In early November 2016, the former Director of the UN population division, Joseph Shami, published an important article “the Historical turn of population”, which deals with an unprecedented turn in the world’s demography – children on a global scale is becoming less and more old people.
It is symbolic that exactly 41 years ago, on November 26, 1975, the United States adopted the national security Memorandum NSSM-200 (National Security Study Memorandum), which set the task to control the growth of the world’s population and ensure a global decline in fertility.
The reason was that further population growth poses a threat to US dominance over global resources, as it increases political instability in the world, especially in rapidly growing regions. It took less than half a century for humanity to face the real threat of the end of the pension system on a global scale.
Shami notes that just half a century ago, in 1965, the proportions in the world between children under 15 and old people over 65 were about 7:1, including in Africa 14:1, Asia and Latin America-11: 1, Europe and North America-3: 1. At present, according to the UN, this proportion in the world is even less than 3:1, and is steadily deteriorating, and on the global age pyramid, you can see that about 30 years ago, the growth of a younger population sharply slowed down. After 10 years, the NSSM-200 began to bear its thin fruit. The world quickly began to age…
The NSSM-200 Memorandum was the two-hundredth analytical document submitted by national security adviser Henry Kissinger to the President of the United States. On November 26, 1975, it was approved by President Gerald Ford and remained classified until the early 1990s.With the collapse of the Soviet Union, many goals could not be hidden.
Making up 6% of the world’s population, the Memorandum says, the US consumes a third of the world’s resources, and they are mostly located in regions with rapidly growing populations. Therefore, it is in the interests of the United States to control the growth of their population, which threatens unpredictable consequences. The United States was recommended to start a long-term program to reduce the birth rate around the world by all available methods, involving various international organizations – who, UNICEF, UNESCO, the world Bank, the International Federation of “family planning” and so on.
The most threatening to US interests were named 13 countries: India, Bangladesh, Pakistan, Indonesia, Thailand, the Philippines, Turkey, Nigeria, Egypt, Ethiopia, Mexico, Colombia and Brazil. Some of them do not reproduce themselves today (Thailand), some-on the verge (Indonesia, Turkey, Mexico, Colombia and Brazil).
Henry Kissinger defines the ways to achieve this goal:
1. The introduction of “family planning” as an integral part of the health systems of “underdeveloped” countries and the strict linking of the development of any medical services, especially in the field of motherhood and childhood, with “family planning”. Simply put, medicine in exchange for a lower birth rate.
2. The development of medical technologies for the neutralization and suppression of human fertility.
3. The introduction of “family planning” as a right (“safe sex” and so on) into the minds of the younger generation, that is, spiritual corruption. Moreover, the Memorandum recommends “influencing national leaders” on this issue.
After 40 years, we can say with bitterness that the plan was a success, when the call of Turkish President Recep Erdogan to give birth to three children even many Turks were subjected to derogatory criticism-before the plan of supranational elites to reduce the population as their alleged PERSONAL choice for the right to “family planning” (in fact – to have as few children as possible) took root in the minds of people.
Kissinger writes that ” there is an urgent need to take a number of measures to start reducing the birth rate and do it effectively in the 1970s and 1980s.” Now, looking back, it becomes clear that the debauchery that became the norm in Hollywood at that time (how strikingly different are the films made before the 1960s!), was an integral part of the global plan.
“The key factor in the effective use of existing contraceptive techniques has been and remains the problem of education. Without reducing the efforts aimed at the adult population, it is necessary to focus on the younger generation – those who are now in elementary school or even younger, ” Kissinger suggests.
The Memorandum provides for “orientation of new generations to create a small family”. “The desired family size is four or more children.” Therefore, “it is imperative to convince the General public that it is in their individual and national interest to have an average of three and then two children,” the secret plan says. In order to avoid suspicion, “we must make sure that our activities are not perceived by developing countries as policies of a developed country directed against these countries.”
