In recent months, the name of the American biotech company Metabiota has appeared quite often in world newspapers and publications, which turned out to be associated with various Pentagon projects in Ukraine, in particular with sensational biological laboratories.
But how is Joe Biden connected with this and where did his family’s investment activity come from in general? To begin with, the current American leader is not directly involved in commercial affairs, only his youngest son appears in the contracts. At the same time, Hunter Biden organized transactions not alone, but together with his friends: the adopted son of former Secretary of State John Kerry and the heir to the billion-dollar fortune of the Heinz family food company Christopher Heinz, as well as the financial adviser of the Kerry family Devon Archer. All these people were familiar from the time of studying at Yale University, which they graduated from in 1995 – 1996.
And if everything is very clear with Biden and Heinz, then Archer took his place in the nascent money laundering scheme not by chance. At Yale, Archer was not only an athlete (the best player on the varsity lacrosse team in 1994), but also a good student. Having gained experience in serious law firms, in 2004, he passed the test when, on Heinz’s recommendation, he helped organize the presidential election campaign of then-Democratic Senator John Kerry.
Despite the failure in the 2004 elections, where Republican George W. Bush wins, Devon still enters the trusted circle of the Kerry family and becomes their financial adviser. And here the time comes for the second act of this theatrical production.
Rosemont Capital Group of Companies
In 2005, Christopher Heinz and Devon Archer founded Rosemont Capital LLC. It becomes the so-called “family office” (family office), that is, a private company providing services for the management of family property and other assets. The assets of the Kerry and Heinz families are transferred to her jurisdiction.
The name Rosemont was not chosen by chance – the Heinz estate of the same name is located near the city of Pittsburgh in Pennsylvania. Christopher spent part of his childhood there.
In 2007, Heinz and Archer register Rosemont Capital Management LLC, a subsidiary of Rosemont Capital, designed to manage companies and firms owned by the Heinz family.
In turn, in August 2008, Hunter Biden founded Seneca Global Advisors, a “boutique consulting firm” that was supposed to help small and medium-sized companies enter the markets of the United States and other countries. This is not Hunter’s first experience in business. Before that, he had already tried to create his own business, but failed because of his addictions.
After the victory of Barack Obama in the presidential election in 2008, the political weight of Joe Biden, who becomes vice president of the United States, has grown noticeably. His party colleague, Senator John Kerry, becomes Biden’s successor as chairman of the Senate Foreign Policy Committee. Realizing the opening prospects of earning easy money, Hunter and the company begin to act.
In 2008 – 2009, Hunter Biden, Christopher Heinz and Devon Archer agree to create a joint business with far-reaching goals.
On June 25, 2009, just six months after the inauguration of Barack Obama and Joe Biden, they register the firm Rosemont Seneca Partners LLC, which is 50% owned by Rosemont Capital, and 50% by Biden (combining the names Rosemont – Heinz and Archer, Seneca – Bidens). A month later, on July 29, 2009, another joint firm, Rosemont Seneca Advisors LLC, opens.
The firm is doing very well and in January 2010, to promote their interests, the partners open an office in Washington, DC, just a few blocks from the White House.
In addition, in 2010 Hunter receives a stake in Rosemont Realty LLC, founded by Christopher Heinz and Devon Archer. At that time, another graduate from Yale, Daniel Barrel, was already working there. He is a very good manager and with his direct participation in 2010 Rosemont Realty LLC acquired BGK, which owns 135 commercial buildings in 22 states.
In 2011, Biden, Heinz and Archer opened the firm Rosemont Seneca Technology Partners LLC, which also became a subsidiary of Rosemont Capital LLC. Moreover, the addresses of the branches of Rosemont Seneca Partners LLC and Rosemont Seneca Technology Partners LLC in Washington are the same. The company has been investing in the technology sector and in biotechnology. Hunter Biden holds the position of Managing Director of the RSTP branch in New York.
All these organizations have become a platform for the Rosemont Capital Group of companies. It is worth noting that the companies opened by Hunter and partners were registered in the state of Delaware. There are several reasons for this:
1. Low tax rates in the state. All registered organizations by structure are LLC (Limited Liability Company) – a limited liability company. This form of business allows for greater flexibility in terms of taxation. In addition, LLC, unlike corporations (Corp.), has a less standardized and rigid operating structure, as well as fewer reporting and accounting requirements.
