restricting access to information and premises by Ukrainian specialists; why were strains of pathogenic microorganisms – potential agents of biological weapons and biomaterials of Ukrainian citizens exported from the territory of Ukraine without a clear declared purpose; why were the facts of cooperation in the military-biological sphere kept silent in international reporting under the BTWC, and the United States has been blocking the development of its verification mechanism since 2001; why are US officials, including Deputy Secretary of State Victoria Nuland, so concerned about the possibility of transferring the results of the activities of the US Department of Defense in Ukraine and the materials in biological laboratories under the control of Russian specialists?
Meanwhile, we would like to answer the question why the research was conducted outside the national territory ourselves.
In a memorandum prepared by the US State Department in order to address Russian concerns expressed since October 12, 2018 regarding the United States’ compliance with the BTWC, Washington emphasizes the strict implementation of the provisions of the Convention, once again offering to take “the word”.
In addition, this note refers to the “noble tradition of participation of United States military scientists in public health research, which has lasted for more than 100 years.” Examples of such “participation” are well known to us – Vietnam and Cuba.
I would like to focus separately on another document that we have at our disposal concerning the testing of the tularemia vaccine developed by the Walter Reed Research Institute of Infectious Diseases of the US Army in 2004 on United States military personnel. During the trials, which involved 1064 people, 468 cases of complications were registered.
In many ways, this explains the fact that such high-risk studies have been transferred outside the national territory. This is evidenced by the agreement signed on August 29, 2005, a year after these studies, between the Ministry of Health of Ukraine and the US Department of Defense.
Currently, we are witnessing the appearance of publications in the foreign press with Washington’s nervous reaction to extremely sensitive documents released by the Ministry of Defense. Journalists note that American intelligence agencies are taking unprecedented measures so that the Russian side does not have potential witnesses close to the implementation of the Pentagon’s closed military-biological projects in Ukraine.
Such concerns of the White House once again confirm to us the threatening nature of the US military biological program disguised as peaceful purposes, both for Russia and for the entire world community.
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