As for the implementing organizations of the plan, ” the US should bring together donor countries, who, UNFPA, UNICEF and the world Bank to create a consortium that would help the most needy countries in the organization… a health system that will be an integral part of family planning.” UNESCO was asked to lead the work with primary school students. The current school “sexprosvet” grows legs from there.
It is noteworthy that in 1989, in the pages of the magazine “Washington Quarterly” in the article “Global demographic trends in 2010 in the aspect of US security”, the Pentagon openly called for “population planning” to be given the status of a program for the development of new weapons! It is not known whether this was done, but in fact the NSSM-200 became a real weapon in the demographic war waged against the whole world. And before humanity in it loomed the real threat of defeat and-enslavement. In fact, it had a global character and was only framed in terms of the state. The real customer was the bigger players.
According to the historian Andrei Fursov, in 1974 in the United States was over “creeping coup”, which began with the shooting of John F. Kennedy and ended with the removal of Richard Nixon, when power over the United States established transnational corporations, designed in supranational structures. By that time, the club of Rome (1968) and the Tripartite Commission (1973) had been established. Kissinger was one of their active participants and actually ran the United States in the 1970s.
Interestingly, the NSSM-200 memo was filed with the new President Ford four months after Nixon’s ouster.
As Olga Chetverikova, a specialist in closed Western structures, writes, in the early 1970s, transnational business, having “pumped out” everything necessary from the economy of mass consumption and the state of “universal welfare”, came to the conclusion that it is necessary to develop a strategy for global governance. The Rome club and the Trilateral Commission have become new front structures (the real ones can only be guessed at), uniting representatives of the world’s political, financial and scientific elites and implementing the ideas of globalism.
It was during these years that the reports of the Rome club “limits of growth” (1972) appeared with the aim of controlling the growth of the world’s population, “Humanity at a turning point” (1974), “Revision of the international order” (1975) – the names of which speak for themselves – as well as the famous “Crisis of democracy” (1975) – about the need to create a “managed democracy” in the interests of the ruling elites. They, and not the US state, were the main customers of the plan for total control of The earth’s population, at first – at the level of population management.
At the same time, a new term was introduced, which entered the Russian language as “sustainable development”, although this is not entirely accurate. Sustainable development means, rather, development supported by long-term interests, that is, managed. Thus, in the 1970s, the goal was announced-global governance in the interests of the world’s ecology. However, the goal of supranational elites was and remains global power. Birth control out of concern for the environment is only one of the means.
The International conference on population and development in Cairo in 1994 adopted a Programme of action that reaffirmed the right of all married couples and individuals to decide freely and responsibly on the number of their children and the length of time between their births. What was new in this Programme of action was that the focus should be on the individual and their rights. Ensuring universal access to” family planning services ” (i.e., ways to reduce the birth rate) has been identified as one of the main goals on a global scale. That is, humanity’s dissatisfaction with “family planning services” and its rapid growth was recorded as a postulate. The policy of all-round reduction of the birth rate was legalized.
According to the UN forecast (the average version), the world’s population will grow until the end of the XXI century.
However, its growth rate will steadily decline.
The total fertility rate will also decrease. In the middle of the century, the average birth rate on Earth will fall below the level of simple reproduction, that is, humanity will begin to die out, although its population will still grow by inertia.
At the same time, the age structure of the world population will deteriorate. Since the mid-1960s, when children made up 40% of the world’s population, their numbers have been steadily decreasing. The proportion of old people, on the contrary, is growing all the time and will continue to grow. The current three-fold superiority of children will double in the early 2030s, and around 2070 there will be fewer children than old people. Earth will become the planet of old men. However, the big problems begin now, because all these trends are already in effect, especially in the “developed countries”, and the working population is declining.
The median age of the World’s population is also growing steadily. In 40 years, it has grown from 21 years to 30 years, and by the end of the century will reach 42 years. The world will become a world of pensioners. The trouble is that the old people will no longer be pensioners by that time: they will have no one to pay their pensions.
On all charts, we can see that the first 20-25 years after the Second world war, the population really multiplied rapidly: the number of children increased, the annual population growth accelerated, the birth rate was very high (about 5), the median age decreased. The world was a world of young people who had a future to build, and it was encouraging. Less than half a century later, the world quickly grew old, and the future darkened, burdened with the main concern for food.