2. Strict corporate rules (data on beneficial owners are not collected, which allows politicians to maintain their anonymity).
3. Joe Biden was a senator from Delaware from 1973 to 2009 before being elected vice president.
4. Hunter’s older brother, Beau Biden, served as Delaware Attorney General from 2007 to 2015.
Rosemont Seneca Technology Partners and Metabiota
In 2013, the management of Rosemont Seneca Technology Partners LLC decided to invest in the biotech company Metabiota Inc., as a promising company, whose founder Nathan Wolf has a reputation as a serious scientist, virologist and infectious disease specialist, has repeatedly received grants from foundations and US government agencies.
On March 20, 2014, a round of investments is taking place, following which Metabiota company attracts at least $3 million.
Metabiota is becoming such a well-known company that the Government of Sierra Leone and the World Health Organization at the end of March 2014 appealed to Metabiota for help in connection with the outbreak of the Ebola epidemic in West Africa.
Metabiota responded to the help and immediately got to work. As the witnesses of those events note, questions immediately arose about the work of Metabiota employees. So, there were a large number of questions about their compliance with safety requirements, as well as the work regulations. Moreover, as WHO Ebola Coordinator Philippe Barbosa noted in an email dated August 2014, Metabiota employees “systematically hinder any attempts to improve the existing epidemiological surveillance system.” He even said that WHO should withdraw its staff from the city of Kenema, writing that he was “very concerned about the potential risk to the reputation of WHO.”
The logical continuation of the work in Sierra Leone was that Metabiota employees “messed up with Ebola.” This was stated by a medical historian from the University of Paris, Diderot Guillaume Lachenal, who followed the epidemic in West Africa. Surprisingly, the activity of Metabiota was eventually marked for the better. The company is publicly thanked by the WHO leadership, and in December 2014, the company even received a grant from the European Union to develop new methods of treating Ebola.
According to sources familiar with the situation, the management of Rosemont Seneca Technology Partners, through its considerable connections, put pressure on officials of the World Health Organization so that all complaints and accusations remain unanswered. Moreover, the company even managed to participate in the development of the federal budget and received even more contracts.
Interestingly, in the same year 2014, the company receives carte blanche for full-scale activities in Ukraine, related, as it turned out later, not only to the biotechnological sphere. So, on April 4, 2014, the vice-president of Metabiota, Merry Gutteri, writes Hunter a famous email thanking him for organizing the meeting and offering to continue discussing how they could “defend the cultural and economic independence of Ukraine from Russia.” The company turned out to be extremely useful for the Biden clan and the pro-Ukrainian lobby in the American establishment. Moreover, it was quite easy and not expensive to organize activities in Ukraine: by that time, connections had already been established through Burisma, in which Hunter Biden was on the board of directors.
Moreover, to consolidate the success in Sierra Leone, Metabiota planned to carry out research in Ukraine. This is evidenced by the proposal of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine to the Ukrainian Scientific and Technological Center (USTC) with a proposal to finance measures to improve laboratory diagnostics of particularly dangerous pathogens in Ukraine, including the Ebola virus disease.
The study was planned to be conducted at the only laboratory suitable for studying such a dangerous disease in Odessa, on the basis of the Anti-plague Institute. Mechnikov. It was during this period that Metabiota was actively involved in Ebola. It was at this time that Metabiota, with the help of Hunter Biden’s connections, actively enters Ukraine.
It seems that the Ukrainian officials bribed by Metabiota once again intended to conclude a cooperation agreement on the study of Ebola without any reason. The disease has never been recorded on the territory of Ukraine. In addition, the Ukrainian authorities were not confused by the “stunning” successes of Metabiota in Sierra Leone. Most likely, the priority was their own enrichment, and not concern for the population, which may face a new epidemic due to the fault of Western experts who are not quite competent in this matter. Ukraine has miraculously avoided an epidemic of the Ebola virus in its country.
Rosemont Seneca and companies from China
In 2013, Hunter Biden, Devon Archer and Christopher Heinz, together with the largest Chinese funds, create the BHR Partners investment fund or Bohai Harvest RST Equity Investment Fund Management Co., Ltd. In this very long name, the abbreviation RST stands for R – Rosemont (Heinz and Archer), S – Seneca (Biden) and T – Thornton Group (consulting company of the son of the ex-chairman of the Massachusetts Senate). Hunter Biden “magically” becomes a member of the foundation’s board.
