Сколько больных убили врачи под видом борьбы с коронавирусом

It is not superfluous to mention that the nurse Erin Marie Olszewski, who worked in a hospital in new York and secretly filmed how “ordinary citizens” are treated in the United States, working with patients with coronavirus, received 10 thousand dollars a week, we must think that the doctors were not offended. She also said that for a patient declared infected with coronavirus, hospitals receive 11 thousand dollars, but if you connect the patient to a ventilator, then another 39 thousand.
And then begins her story about what is actually not a medical error or even a simple pursuit of money, but a crime. She reports that in order to get this money, the infectious diseases Department of their hospital dragged heavy patients from other departments, say, from cardiology, dragged patients with negative tests for coronavirus, and without any medical need connected them to artificial ventilation devices.

And this connection actually killed them, since they had no survivors at all in the hospital after being connected to a ventilator. And this was in stark contrast to the way coronavirus patients were treated in Florida, where this nurse worked before new York, where they were treated like regular flu patients, without using a ventilator. And they didn’t have a single dead person.

But in new York, the mayor forced them to “treat” this way, threatening doctors with revocation of their medical licenses. Accordingly, the doctors at the hospital laughed: “Why should we try, because these people are already not residents.” (Note that the mayor of new York, a political opponent of Trump, Democrat bill de Blasio, on may 16, 2020, announced his candidacy for President of the United States).

On the one hand, the message of the nurse Erin Marie Olszewski is a convincing evidence that such “treatment” under the noise of the Scam of the coronavirus epidemic is an outright murder of patients by doctors, with the dead listed as “victims of the coronavirus”. But on the other hand-on the statistical side of this epidemic, as it were – the nurse said nothing new.

Long before her, Dr. Cameron Kyle-Saidel, who was fired from the hospital for this frankness, had told the public about the difference between this disease and classic pneumonia and the murderous nature of the ventilator. By the way, his speech was included in his interview (on 20-26) with Dr. Kaufman by the journalist Del Bigtree


Да, собственно, общая статистика говорит о гибельности исскуственной вентиляции легких

According to an Associated Press report from April 10, 2020, in new York, 80% of COVID-19 patients who are connected to artificial ventilation devices (ventilators) die, although the usual death rate of patients with breathing difficulties is 40-50%, in China’s Wuhan, the mortality rate with coronavirus on a ventilator is 86%, in the UK about 66%.

And for me, an additional proof of the veracity of the reported data is the behavior of the lackeys of the organizers of the coronavirus Scam, who, in order to please the owners and clearly for money, try to pass off the coronavirus Scam as a real threat to humanity. So, these unscrupulous scoundrels, who are ready to kill their countrymen for money with their chatter, never refute the essence of the reported information – no! Having no arguments to refute, they try to drown out or at least throw shit on those who report this information.

(And for morons, this is all that matters, because the moron doesn’t understand what it’s about, and has to choose who to believe. Therefore, if the source of objectionable information is poured with shit, then in the moronic understanding, the information from this source also becomes false. One of my opponents constantly reminds me that he believes only information from peer-reviewed scientific journals and assures his readers that only such information can be trusted. And it does not bother him that he himself looks like a moron who is not able to understand the truth of information as such, so he is forced to believe that the editors and reviewers of scientific journals are honest people. So to speak, substitutes for Christ, identical to the natural one. What can you do – a moron is not able to jump above the belief in something and this is taken into account).

Moreover, he also says that he does not discuss the information in substance, because “he is not an expert”. And it turns out that he – not an expert in medicine – is a “specialist in medical specialists” (as another commentator aptly noted). And this RAM in medicine assures everyone, for example, that the mayor of new York is an outstanding medic, and a certain “doctor” Kaufman is an illiterate fool. That bill gates, who finances who and all similar organizations abroad, is a medical genius who needs nothing but love for humanity, and that nurse Olszewski is a fool who wants to be famous. And, accordingly, that he is not a vile scoundrel, but an honest commentator.

Here’s a look at what he gave out on this nurse and estimate the volume: “Well, super, congratulations to Mukhin. Another fraudster was found; last time it was “doctor” Kaufman, this time “nurse” with the complex name Erin Marie Olszewski. This young fraudster has been trying to attract attention for a couple of years now by fighting against vaccinations, spreading the well-known lie that vaccinations allegedly cause autism. According to her, her son (she has three children), who initially developed normally, received the MMR vaccination and immediately became autistic. She founded not just one, but two anti-vaccination organizations: “Nurses for Vaccine Safety Alliance” and “Florida Freedom Alliance”, spoke at congressional hearings, participated in protest demonstrations, etc., etc.”

And this is a comment on the article ” What virus caused covid panik? “in which I quoted facts, starting with this: “More than 500,000 American children currently suffer from autism, and pediatricians diagnose more than 40,000 new cases each year. The disease was unknown until 1943, when it was detected and diagnosed among eleven children born within a few months after thimerosal was first added to children’s vaccines in 1931.”

He continues: “Like “Dr.” Kaufman, she did not immediately appreciate all the possibilities that the outbreak opened up for her. At first, she was limited to writing almost hourly posts on Facebook and Twitter on the usual conspiracy topics: the Government is using a fake alleged epidemic to take away our rights, the virus is artificial, and even that the diseases are caused by vaccinations; against all experts in the field of immunology, for trump, against the who, the usual nonsense about gates, well, everything is as usual.

In April, however, she had a fresh idea. She decided to get into the center of the impending disaster – new York-and expose the fake epidemic there. Armed with a hidden camera, she took a job at a hospital in one of the poorest neighborhoods in new York.

