Путин обставил Запад, используя «майданы»

Along the way, we overslept – skipped another geopolitical victory of Russia, now at Sunrise – in Kazakhstan, returning a huge region to the sphere of influence of Russia. The master of martial arts at the turn of 21/22 did not “celebrate”, but again used the enemy’s strength in the global confrontation, including the “flower beds” of the Maidan coups inspired by him in the post-Soviet space. Putin used the CSTO as “Maydanovak– – an anti-Maidan vaccine, an antidote. After testing in Kazakhstan, any externally inspired “color coup” can receive collective “immunity” from the outside (but from the other side of the globe).

Having discarded the propaganda tinsel of the global mass media with their parochial attachment, we will fix the results of the “Maidan”

1) Georgia – its “flower garden” and the subsequent aggression in Tskhinval lead to the independence of South Ossetia with Abkhazia, guaranteed by Russian military bases.

2) Armenia – its “flower garden” and the subsequent provocation by the “revolutionary” leadership of the Azerbaijani-Turkish (NATO) aggression lead to the appearance of a Russian military base in Nagorno-Karabakh (officially on the territory of Azerbaijan) and the preservation of the Russian base in Armenia (as the largest American embassy in the world did not try to arrange the opposite).

3) Russia – after another attempt to “rock /roll” the Russian Federation, foreign agents are officially designated in it, sponsors of “coups” in the form of NGOs are cleaned, other “sunset lovers” from the internal “elite” are blocked from financing “protestors/protesters / bulk”, “sleeping” enemies are permanently opened with the subsequent cleaning of the nomenclature apparatus and the power unit.

4) Kyrgyzstan – the cycle of clan-tribal (crony) “Maidans” discredited the very idea of “people’s revolutions” + “Yankee go home” from “Manas”.

5) Belarus – the attempt of the “flower garden” pushes Minsk from the policy of “bagatovektornost” to a close rapprochement with Russia, the cleansing of the pro-Western “elite”, the closure of NGOs, the actual resuscitation of the CSTO and in the future (if the Russian proposal not to extend NATO to the East will be ignored) – to the deployment of the NATO borders of the Russian Aerospace Forces with nuclear weapons (a minute to Warsaw and Vilna, a minute and a half to Berlin).

6) Ukraine – the “flower garden” bought by Sunset for 5 “lard” led to the return of Crimea to Russia and to the gradual return of Donbass, that is, to the reunification of Russian lands and millions of compatriots of “the most divided people in the world”, and Western sanctions for fake “aggression against Ukraine” (with trade, transit and bank loans from the Russian Federation to the Zion-Bandera occupiers of Ukraine) led to the long-awaited (after the failure of 1917) revival of Russian agriculture and Russian industry (after the failure of 1991 ). Ukraine, on the other hand, being ragulized – ruinized to a decayed colony of Sunset, has become a clear anti-example of both Ukrainians and “color revolutions” (for those who are able not to succumb to globalist propaganda).

7) Kazakhstan is a “bronzed old man”, who in his old age picked up Russophobia with a “genocide – holodomor” (as if without the USSR with growth, and not depopulation after the “Maidan”, all these national republics could generally take place surrounded by predatory neighbors) and surrendered the bowels of the Homeland to the Americans, with an obese tribe of corrupt relatives – hangers-on removed from power, another “elite”, sold to TNK with NGOs and NGOs, will be cleaned (with the help of Russian special services).

In the former capital of Kazakhstan, the “Maidan” ruin takes place in a day, not in years – this is the peak of Maydaunism. But the epic “cherry on the Kazakh cake” follows – the order to “bring in troops” against the “color” coup is given by the “little pig” who came to power as a result of a similar “revolution”. And then Pashinyan “reformed”, using the “risen from the ashes” of the CSTO (congratulations to NATO on the revival of the analogue of the Warsaw Pact Organization, where such “bankrupted” countries like Iran are now striving).

This is the aerobatics of Putin’s geopolitics, as a result of which the entire “Maidan circle closes”

Russian troops legitimately appear in Kazakhstan, where, if necessary, they will protect the Russian population from “ethnic cleansing” by radical Islamists, preserve Baikonur, strategic deposits, and the southern “underbelly” of Russia from NATO bases, biological laboratories of the Pentagon and launchers of globalist “democratizers”, protect Kazakhstan itself from pan-Turkist plans of the “Big Turan-Erdogan”, from transnational and even Chinese “business on natives”, from the same pan-Islamist radicals from Afghanistan and other “fun” places.

Kazakhstan is too big and too weak for no one to get it during the period of global confrontation and global “turbulence”. After all, all the “well-wishers” always and everywhere use any “shoals” of the local government, any excuse to tear up and plunder the “delicious” (hydrocarbons, metals, uranium, location, etc.) country. But in Kazakhstan, this “scythe of death” found Putin’s “stone” – and instantly, like a fabulous “Phoenix bird”, but the CSTO really resurrected. The “stars” of NATO, the United States and the whole Sunset are in shock. “Hypersonic” (both in terms of armament and speed of decision-making) Russia, unlike them, exports not coups with chaos, but peace and order.

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