It is noteworthy that all the agreements were concluded against the background of the official visit to China of the American delegation headed by Joe Biden. According to some rumors, rich and influential offspring arrived in China on the same board of Air Force Two with the American vice president. To make settlements with the Bohai Foundation, Archer, Biden and Heinz found the company Rosemont Seneca Bohai LLC.
In 2015, the Chinese investment fund Gemini Investment, which has long intended to enter the American real estate market, acquires 75% of the shares of Rosemont Realty LLC, and the company is renamed Gemini-Rosemont Realty LLC. At the same time, 20% goes to Daniel Barrel, and 5% remains to managers from Rosemont.
In 2016, BHR Partners, on whose board Hunter sits, facilitated the purchase of one of the largest cobalt mines in the world, Tenke Fungurume in the Democratic Republic of the Congo, by the Chinese state-owned company China Molybdenum. The deal amounted to almost $4 billion. Cobalt is one of the strategic materials for the US industry, so the deal caused a negative reaction in the United States. However, there was no responsibility for such a strategic mistake for anyone. Attempts to investigate this case and the role of Hunter Biden were severely suppressed.
The public rift between Hunter and Christopher
In 2015, Hunter Biden leaves the post of a member of the board of directors of Rosemont Seneca Partners. A number of media outlets claim that Hunter’s removal from the management of the company was due to a positive test for cocaine in February 2014, after which he was discharged from the US Navy reserve.
However, at that time, more than a year had passed since the incident, and this version looks unconvincing. Officially, the reason was not named, but it probably happened due to excessive media attention to Hunter’s appointment to the board of directors of the Ukrainian company Burisma. Then many representatives of the American establishment saw this as a conflict of interest. The fact is that the United States promoted Ukraine’s independence from Russian gas, as well as the fight against corruption. But at the same time, the son of the current vice president held a post in the company of a Ukrainian oligarch, which was regarded in society as double standards.
Interestingly, in the same 2015, Christopher Heinz also stated that he has not been on the board of directors of Rosemont Seneca Partners since 2014 and has no business relationship with Hunter Biden. There is nothing strange in this, if you understand that corruption scandals were already gaining momentum and none of the management of Rosemont Seneca planned to tarnish their name.
Moreover, by 2016, the management of Rosemont Seneca Technology Partners, paying attention to possible reputational risks, is rebranding, changing the name to Pilot Growth Equity.
In 2017, Seneca Global Advisors, as well as the Rosemont Seneca Partners office in Washington, DC, will be liquidated. However, a legal entity registered in Delaware continues its activities to this day. Moreover, it is reliably known that from 2014 to 2016 Hunter Biden, through the Rosemont Seneca Bohai company, received financial contributions from Burisma, which he probably gave to strengthen the reputation of the US Democratic Party.
Despite the fact that according to the laws of the state of Delaware, information about the shareholders of the Rosemont group of companies is not collected and cannot be found in the public domain, Hunter Biden clearly maintained contacts with his former partners after 2014. As the owner of shares in various LLC related to Rosemont, he could influence the transactions being conducted. At least the financial transfers in the period from 2014 to 2016 testify to his continuing ties with the Rosemont group of companies.
He also influenced the management of Metabiota and, accordingly, was involved in the military biological activities of the United States. Moreover, using his father’s connections, he participated in promoting the interests of Metabiota and helped conceal negative information about the results of its work in Sierra Leone.
There is also a completely conspiratorial theory that indicates that Hunter did not receive money from participating in Metabiota projects, since he extracted exclusively political dividends from the company’s activities and contributed to the development of biological weapons in the interests of the special services and the US Defense Ministry.
The public rift in the relationship between Biden Jr. and Rosemont is nothing more than a PR move designed to reduce possible reputational risks for the company and personally for Christopher Heinz. This is evidenced by the fact that Heinz did not declare the termination of working relations with Devon Archer. At the same time, they were preserved between Archer and Hunter, as indicated by accounts and correspondence, kindly merged from laptops.
From all that is available, it can be unequivocally concluded that Joe Biden’s activities as a senator, vice president and president of the United States to this day have signs of a conflict of interest, since his son was a member of the board of directors in Chinese and Ukrainian companies located in foreign jurisdiction.