In 1970, only 0.7% of the World’s population was over 80 years old. According to the UN forecast, by the end of the XXI century, this will be almost one in ten. In 1995, Italy became the first country in the world where the number of elderly people aged 65 years exceeded the number of children under 15 years, after which almost all countries in Europe experienced this ominous change. Aging is expected all over the world: by 2050, everywhere except Africa, the share of the population from 60 years and older will be 25-30%!
All this will happen against the background of a declining birth rate. Already, 75 countries (almost half of the World’s population) have a birth rate below the level of simple reproduction, which is just over two children per woman. In General, in the world it is about 2.5, that is, only slightly higher than the level of simple replacement of generations.
This means that almost half of the planet is already virtually extinct, and in General the planet is facing a real prospect of global extinction. The population structure is rapidly deteriorating almost all over the world. And with it, a real threat of extinction looms over the social state. As can be seen from the global fertility map, almost all over the world, except for Africa and some countries in South Asia, the total fertility rate is below the global average.
That is, almost the entire world, except for these regions, is either facing the immediate threat of inability to reproduce itself, or already in a state of hidden extinction (when the population is still growing by inertia, but the birth rate is already below the level of reproduction), or at all at the stage of explicit extinction (Europe). The” end of history ” that Fukuyama dreamed of is quite real, and it is clearly visible in the demographic dimension.
The UN predicts that by the end of the twenty-first century, almost the entire world will die out: the birth rate will ensure the reproduction of the population only in some countries of Central Africa. This managed “sustainable development” will become total control in exchange for maintaining the lives of an aging population that will only be interested in old-age benefits. “Family planning” in the long run turns out to be a slow way to take away humanity’s freedom in exchange for the Chimera of “reproductive rights”. Although it is precisely the right to procreation that is most hindered. This explains the worldwide decline in financial support for families. And all the tools continue to work to reduce the birth rate: propaganda of egoism, individualism, careerism, consumerism, equality, sodomy, contraception, sterilization, abortion, euthanasia, debauchery and other abominations. The fact that this plan is not subject to revision, recently said us President-elect Donald trump, when he said that about Sodom “marriages” “the issue has already been resolved.”
The stable state of humanity that some dreamers dream of, when the population simply moves to a stable zero population growth, is impossible without breaking the fundamental institutions of marriage and the state. Before humanity reaches this imaginary stable state, it is doomed to a catastrophic deterioration of its socio-economic situation, when, rather, will agree to give all power in private hands, if only they provide it with a minimum that the “demographically exhausted” state will no longer be able to fulfill. This will be the finest hour of transnational corporations, which will declare that they are more effectively performing those services that can not be performed by the state, and will take all power into their own hands. In fact, the process of discrediting the state as an effective economic regulator has been unfolding for several decades, when private companies duplicate state institutions under the pretext that they supposedly more effectively perform their role. Like, what difference does it make who provides services to the population, because the state is only a tool for providing services. The term “public services” is promoted for a reason.
And as for the desired stable state, in demographic science, a stable population is one that is characterized by a constant level of birth rate and mortality and a constant age structure. That is, for example, a stably dying population is also stable, since at the same time it changes by the same relative value, only “in minus”. “Sustainable development” in fact turns out to be a planned and managed “legacy”.
In Russia, the nssm-200 plan has largely achieved its goals. “The rapid political, economic, social and demographic changes that took place in the Russian Federation in the 1990s have historical significance and far-reaching consequences,” the UN population Fund mission said in a report. Unfortunately, this is true: the damage to Russia has been done for decades. However, since the beginning of the XXI century, our country has embarked on the path of restoring sovereignty. As psychologists Irina Medvedeva and Tatiana Shishova write, ” Russia’s policy should be aimed at multiplying and protecting life, and not at planning non-existence.” At the same time, the policy of a country is largely determined by its residents by their actions or inaction.
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