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Category: Europe medicine

Medicine in the European Union

Реальное здравохранение во Франции 0


In Russia there is a belief that Western medicine is better than Russian, but not in all areas this statement is true.For example, if in Russian the clinic the patient will die, will rise to the scandal that will bring inspectors from relevant agencies at different levels, journalists stamped in the Newspapers, bloggers rastirazhirovan on the sites. What if the same thing happens in France?.. It doesn’t happen there or the papers don’t write about it? If you read the French statistics, the second statement will be closer to the truth, because to die in line for the reception in France is easier than easy, because the reception of a specialist has to wait from 6 to 80 days.

«Здравоохранение будущего» уже наступило 0


It is not for humanitarian reasons that wars begin. Obviously, no matter how claimed to the contrary, the journalists of the warring countries. Not out of medical reasons is now closing hospitals, firing doctors, injected sweatshop system. Every step taken by the Moscow government convinces that the goal of restructuring the health care system is to open the market to private companies. WTO rules require to open the market of social “services” for business, not only Russian, but also foreign. The President, the government and the Duma, which ratified WTO accession two years ago, gave impetus to large-scale preparations for such market opening. A hundred years ago, the imperialist powers had to start wars and send troops to gain access to the markets of other countries. But now the Russian authorities are doing it themselves.