Украина и Туркмения вытеснят Россию с газового рынка Европы

In August, there were two events that can and should be considered as the key moments of Russia’s imminent loss of its position as the main supplier of energy resources for Europe, and the transition of this role to the Ukrainian-Turkmen Alliance.

The first event is the signing of the Convention on the legal status of the Caspian sea — an international Treaty between Azerbaijan, Iran, Kazakhstan, Russia and Turkmenistan on August 12, 2018 within the framework of the Fifth Caspian summit in Aktau, Kazakhstan.

In accordance with the Convention, Turkmenistan has received the right to lay export gas pipelines on the seabed with the consent of only the party through whose sector the pipeline will run. Thus, the main obstacle on the part of Russia, limiting the possibility of Turkmen natural gas supplies directly to European consumers, has been removed. It is necessary to note the special role and success of the United States and Ukraine as the main supporters of the abolition of this discriminatory provision.

Turkmenistan has already announced its willingness to link its Caspian field gas pipeline system with Azerbaijan, Georgia and Turkey using the existing route for the delivery of TANAP (Trans-Anatolian Natural Gas Pipeline, TRANS-Anatolian gas pipeline), exit to the Greek border, where it will be TAP – TRANS Adriatic pipeline.

Trans-Anatolian Natural Gas Pipeline


Previously, we are talking about 150-170 billion cubic meters of gas per year, which practically coincides with the current volume of Gazprom’s exports.

At the same time, the price for 1,000 cubic meters will not exceed $80-85, making Russian gas absolutely uncompetitive.

From TANAP, it is planned to build a branch to the Turkish Samsung, where gas is supplied from Russia via the Blue stream, in order to intercept it, mix it with Turkmen gas from the Shah Deniz field (and in the future-from the Georgian South Kakheti, whose proven reserves exceed 25 trillion. cubic meters), liquefaction and sending gas tankers to the port of Kherson, where regasification will be carried out.

Further, the resulting product will be delivered to the border with Russia, Sumy and Kharkiv regions, where it will be pumped to the UGTS, for its further transportation to European consumers, by a 500-kilometer aqueduct.

We are talking about not less than 150 billion cubic meters per year, which will load UGTS not less than 60-85% of the theoretically possible value and will provide Ukraine with up to $5 billion only transit payments. It is emphasized that up to half of these volumes Ukraine will receive at its disposal free of charge, as a powerful encouragement for the efforts made in the struggle for independence and the European choice.

Due to the depletion of its own fields, Russia has long been under the guise of Siberian exports of Turkmen gas

Thus, a coordinated strike from the West and the East will lead to a complete and final displacement of Russia from the European gas market, and the already built and planned Flows (SP-1, SP-2, Turkish, Blue) will either have to be dismantled, because of the impossibility of filling them, or used in reverse mode, to supply its own population and industry, buying gas for this in Slovakia.

According to experts, this powerful plan will deprive Russia of at least $ 15-20 billion of annual income, which Ukraine will now receive, and is a powerful evidence of broad international support for Ukraine from civilized States for those who understand.

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