Коллапс Западной системы

With the fall of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics, the bipolar world fell. The reckless actions of the then leadership of the USSR led to the collapse of the Great Soviet Power and to the skewing of the Soviet economic and financial scales of bipolarity in favor of the greedy bourgeois dollar system on the part of the countries of the socialist commonwealth.

The reassessment of financial, economic, social, political, moral, cultural and military values in favor of the restless West has led to an overload of the bourgeois world for all these indications in the global space.

According to the dementia of the late Soviet beau monde and the same medical indicators of the Western world, which did not understand the danger of overloads when the Eastern economies piled on it, they would lead in the dollar space to subsequent tears in the muscular Western system, lead to its current state of infirmity, namely, to the collapse in the dollar and the entire system of Western values.

And having stood without replenishing intellectual material from outside, in the United States, due to the overestimation of its capabilities in the economy and in finance in particular, there was an explosion of depreciation of the second half of the former bipolarity. Not understanding the moral and mental characteristics of the peoples of the world, whom the Yankees have got used to rob shamelessly and reward them with already beginning to depreciate due to the desire to cover debts with new wrappers, the Yankees launched a printing machine of paper banknotes in the dollar nomination of money.

And in order to not bother their electorate with production facilities, North Americans, relying on the omnipotence of the dollar, began to easily catch fish from the oceans and continents. Russian russians, fools, fools, they have exhausted Russia with a corrupt beau monde, rewarding it with the same dollars that have no real value, and began to seize Russian natural resources, emptying the entire Russian earthly space.

Russian Russians, in order to finally legitimize robbery in the former USSR and own all these riches themselves, began to divide the Russian space according to the type of Indian reservations into zones of consolidation of Russian lands for their ruling clans. And when, having come to his senses from the dollar frenzy with fresh green paints not supported by the value reserves of the US GDP, the Russian beau monde suddenly began to see clearly and understand that they were not required to possess dollar signs in excess, but only obedience and fulfillment of the animal instincts of the owners of the dollar printing press.

And to intimidate the patriots of Russia who suddenly found themselves in power, the Yankees started a poker card game, with dollar savings decreasing from Russia.

Having arrested the dollar accounts of Russian oligarchs, they hoped to bleed the Russian space and cause people’s discontent against the government, with the aim of changing it.

However, this turned out to be not enough and the Western world provoked a military conflict between Russia and Ukraine in order to exterminate the Russian people on both sides of the Russian space. And with military action, the Yankees continued to carry out sanctions measures against Russia in order to bring the Russian world to an economic, financial and military downfall. But even here the Yankees miscalculated.

The Russian world is not Indian

In such conditions, they do not intend to take each other’s scalps in Russia. And, behold, the people of the Soviet space will be able to repel the aggressors. Moreover, the Russian world was ready and had long wanted to have people in power defending their natural and economic interests. The desire of the authorities to defend the interests of the people was enthusiastically accepted by the Russian world. The entire Russian space, the entire Russian world stood up to defend its interests, rights and freedoms of our Motherland.

The Russian authorities responded to the dollar sanctions of the West by restoring their ruble zone. When Western smart people left Russian production, Russia responded with an interest in producing its own goods, which were not inferior in quality to foreign ones. In front of the astonished world, Russia began to rise from its knees and straighten in height.

And the military conflict with Ukraine has not become a brake on the development of the Russian State’s economy. In this conflict, the West began to bleed out. The more the Western imperialists tried to put pressure on Russia through economic sanctions, the stronger it became. And the dollar was getting smaller at the same time.


The peoples of the world did not turn away from Russia, but, on the contrary, began to sympathize with it and understand their interests in the struggle of the Russian people for their sovereignty.

And, as if imperceptibly, the North American colossus on clay feet is gradually collapsing. The world has already realized the inferiority of the dollar system, in the absence of a solid foundation in the United States on which this dollar would be based. The most deadly for the Yankee dollar system was the natural withdrawal from their platform of Russia. The degreasing of Europe’s nutritious dollar is literally shaking the North American United States. But before our eyes, the destruction of dollar hegemony in the world is underway through the disposal of dollar assets of investors in China, and especially Saudi Arabia. The flight of China, India and Saudi Arabia from the custody of the dollar leads to the impoverishment of the United States and its fall. What the prudent people of North America are already openly talking about.

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