From 11 to 14 June 2015, the 63rd annual meeting of the Bilderberg club was held in the Austrian Alps in the town of Telfs at the InterAlpen hotel. The peculiarity of this meeting was that it took place immediately after the meeting of the leaders of the “seven” (June 7-8) and the V Congress of leaders of world and traditional religions in Astana (June 10-11). At different levels of representation and different angles of view were considered one and the same, the key issue is to develop mechanisms of global governance.
If the G7 meeting focused on the fight against terrorism and the “Islamic state”, regulation of financial markets, strengthening the WTO, creating a Transatlantic partnership between the US and the EU, as well as the fight against tax evasion, against Ebola and for a clean “global environment”, the Ecumenical meeting in Astana was held under the sign of “global ethics”.
It is significant that the text of the Declaration following the meeting in Astana was read by the President of the Pontifical Council for interreligious dialogue Jean-Louis Tauran, not attending the meeting, UN Secretary-General ban Ki-moon and not by the OSCE Secretary General Lamberto Zannier.
However, all these issues are open for discussion. The real control mechanisms were discussed behind closed doors – in Telfs.
This year, too, the Bilderberg club took particularly strict measures to avoid any leakage of information by blocking roads leading to the InterAlpen hotel with military checkpoints and installing the latest equipment around the meeting place to block mobile communications, although in EU countries, in accordance with the European Commission Directive 1999/5/EC, the use of such equipment is illegal. Police said anyone caught in the security perimeter would have to pay a fine of 500 euros or spend up to two weeks in jail.
As a result, no information was received about the Bilderberg meeting, except for the list of participants and topics discussed, but this list does not provide much information, since the issues that are actually considered at such meetings are never made public. The media did not cover the event in any way, and although representatives of the leading media in Telfs were present, they remain silent. Among them are the canadian journalist and publisher of the National Post Andrew Coyne, editor-in-chief of Bloomberg News John Micklethwaite (this newspaper publishes 5,000 articles a day and has 150 offices around the world), editor-in-chief of the Economist Zanni Minton Beddoes, who is also a member of the Executive Board of the Carnegie Endowment for international peace and worked at one time for banksters from the IMF.
The meeting was also attended by the chief economic columnist of the Financial Times, an ardent defender of Central banks, Martin wolf, and the former Director of this newspaper, Rona Fairhead, who heads the BBC Trust today and is one of the leaders of the largest banking conglomerate NSBC. Interestingly, when fairhead was appointed to the BBC Trust, some NSBC shareholders initiated legal proceedings against Her for helping launder money for terrorists and Mexican drug cartels.
It is no secret that due to the extreme monopolization of the American and British media, as well as the close connection of their leaders with the state authorities, they have the most severe censorship, ensuring their full and trouble-free interaction, in which they work in a fairly narrow range of political positions and within a clearly defined framework. So the presence of these figures at the meeting only means that the ideas that were discussed there will be quietly and in the right direction submitted in their publications in order to create the right public opinion.
And yet, despite the closeness of the Bilderberg club, the list of participants and the designated topics make it possible to determine the main trend of the discussions. Among the 15 points of the “official program” were listed: European strategy, globalization, Greece, Iran, the middle East, NATO, Russia, terrorism, the United Kingdom, the United States, elections in the United States, threats to use chemical weapons. However, judging by the participants, the main focus was on the topics of “artificial intelligence”, “cyber security” and”current economic problems”.
As always, the meeting was attended by Henry Kissinger, the NATO Secretary General, and the heads of leading banks and companies (list). At the same time, it is noteworthy that only one company, namely Google, was represented by three participants: President Eric Schmidt, Vice President of the company Demis Hassabis and a member of the management Regina Dugan.
The path of the latter is very significant, as it once again makes it clear how closely Google is connected with the us military-industrial complex. From mid-2009 to March 2012, Dugan headed DARPA , the Pentagon’s defense advanced research projects Agency, responsible for developing and supporting the latest technologies for use in the U.S. military. She now heads “special projects” at Google-owned Motorola Mobility.
Regina Dugan is known as a consistent proponent of creating a system of total surveillance
Among its most actively promoted projects is electronic tattooing in the form of a patch, which is a printed electrical circuit with an antenna and a pair of sensors that can act as part of a biometric identification mechanism.
Electronic tattooing in the form of a patch, which is a printed electrical circuit with an antenna and a pair of sensors, which can act as part of the biometric identification mechanism
This tattoo Dugan wears on his arm, and it was developed by MS10, a partner of Motorola Mobility.
Another method of biometric identification developed under Dugan is a microchip contained in an electronic “tablet” that, once in the body, begins to transmit an 18-bit radio signal similar to an electroencephalogram. It works like a key when you touch your phone or computer. These “pills” are already certified by the us food and drug Administration (FDA) and are manufactured by the California-based company Proteus. The developers claim that a person can safely take up to 30 such tablets a day for the rest of their life.