There, however, she was disappointed. The disease was real and the epidemic was terrible. It’s bad, but good can’t be lost! Armed with recordings on a hidden camera (which is a blatant violation of medical ethics and where it concerns patients, and the law) and contacting, like “doctor” Kaufman, greedy for sensationalism unscrupulous journalists, she rolled out her “exposure”.

What is it about? Yes, for the most part, the chatter of nurses among themselves, complaints about poor provision of protective equipment, and all sorts of other problems (known without her “revelations” and quite expected in the midst of an epidemic in such a place). The only non-trivial claims were that (a) patients with a negative test result are treated with covid-19 because the hospital receives money for it, and (b) they are also kept close to the patients, thus, without having the virus when they arrive at the hospital, they become infected already there. There were also some other “revelations” that untreated patients are returned to nursing homes, exposing their residents to the risk of infection, etc.

Note that this is infinitely far from the original “there is no epidemic, the globalists led by gates want to chip everyone”; but nevertheless, the charges themselves are quite serious.

The hospital had to respond. The hapless “nurse” was told, among other things, that about 40% of patients have a negative test result; this is also due to the fact that when a noticeably ill patient enters the hospital, so as not to injure him unnecessarily, the sample from the nose is not taken too deep, and sometimes it does not get enough viral RNA for the test. Anyway, patients with symptoms of infection with the virus are treated accordingly, regardless of the negative test, which is logical.

In General, this “help” cost the hospital dearly, but in the end they managed to get rid of the “nurse”. But her task was completed: she has already become a” star “of American” right-wing ” TV shows, and finally her book is published in August.”

Well, you saw how much he gave out immediately! What an excellent knowledge of Olshevskaya’s biography, how fully revealed all her insidious plans! Is this man going to write a book with a biography of Olszewski?

But note that in this verbose comment, there is not even a hint that at least one fact from Olshevsky’s message is false. In the United States – in the “state of legal litigators” – no one is going to bring Olshevsky to court, not even for libel, but at least for defamation of the hospital. Whether this commentator understands it or not, this comment completely confirmed the authenticity of everything that Olshevsky reported. Before that, Dr. Kaufman reported. Namely, they reported about the murder of American medicine patients under the sauce of ” a terrible epidemic.

So covid alarmists should not just sum up “those who died from coronavirus”, but allocate from this number how many unfortunate people were killed by doctors in a thirst to earn “freebies”.

Speaking of summation. Almost always, any data is given for equal periods so that it can be analyzed, and the results of the analysis can be used to improve the situation. For example, the same population mortality (General or for separate reasons) is given separately for each month or separately for each year. Analysis is the construction of a curve, and to build it to the ordinate axis, you need the abscissus axis, not a single point. And in this “epidemic”, as you can see, the numbers are not intended for analyzing the situation and fighting the disease – the numbers are not given for a day, week or month – they are given as the sum of a certain “beginning of the epidemic”. And why so? What does this” statistics ” give? How can I use it for analysis?

And “COVID-19 pandemic statistics” is not intended for analysis, it is intended solely to intimidate the population. The speech has long gone beyond a medical issue – it is a political action from the very beginning.

Now about the murder artificial ventilation devices

Of all the Russian medical theorists, I deeply respect Dr. Buteyko for the fact that he is the only doctor I have met in history who really understands chemistry. So, the specialists of his clinic quite sensibly and reasonably protest against the treatment of lung problems with artificial ventilation and, of course, explain why it is deadly.

But it is clear that among the Russian intelligentsia, which has all the “light in the window” in the West, there is no prophet in their homeland. And since the West uses a ventilator to treat lung problems, we will also use a ventilator.

And always, and stupidly!

Doctors kill – this is undeniable. But even in this case, the fault of ordinary doctors, who do not have the right not to follow the recommendations (orders) of medical superiors, takes a back seat, and the fault of who and its associated medical superiors in all countries rises to the fore. After all, they, funded, by the way, by bill gates, forbade autopsies of the dead and establish the true cause of death during this epidemic. Because of this ban, it was too late to determine what exactly affects the lungs in this flu.

Remember: “As established by Italian scientists, it turned out that the terrible disease is not pneumonia, and people die, to a greater extent, from diffuse venous thrombosis (thrombosis). In this regard, the treatment protocols for coronavirus patients in Italy were urgently changed. Along with antibiotics, antiviral and anti-inflammatory drugs, anticoagulants were also used. According to information from Italian pathologists, ventilators and intensive care units were not needed.”

During the Vietnam war, initiated by the then US President Lyndon Johnson, a demonstration protesting against the war students have adopted the chant, “Hey, Lyndon Johnson, tell me, quail, what killed you today, children?”

At the time to arm themselves with chants: “Hey, mean who, say, don’t be shy, how many killed today?“.


P.S. Michael Levitt, winner of the Nobel prize in chemistry, summed up on may 23 this year: “The quarantine did not save any lives and perhaps the decision to introduce it cost other lives. The problem with epidemiologists is that they see the meaning of their work in intimidating people into isolation and a policy of social distance. If they say that there will be a million deaths, but in fact there will be 25,000, they will answer-it’s good that you listened to our advice! It’s just part of the madness.”

To confirm that the quarantine really kills, I will tell from the doctor who returned from Italy to Dnepropetrovsk his version of where so many died in Italy.

Italy is a country of old people, especially helpless children are not particularly eager to take care of, so they hire nurses from Ukraine. However, at the very beginning of the panic, the Italians, introducing quarantine measures, forced all Ukrainians to leave Italy, as a result, thousands of old people were left without care, and children handed them over to nursing homes. It was in these crowded houses, from which the staff had also fled in a panic, that the most outstanding death rate “from coronavirus”began.

But the same mortality rate would have been due to the flu if all foreign nurses had been suddenly evicted in the midst of its epidemic. So it wasn’t the coronavirus that killed it, it was the quarantine that killed it.

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