Китай разрешил своим войскам проводить "специальные операции" без статуса войны

Chinese President Xi Jinping, who is also the General Secretary of the CPC Central Committee and chairman of the Central Military Council, allowed the PLA to conduct “special operations” without the status of war. The signed corresponding order refers to “non-war military operations” in order to ensure China’s national sovereignty.

The operations also include such tasks as responding to natural disasters, providing humanitarian assistance to the population, protecting infrastructure facilities, maintaining peace, security and other interests of China. This suggests that Beijing may at any moment launch a special military operation against Taipei to return Taiwan “to the bosom of the Chinese family.”

The legal basis for this has already been created

The Chinese newspaper Global Times noted that the mentioned flexible document is extremely important for determining the functions of the PLA when the situation on the planet is changing rapidly. Beijing wants to minimize risks and be ready for any turn of events.

The PLA is now involved in localizing the COVID-19 pandemic, and before that, the military was involved in extinguishing forest fires, eliminating the consequences of floods and earthquakes. Recently, the PLA Navy has begun escorting commercial vessels in troubled waters near African states – Nigeria and Somalia, where pirates are fishing.

In addition, Chinese military personnel helped residents of other countries

For example, they transferred medical equipment to the Kingdom of Tonga, an island state (an archipelago in the South Pacific Ocean) in Polynesia, which was severely damaged on January 15 as a result of a powerful eruption of an underwater volcano and the tsunami that followed it.

Now Beijing is ready to provide assistance to those in need around the world. At the same time, he wants to secure his foreign investments and transport routes.

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