Such developments are one of the main areas of work of DARPA, which deals not only with Microsystem and strategic technologies (communication systems, information network protection, electronic warfare, system resilience to cyber attacks), but also with biological research in the field of engineering biology, including genetic engineering and applied aspects of neuroscience.
The Agency, in turn, works closely with Google, which, along with NASA, promotes transhumanist foresight projects developed at Singularity University, located in Silicon valley at the NASA Research center. These studies have focused primarily on development of technologies for the management of the human mind and the creation of artificial intelligence. Recall that the head of Google, Eric Schmidt, has never hidden his desire for total electronic control, saying that privacy is a relic of the past and that he plans to turn Google into a real “Big Brother”.
So the presence of a representative delegation of this company in Telfs and the discussion of the topic of “artificial intelligence”, as well as “cybernetic security” indicates significant progress in the creation of “e-government”, and that the global elite seriously accepts the program of total restructuring of society and people based on the ideology of transhumanism, assuming to do this in a fairly short time, with a sharp restriction, and subsequently the elimination of the right to privacy.
At the same time Bilderbergers reinterpret the very concept of private life
Thus, Martin wolf, when pointed out to him the secret nature of their meetings, said that this is a manifestation of” private life”, and to consider that “such meetings can not take place in private, means “a fundamentally totalitarian idea”.
Already the Bilderberg meeting of the year before last 2013 showed that the “club” has entered a period of serious transformations. Having concluded a virtual Union with Google, Bilderberg imperceptibly transformed into GoogleBerg, shifting the focus of his attention to the sphere of mental wars and control of the individual.
Google is a pioneer not only in the field of penetration into the depths of the human mind, the company is already planning to create its own private cities. This was openly stated by another of its leaders, Larry Page, who is going to establish zones that are Autonomous from national governments, which will be able to experiment with the rules of social housing.
These projects promise to turn into a new tool for changing the world – corporate administration-management that ensures totalitarian order and total surveillance. We are talking primarily about developing countries, where, as Google’s management points out, “predatory” governments are in power, not allowing their citizens to do business and condemning them to poverty. Google promises to provide poor people with both property rights and the rule of law, and to do this, governments must voluntarily relinquish their power. For example, Honduras has already passed a law authorizing the creation of Autonomous zones (ZEDS), which can abandon centralized civil and commercial law and import the legal system of their choice. El Salvador and Costa Rica are going to create the same zones.
However, the main tool for total electronic control is electronic money
Over the past year, banking circles have openly discussed the idea of a sharp restriction and even complete abolition of cash. In 2014 Kenneth Rogoff of Harvard University called for the abolition of physical currency to stop “tax evasion and illegal activities”, as well as to prevent people from withdrawing their money and closing Bank accounts when interest rates are close to zero. As former Bank of England economist Jim Leeves puts it, a cashless society can only be achieved by “forcing everyone to use exclusively electronic funds that are placed in state-registered Bank accounts… tracked and even directly controlled by the state.” More recently, Willem Buiter, chief economist at Citigroup, called for the complete abolition of cash in order to “solve the problem of global Central banks associated with negative interest rates.”
According to experts, given the composition of participants and the fact that one of the topics of the Bilderberg meeting was “current economic problems”, it is likely that the focus was on the issue of cash. Naturally, no one will write about what decisions were made here. How confidential such issues are discussed was shown by economist Martin Armstrong, who was the only one who wrote about the secret meeting of representatives of the ECB, the fed, the Central banks of Switzerland and Denmark, held in London at the end of may this year. He was able to establish that the same Kenneth Rogoff and Willem Buiter are preparing to speak to Central banks in defense of the idea of eliminating all cash, “so that it is not possible to buy or sell anything without the permission of the government.”
While the militants and politicians who are supported by the global elite are plunging not just individual countries, but entire regions into the chaos of civil war, while humanity is being mobilized to fight against viruses and epidemics invented by the servants of the same elite, a single system of “electronic governments” is being built step by step, based on a common electronic database of citizens around the world. Each citizen should be assigned a single permanent identity identifier – a personal number of a single international standard. The introduction of a single unique identity identifier allows you to create a single distributed database, where information about various areas of a person’s life, including the most confidential, will be collected, stored and automatically analyzed in real time. Human life should become absolutely transparent for the governing structures.
The personal number must be included in a universal electronic card that will contain all information about a person in electronic form and serve as a multi-document: passport, driver’s license, pension, insurance, medical policies, payment instrument, travel document, etc. The electronic card will become the key to all data, and with the introduction of microchips in the person, it will be under the direct control of global managers.
So banks, intelligence agencies, the Pentagon, Google work in close conjunction. They are building an electronic GULAG in which there is no place for the state, national sovereignty, or individual freedom. Everything they deal with is for them only a means to achieve the main goal – absolute power.